STAR is conducting a survey and would like all readers to let us know what their views are on the following questions below. Please be honest and refrain from swearing, cursing and being derogatory to anyone. This survey is important for the future of democracy in Seychelles.
Thank you for your honest opinions and value your contributions to the STAR blog.
1. Do you believe we live in a true democracy in Seychelles or is it just a "window-dressing" of a democracy?
2. Do you believe that the National Assembly (Legislative Branch of Government) is a real democratic institution and respected as such, or is it simply a "Rubber Stamp" for James Michel and Party Lepep?
3. Should the Opposition boycott the upcoming National Assembly elections, or should they participate?
4. Do you believe that Party Lepep will ever respect democratic norms if an opposition continues to be part of the process?
5. Should the Opposition unite and if so, how can that best be achieved?
1 – 200 of 405 Newer› Newest»1. Don't know
2. Don't know
3. Don't know
4. Don't know
5. Don't know
Any ideas, Gill ?
Please answer the question after trying through careful thought to process them.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
1.Living in a democracy? Surely you jest! We had more freedom under Ton Albert Rene. Michel is a disaster for democracy and his antics at playing with the judiciary rulings have brought us back to pre-Communist USSR days.
2.If one can call Herminie and Potter legislators, then my name must be Pinnochio. The National Assembly is a total disgrace and Seychelles would be better off without one.
3.Boycott completely as this is the only way forward. Let Michel win all 25 seats with no election. At least this will save us from standing in line to watch the police, ambulances and car hire bring in handicap people to vote.
4.Has Parti lepep, SPPF or SPUP ever respected anything since June 5th 1977? From bombing Reef Hotel to murders and AK47 coup detat to stealing state assets for themselves, we have seen it all. So a definite no to this question as Michel is the biggest liar and idiot ever to be born in Seychelles.
5.The main opposition SNP is finished. Unite or not, it won't make a difference as opposition members are tired of supporting a party with no leadership and no chance of winning. Most of my friends agree that the electoral reforms, if they were done properly, would have helped to even the playing field. But that is now history with Carpin's treason and it means Michel will appoint Gappy and that skinny lady to run the show once again. So united or not, the opposition has no chance of ever winning an election in Seychelles. The best way forward is for everyone to boycott and let Michel become the laughing stock of the world with 100% voters backing him. Cubans, North Koreans and old Russian communists will applaud his great win, along with an article from Alain St. Ange declaring what a great leader Michel is.
End of my survey.
1. Don't fucking care
2. Don't fucking care
3. Don't fucking care
4. don't fucking care
5.Don't fucking care
Does anyone give a rat's ass about the national assembly elections and who wins?
Anyone who also gives a monkey's ass about uniting the opposition please raise their paw!
Which opposition? Is there one? How do you go about uniting what does not exist?
Ramkalawan has been taking us down the road to total dessimation of what's left of SNP.
Good luck to whoever takes over this kales kase. He probably wants to make sure there won't be a kales, kase or otherwise for anybody to take over.
What shit he's brought us in.
Jane Carpin for Leader of Opposition!!!!
She has my vote!
Mine too. Go for it.
After she used her right hand to pleasure herself in the national assembly last Tuesday, not once but twice, she gets my support.
She can lead an orgy in the national assembly with Potter and Gamatis, with Herminie as voyeur.
1. Window dressing
2. A rubber stamp
3. Boycott.
4. Never
5. Don't know. No one listens.
This Survey is worthless. The leading questions are not appropriate. We all knnow the answers, including James Misel.
THE REAL QUESTION SHOULD READ: Should Christopher Gill Lead SNP ?
Go for it Christopher, you have my full backing.
An ex-SNP Supporter
I think I will switch my support from Carpin to Gill, in this case, as he has the momentum. Both floor crossers, but what the heck !
What exactly is James Michel telling us on his walk-about last Thursday ? That Dugasse has left a mess behind at Ministry of Land Use and Housing and he will now sort it out. We have been telling him that for a long time. It is just that he does not listen. What does he think Jean Paul Adam is doing at Foreign Affairs, Athanasius at Health etc etc ? The whole country is in a mess. He should have paid Jane Carpin a visit at the same time, to welcome the latest traitor to Parti Lepep.
China, the remaining bad guys in the world today, gets a taste of its own medicine and it is not happy. Obama meets the Dalai Lama and China calls it an interference in Chinese internal affairs. They should stop interfering in elections in Seychelles.
It's amazing, isn't it, that James Michel always finds a way to land in shit and comes out smelling like roses?
Ramkalawan lands in roses and comes out smelling like shit!!!!
Sesel sa!!!!!
Christopher - in case you've not noticed, THERE IS NO OPPOSITION in Seychelles today. There are a few voices, like yours, crying in the wilderness. What "unity of opposition forces" are you on about? Can you call SNP today "an opposition force"? NDP? Boulle? you must seriously feeling like you want a good laugh. Go for it boy!
The tourism trade is having an orgasm over St Ange's announcement that we've had 100,000 visitors so far this year. This number includes the fishermen on the foreign fishing vessels visiting port Victoria, the different groups of wankers from Adu Dhabi who came over to instal the desalination plant, the servants at Khalifa's palace, the indian construction workers, etc. Facinating how we can play around with figures and make them look "impressive". Before you guys start wetting yourselves, please check the kitty. As the small seychellois-owned hotels how they're doing. St Ange is full of air - figuratively and literally - He'll keep on bullshitting all of you. Not me.
Keep on the pressure on the oppressor Gill.
It depends on your own sense of smell. James Michel stinks.
The real 100,000th tourist arriving the later this year will feel really cheated being denied the honour and the gifts. Sesel sa!
Listen here you bunch of 'wankers".
Jane Carpin crossed the floor because she can.
Jane Carpin has exercised her Seychellois Democratic Right to express her point of view by crossing the floor.
And TICLO says that this is the price of Democracy. In any other "communist countries", Gill and other floor crossers would have been lined up against the wall and shot without being blind-folded.
Democracy at work?, San mem sa Sesel.
And all those that are bad mouthing Ramkalawan, show the Man the respect that he deserves. After all, he commands the respect of 45% of the voting Seychellois population and Dick Heads like Gill and his side-kicks would be very lucky if they win 3000 votes amjong themselves and yet they are the ones that gives Seychelles and us True Blue Seychellois a bad name/image in the Global Villages.
The detractors of JAM and RAM should do us all a favour by heading to Dadaad on a one way ticket. Solman vrais. Gill ek sa ban sipoze grand savan zot bez fer la peine!!!!! aaaarrrrrh wee Seigneur.
Anyone who crosses the floor from Parti Lepep faces a firing squad.
To anonymous of July 16, 2011 7:41 PM
Totof said:
No fucking swearing!
Any Member of Party Le Pep that does not cross the floor is also exercising his/her Democratic right not to do so because it's their choice not too.
That is also democratic at work in the same way Gill accuses and bad mouth the elected Office Bearers and Institutions with impunity for they have come to the conclusion a very long time ago that "Gill son la tete pa tro tro bon." He even sets fire to his own shed to claim an Insurance Job and then blames Party Le Pep for it. Zot O..bez moin en la paix sil vous plait et arete bat la tete ou prosan.
Democracy at work?...Sesel mem sa.
And Gill accuses 55 per cent of the Seychellois Voters who voted for JAM and 45 per cent who voted for RAM as "communists."
Me zot lee kee mem sa?.
Regardless of what Gill accuses.., that's Democracy at work...Sesel mem sa. Les li aboye mem foutou.
Gill stated that he "was prevented from attending the first DP Convention by State Security in collaberation with Sir James Mancham" when in actual fact, Gill did not even crossed the floor of the Convention centre as he was physically lifted by DP's own Supporters and zot ti fer li pass en ler en sel kou et debark li lo koltar foutou. That is what the so called Democratic Party treated their only elected Member who wanted to exercise his democratic right in challenging Sir James as the Leader of the Opposition by means of a secret ballot.
Democracy in the Democratic Party?.. Ti Nappa et juska present, Nappa mem.
To monsieur anonym of July 17 2011 3:49 pm:
No! No! No! No! No me amigo…although I agree with what ….well most of what you said on here I have to disagree on one thing…as of May 21st 2011 Ravel Wamkalawan...connu comme WAM….errr RAM commands the support of 41 percent! 41 et non pas 45 percent of the support of the Seychellois people! Let’s not get carried away here…we don’t want the auditors getting involved…taking of which…Yo Chris! Have you paid your taxes lately?
As for Jane Carpin….well…I wonder if she will marry me…uuummm or maybe just une petit fling? If not then just send Gill one of her photos!
....eeerrrr...he won’t like it because she is over 18!
Pissed off tre zoli...
Normalman sap ti femme i zoli et i telman zoli avek en bote natirel ki si ou atrap li for, mon dir ou ki ya va fonn dan ou lebra!!!!
O kontraire, la bote Gill is dan Zenofob et i pa Poli ditou pov Diab.
To "Gill's best Buddy"
Top of the evening to you Monsieur.
Between Bou bou bou boule and Vol vol vol voleur Volcer, they only managed under 2000 votes. And you said 41% voted for Wavel Ramkalawan?...
When is your best buddy Gill going to show the respect to Wavel that he so deserves?. Carpin can go and get stuffed because Carpin was not elected by the Voters of Sesychelles. Just remember also that Sir James Mancham never got elected as the President of Seychelles by the Seychellois Voters. And also bear in mind that we the Seychellois Voters never voted by means of a Referendum that we Yes or No want Independence for Seychelles. The biggest lie ever told was by Sssir James when he came back to Seychelles after the Constitution Conference and said "Independence has been forced on us by Great Britain" when he wanted Independence with Intergration with Britain. SPUP ti kouyonne li when they told him that if he does not ask for total independence, he would not have Residence at State House because the Queen's representative in Mr. Souyave would reside at State House as the Governor General. Sir James replied "Pig's Ass, I Sir James will reside at State House." And thus the biggest lie of all time "Independence has been forced on us."
People like Chow and Gill and others are adamant that Seychelles had true "Democracy" at Independence and yet we never had an Opposition Leader. And please, don't tell me that it was FAR because FAR was the Prime Minister and acting President. Some democracy my ass. Say thank you very much that FAR gave us true Democracy. And now you people complain about Drugs and Prostitutions. Well that's democracie for you.. If a person wants to drug up or solicit their body, that's their bloody choice too and they can tell you to piss off and mind as it is no business of yours what she/he does with their bodies.
And Gill, that's the price of Democracie you big Stupido.
And TICKLO's message to the Leader of the Opposition is ....Just remember that doing the right thing is the heart and sould of morality. I demand that you spend more time liasing with the duly elected President of Seychelles in James Michel and do not be afraid to treat the likes of Gill or any other detractors with the contempt they so deserve. When you drop in for a cuppa at State House from time to time, just remember that people like Gill, Chow, Volcer and Boule are just envious of your success and to "boycott" is at your own peril politically.
Have a good day and God Bless. Just remember that I TICKLO will personally rip your arms off -lol- should you even contemplate resigning as Leader of the Opposition.
If Pl Communists want a officially sanctioned opposition created by themselves, I do not see why they cannot have it.
In return for the autocratic practice, we will have a fake opposition like in BURMA.
That will really help St. Ange get his yields up high which he says he has nothing to do with.
Sesel Sa!
Tofof Gill,
Ki ou la raz avek Alain St. Ange.
Alain has exercised his democratic right to do what he want to do and that is to promote, promote, promote and promote Seychelles Tourism at every opportunity. He is not longer a politician and what he chooses to do is his business and his business alone and is not accountable to you.
What you write in your columns leaves a lot to be desired about other Seychellois Personalities. When have you ever written something nice about our Seychelles that have made you welcomed so as to promote our Seychelles?. We have made you welcomed and now you and your brother think that you own the bloody place!!!! I guess that's democracie at work...Sesel mem sa.
Ou mem ou le roi Zenofobia ici Seychelles and guess what?, with drugs, crime and prostitution is the "chaos" FAR talked about prior to granting Seychelles Multi-Party System for the first time and he said then that "he would not be part of it" and that Gill, is the price of Democracy. Sesel meme sa.
The biggest mistake that Ram has ever made was to take on board the DP that was headed by Chow. And the crap that Gill wrote were such "promulgation of fiction in the 'guise of facts....that can only be described as Murder by Language." Even to this day, Gill still shoots himself in the leg every time he opens his mouth with lies, lies lies and more lies.
That Democracie at work..Sesel memsa
I believe we have bigger issues than just saying yes or no to these question. Appreciate the effort for the survey, however we need to understand the cause of the problem and get the right solution for it. As long as PL i kwar ki sa pei i pou zot, lannen ale lannen vini menn gren mennn.
C.GILL is that bigger liar are you really sure all the things that are happenning in this country are all fake. You people out there must be very, very, very sick.
Wiehe is shedding crocodile tears over Gappy's resignation. We have all read what Gappy himself has said about how Wiehe has treated him shabbily. On Tuesday, Jane Judas told us she had an attack of conscience and voted with Parti Lepep (money, the root of all evils and of crossing the floor, was not involved). Now Wiehe says he is sad Gappy has left. Renesans Moral has not got a chance.
1. Do you believe we live in a true democracy in Seychelles or is it just a "window-dressing" of a democracy?
We live in a democracy, yes, but a democracy without a fair election process where one party has clear advantages paid by the tax-payers.
2. Do you believe that the National Assembly (Legislative Branch of Government) is a real democratic institution and respected as such, or is it simply a "Rubber Stamp" for James Michel and Party Lepep?
I believe the NA is a democratic institution, but controlled by non-democratic individs like Herminie who fails to let things happen deomocratically and constitionally.
3. Should the Opposition boycott the upcoming National Assembly elections, or should they participate?
Yes, I believe they should so that those wankers can once and for all disappear from the political sgtage of Seychelles and allow room for a new party which really believes in democratic values and practices internal democracy.
4. Do you believe that Party Lepep will ever respect democratic norms if an opposition continues to be part of the process?
Yes I do, they will respect such as they have no choice to respect it if and only if a true and serious opposition enters the stage.
5. Should the Opposition unite and if so, how can that best be achieved?
The existing opposition should not unite, then we're better off with the PL which is the better of 2 evils. A coming opposition should win an election alone and alone only. If they fail to do so then they do not deserve to run the country.
I don't think we should bother with this survey in the context which it is being made because sometimes the contributors cannot really be trusted to be constructive on these blogs. We should do what we need to do, full stop. SNP with or without 41% does not have the monopoly on truth and good leadership. And as for the SNP apologists who from time to time refuses to be truthful to themselves, so be it. SNP did not invent the opposition, they rode on the back of other's demise and rightly so, but for all of us who have been fighting in opposition before the existence of SNP or going further back before Parti Seselwa, we do not need to ask for anyone's permission to do what we feel is right, neither do we need to apologise for it. I think that it is time to look at how to unite the opposition forces to work out a common strategy to challenge Lepep. We missed it before the presidential elections and if there is a will to do it now, let's do it. It can never be too late. It is time for us to tone down our language and look at ways on how to do this because there is more to unite us than divide us in this cause. We have to start somewhere. For those who prefer to stay hidden and criticise then let them remain the cowards that they are. There is work to be done!!
Aloha, everyone, Smiley is back.
A lot has been going on eh!! What is this survey that is going around? I have just read the blogs here and it is clear that Gillo is losing the battle. Xenophobia is your downfall as a politician Gilly. If you want us to really take you seriously, then start by polishing your manners. Stop insulting the seychellois people (Lepep, SNP, DP and whatever.) We are all very intelligent irrespective of what party we support.
Have a nice evening mate.
Love Smiley Boy.
Reply to Christopher Anonymous Gill; July 17 9:34 pm
Titof; how would you call today; Bloody Sunday or Black Sunday?
Which ever name you prefer, depi ou ek ou pti survey inn bez anmas en bon beze kondire wouldn’t you say, and I for one enjoyed it thoroughly!
In truth…truth being your big lie…I see you writing the “State house anytime now” column well into your vieux jours… and the only time you will ever go there will be if the president of the day gives you an audience…that’s if you have been a good boy and behaved…otherwise continyen fouy ou trou delo Praslin!
Sayonara; see you tomorrow. Like they say; another day another dollar…in your case another day another beze kondire!
RAM having 45% of popular support? Are you on something that we should know about?
Once upon a time, people did believe in him. But those days are long gone. He's lucky if he comes away with 10% support today. A pity really because he's done quite a bit for the country. his problem is that he never kne when to leave. Even Rene did not make that fatal mistake.
Was it Napoleon who said"apres moi le deluge"? Ramkalawan is no Napoleon. Why is he hanging on, humiliating himself and hurting the party? Why doesn't he call an emergency convention to get a new leader elected and allow the party to get on with the job? He's a lame duck leader and there is no way he would be able to effectively oppose Michel.
Tiklo Proxy For Rene The Butcher-
I know you are the best mind available in the PL to debate and obstruct the ideas on this site.
St. Ange has betrayed the Trade by not remaining independent politically as he said he was, when he sought endorsement of the TRADE to go to STB. Simple.
On Arrivals, St. Ange has done well and has remained consistent, but he has failed to take responsibility to analyze the Yield Factor, (Revenue) which is tied in directly to the Law of Supply and Demand.
Michel Administration created a economic blunder when it added more rooms, while demand for the same was dropping substantially.
Combined with world market trends a downturn in play, it has been catastrophic for Seychelles Tourism. In addition, Tiklo, there is no water in Seychelles or capacity to create potable water to sufficient levels to meet existing domestic demand.
Hence, we use BAKKE today to shower, like we did 60 years ago. Perhaps you have a slight oversight Tiklo which is born out of your perversions that occupy your mind and corrupt your thought, like rust to old steel.
Finally, Tiklo, we do not envy Ramkalawan for anything. To the contrary I have been like a brother to him advising him to unite the opposition for years.
He did not listen, because he listened to people like you: Collaborators.
At times he attacked me, and called me all types of names. I can take that because I know that is what he was taught by Rene and the Communist indoctrination that formed his basic instincts at an early age.
However Tiklo, Proxy For Rene the Butcher, I am big enough to know the difference between the real actions of a man, and the reactions to a Communist system in place that manipulate a man. Your admitted overreaching into his party today, is an example of that very sick perversion.
Under Communism Tiklo, we are all animals , just like you are.....until we are "Free" as God intended us to be.When that happens, you too will be free, thoguh you may have to divert your freedom through Montagne Possee first for your crimes, of murder , pillage and rape of a small tiny state. Shame on you pervert.
This is why Pope John Paul fought so hard to end Communism in his native land Poland.
In Seychelles, the opposition must adjust their sails to do the same.
When we do this we are not losing, we are on the right track to VICTORY.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Can St Ange really say that all thos arrivals are in deed tourists? How many of these are:
- Citizens coming home for vacation
- Businessmen
- Expats
- Seaman
NO 1,2,4 No with a capital N-a gang who forced the way to power by guns can never be domocractic.N0. 3)yYes because it works ,proof,Pp has dissolved the Assembly.4),Yes they must unite,and how? by formulating a common strategy on common issues and, since they are fighting a common enemy Unity is strenght and the best tool to success.
Jeanne DÂrc
Jeanne DÂrc
There is no need for St Ange to rejoy on the arrival statistic,it is a number still below most countries in the region,Muaritius i think has already recorded 300,ooo arrrivals,Maldives more or less the same .There are lots of work to be done.
Jeanne D'Arc
1. Do you believe we live in a true democracy in Seychelles or is it just a "window-dressing" of a democracy?
Window dressing.
2. Do you believe that the National Assembly (Legislative Branch of Government) is a real democratic institution and respected as such, or is it simply a "Rubber Stamp" for James Michel and Party Lepep?
Rubber stamp
3. Should the Opposition boycott the upcoming National Assembly elections, or should they participate?
4. Do you believe that Party Lepep will ever respect democratic norms if an opposition continues to be part of the process?
No but i beleive despite the uneven playing field the opposition can win an election provided they are united and have a good canddate and campaign strategy, and be prepared for the aftermath of winiing of the elections.
5. Should the Opposition unite and if so, how can that best be achieved?
Good timing for this survey and sad that there are very few surveys done in Seychelles.
1. Definite window dressing
2. Definite rubber stamp
3. Boycott completely and put pressure on James Michel to change
4. Yes they will if they lose an election
5. Only a united opposition can take on the rich and powerful Party Lepep. The first job is for the current Opposition leader Wavel Ramkalawan to invite all other leaders, movers and shakers in the business community at large and other influential Seychellois both local and abroad to a United Conference. At this conference, the first order of business would be for him to demonstrate good faith and courage and resign as leader of the SNP. This will clear the way for a new party to emerge, along with new leadership. If you look at Party Lepep, it is the same people behind the scenes and in the limelight, but yet, they have changed their names twice in just over a decade, and have revamped their party, their message, their marketing etc. So if Party Lepep can do it, so can SNP, New DP, Boulle etc. This is very important if Seychelles is to have a believable opposition. If this does not happen, then we are back to a one-party state as personally, I am not about to vote in the upcoming legislation election nor future presidential elections. as my good mate just told me this weekend: "Give me one clear reason why I should go and vote?"
You will go and vote -- because you fear victimisation if you don't.
Wiehe's weekend statement on Father Gappy exposes the hypocrisy in him. Under him, the Catholic Church in Seychelles has lost credibility and moral authority. Wiehe is seen to be taking too many favours from the Parti Lepep government. We know that what Parti Lepep wants, Parti Lepep buys. The Catholic Church is quieter than a church mouse. It does not want to offend Parti Lepep and relies on the government for new churches. If people were inclined to look at this church closely, they will desert it in droves.
Wiehe has been harassing the wrong Gappy. He should try Hendrick Gappy.
The greatest obstacle to democracy today is Wavel Ramkalawan. Until he gives up the leadership of the party we'll never be able to reorganise ourselves to be an effective opposition and give James michel a run for his money. He's wasting space for personal reasons. When more people understand this, they'll leave the party in droves.
Window dressing:means using the trapping on democractic institutions to give the impression that one follows democratic principles while in reality is just a pretention to gain legitimicy.
Rubber Stamp Parliament:is a body that passes or approves anythings that the ruling party wants without really giving the subject well thought.
Jeanne DÂrc
I can't see how leaving SNP for PL will bring democracy. That's what Jane Judas is saying to explain her treachery.
We should be calling for Marie Louise Potter, Patrick Herminie, Danny Faure and James Michel to RESIGN for their unconstitutional dissolution of the national assembly. Ramkalawan needs to stay to lead a boycott of the national assembly elections.
Govinden too needs to go, to bring confidence in the government of this country.
Constitutional Court reverses coup d'état against national assembly. Unless Michel uses his power to dissolve the assembly, all Parti Lepep MNAs without Jane Judas will trot back to their Chinese built national assembly building to resume work with their tails between their legs. For good measure, SNP will boycott it, unless it is a session called for "the purpose" of dissolving the assembly to embarrass the dictators in Seychelles today.
The judges must send a strong message to Parti Lepep government that incompetence in all parts of the government is wasting the judiciary's time which could be better spent on hearing criminal cases and locking up criminals.
Let's hope they have not paid Jane Judas the full amount yet.
"""Where the National Assembly at a meeting summoned for this purpose resolves by the
affirmative votes of not less than two-thirds of the number of members of the Assembly
that the Assembly be dissolved, the National Assembly shall stand dissolved on the day
next following the passing of the resolution."""
The collective brains (must be brawns) of Parti Lepep -- State House, Michel, Attorney General's Office, Govinden, Leader of Government Business Potter, Speaker Herminie and some 22-odd goons as MNAs -- could not read and understand these 51 words, 1 hyphen, 1 comma and 1 full stop in the constitution.
"summoned for this purpose"
They have all been spooked by this English phrase. They should re-write the Constitution in Arabic for Michel to understand.
Anonymous said...
If this was a quickie dissolution, I wonder whether it is constitutional.
Article 111
Where the National Assembly at a meeting summoned for this purpose resolves by the
affirmative votes of not less-than two-thirds of the number of members of the Assembly
that the Assembly be dissolved, the National Assembly shall stand dissolved on the day
next following the passing of the resolution.
July 12, 2011 7:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Where the National Assembly at a meeting summoned for this purpose -- was Potter's motion on the order paper ?
July 12, 2011 7:28 PM
1. No we do not have Democracy back home.
People are still afraid to speak their views. The biggest SPPF supporters will complain "in quiet" that there's no water & everything is expensive, but they see it as their duty to carry on living that life.
The other questions don't even apply, because we do not have Denocracy back home.
Do you believe we live in a true democracy in Seychelles or is it just a "window-dressing" of a democracy?
Ceratinly Not
2. Do you believe that the National Assembly (Legislative Branch of Government) is a real democratic institution and respected as such, or is it simply a "Rubber Stamp" for James Michel and Party Lepep?
No-rubber stamping is their task
3. Should the Opposition boycott the upcoming National Assembly elections, or should they participate?
This is the most important point. There are mixed messages out there and this is not right. Some say do not participate and some say destroy your vote. Get our goals right then we will know what is the course of action to take. THE GOAL THE GOAL is the answer nothing else... Right
If we want to show that people of Seychelles is not happy about the election playing field and level of democracy process then a boycott is the answer. why would I participate in a game when my opponent is not plating fair.You will always loose big time.
4. Do you believe that Party Lepep will ever respect democratic norms if an opposition continues to be part of the process?
Never not until these two are gone for good
5. Should the Opposition unite and if so, how can that best be achieved?
Of course, but unite based on the goal i.e botcott to start with.
if not, we know now that SNP has served its time and as we know all great things come to an end. As I said since 2 years now. G .Gill should lead although we know he may not be the absolute perfect candidate, but he is the one and only one who can lead to change in this country.
In otherwords, we need a PRAGMATIC and RADICAL approach.The more we dream of the past the more we stay in the past. SNP represents the past. The future is for us to change.
If I had to choose between Michel's motion to appoint an electoral commission being defeated or Michel getting slapped down by the constitutional court and having the national assembly re-instated -- well it's a toss-up.
They will be less cocky in future in denying people their constitutional rights, based on a cocky interpretation of the constitution.
Oh what a mess ! Parti Lepep is losing its touch. They used to be so good at dirty tricks.
And SFP is putting the pressure,thats why they are making more ploitical mistakes.They are becoming more accountable and they feel the stress once more.
Also he is becoming careless as he feels he has won the second term so he can do what he wants. But SFP should let hom know who is watching out for him.
I think you are getting your letters of the alphabet mixed up. You mean SNP.
The Constitutional Court of Seychelles has declared the dissolution of the National Assembly on July 12, 2011, unconstitutional and ordered Speaker Patrick Herminie to proceed forthwith with reconvening the Assembly.
In an urgent session on Monday July 18, a three-member Court with Judges Karunakaran, Renaud and Dodin took the petition filed by SNP legal counsel Bernard Georges in the name of two members, Nicholas Prea and Jean-François Ferrari. The petition averred that the dissolution was illegal because a critical provision of the Constitution, Article 111, had not been followed. This article required that a motion for dissolution of the Assembly could only be taken up in a meeting specially called for the purpose. The petition filed by Mr. Georges submitted that the motion had been taken as part of the ordinary session on Tuesday, and that members had not been informed beforehand that the matter was to be considered.
At the same time, the Court took up a similar petition filed by Parti Lepep MNA Clifford André, seeking the same declaration. This totally unprecedented move by a Parti Lepep MNA against an action by his own party had obviously been brought to take some attention away from the SNP petition. Clifford André had himself voted in favour of dissolution, together with all other members of his party. His decision to file a petition against the decision shows a complete contradiction and confusion of the members of Parti Lepep.
In a unanimous decision, the Court was categorical that the Constitutional requirement for dissolution had not been followed and the resolution had to be reversed immediately.
The Court ruling shows that Speaker Patrick Herminie to have been entirely in the wrong in allowing the motion for dissolution brought by Leader of Government Business Marie-Louise Potter. Herminie has repeatedly shown poor judgement and a lack of understanding of his role as Speaker.
The SNP has now called for his resignation as Speaker.
July 18, 2011
Under pressure from the boycott of the national assembly, Parti Lepep cracked.
They should get Herminie and Potter to resign by sunset. Michel and Govinden can resign later.
Presumably Clifford Andre was trying to tell us that he is the only one in Parti Lepep who knows what the English phrase "at a meeting summoned for this purpose" means.
A be zot bann bloody getapen this court ruling i en bloody kick in the teeth for this fat slob also known as Christopher Gill!
Contrary to what Dr Doom a.k.a. Fat Gill has always been saying and has been trying so very hard to emphasize on this amateurism survey of his where he got a bloodied knose….errr nose yesterday the constitutional court of the land of Les iles Seychelles has told Gill and all his GETAPEN to go and get well and truly STUFFED of which Gill will explode if he does as he is already stuffed that WE DO HAVE DEMOCRACY IN SEYCHELLES! KAPISH BANN KOUYON AMATER!
So this is two fingers up your survey fes GILL!....oh! And one middle finger up your kouyon PAKI!
I'm lovin' it!
Oh! And Clifford Andre will not be ostracised for exercising his democratic right unlike Jane - aprenn bann salte!
I swear you cannot read.
They are illiterates. Some semi-literates.
Clifford Andre is a lawyer. He should have known the motion that he supported in the national assembly was unconstitutional. He should be de-barred from the Bar.
In the old days, the judges took orders from State House. These days, State House has to be schooled as their IQ is somewhere around 10. Or maybe 9.
Maybe James Michel wants to enroll himself into Bel Air Montessori school with his young daughter, and sit next to her bodyguards and they can all learn how to read, write and speak.
Michel has been a disaster for our country since Ton Albert handed him the keys to State House, and now Danny freckle face waits his turn with brother Barry preaching to us on TV as well.
Michel bankrupted our country in only 15 months. He sold our country to the Arabs in a few more months after that. He made our people drink Delo Kaka Malbar for several months to cover up his shit. The Chinese have built our new parliament building and Kalifa the new diagnostic centre. Our hospital has changed its name. Our people are thirsty and stink from not having water to drink and bathe. Our young girls and boys are turning to prostitution and drugs by the thousands and who can blame them. Thousands more are on welfare. Michel's ministers lie to us every night on TV while praising themselves and their emperor who has no clothes. Air Seychelles is bankrupted by David Savy and friends while little brother Francis brings in a new plane and helicopters to fly to Big Brother Glenny's islands.
Millions continue to disappear from our coffers while containers belonging to Michel's friends continue to enter the country without any searches or tax paid. Mukesh has sent his customers to hell at Intelvision, and you pay now to watch blank screens. Even Cable & wireless mobile system is suffering from radio wave interference from Kalifa's towers and it takes 10 calls to get hold of anyone. Don't even try the Police Station or try to call for an ambulance. You are dead either way.
But Escobars walk the streets freely and fly first class to Asia and Europe flaunting their newly-found wealth. Michel and Morgan know them all they say, probably from the donations to the party funds. Michel is traveling in first class jets to Formula One races in Abu Dhabi and to meet the pope again at the Vatican to atone for his sins, all the while fucking Bastienne right underneath the nose of Natalie, assuming of course he can still get it up with the use of the blue Viagra pills left over in the desk drawers of Albert Rene. Hope he uses the left over condoms given to him by Gilbert Pool from the 2020 Expo. Might be used though, from behind that is by Pool himself or maybe Minister tight-Boyo Adam. AIDS is rampant my boy so be on the look out. And remember the windmills that will soon ruin the pristine Victoria Marine Park landscape. No worries, Alain St. Ange will turn it into a tourism attraction, along with the cable car to the Kalifa mountains. Glenny does not like it by the way.
Indian Ocean Games just around the corner and the overseas athletes have been told to bring their own water supply as Perseverance is really a dry island like lil ses.
Oli 2020 Victoria waterfront project and bridges and tunnels and touch the future screens? Oli black gold delwil Guy Adam ek son tankers, et oli ton blue gold? Oli dizef swazo Glenny bez ou manman?
In the meantime, the Catholic Bishop from Mauritius is now a Seychellois citizen and is a spokesman for Party Lepep, while he fires good Seychellois priests such as our good singing guitar-toting Father Gappy. Next will be Father Collins and Per Lonnie Adrienne. Shame on you Wiehe you bloody aster-la. Go eat a tang and go back to Mauritius you so-called priest wanna-be. The Catholic church is choking to death in Seychelles because of you and James Michel and your communist preachings. No wonder all the Seselwa youth are turning to Islam for salvation. Allah is great and Kalifa will provide and they do not tolerate gay priests who take advantage of our little boys or little girls for that matter.
And we wonder why it no longer rains in our once great country. What we need is a lightning strike on State House to burn all the dumb inhabitants that live within and bring peace to our country and to SBC every night. Then we need a tsunami to wash away the Party Lepep house of parliamentary horrors at lil Perseverance, along with the obese Herminie, shrieky bitch Potter and all the dumb red idiots that are left over, along with their new red Judas attraction, Jane Carpin. Let them wash out to sea for a few days and reach the Somalia shores. Joel Morgan will save their sorry butts and fire 10,000 bullets into the side of the boat, or they can use Herminie as a hostage as it would take two thousand somalis to feed on him for a week before they would reach his bones. That boy is FAT and getting fatter than brother William the Conqueror. Oh, where is Dolor and Doctor Ramados these days? Low profile or run out of money after funding the elections?
Lord Almighty, save our country and let it rain frogs on these sinners.
The Joker
IQ is 5. Misel's favourite number. They even sing about it.
Clifford Andre is a lawyer? Someone check where he got his degree from. Probably North Korea or Cuba.
Gee, and I thought he was one of those baka drinkers with a license given by Baka Minister Joel Morgan.
Is that all you can say Joker?
You want more ? You are a glutton for punishment.
5 seems to be tro bokou pou zot!
Hello Cherie Pissedoff i happy,
i happy too. me happy, u happy, we all happy.
R U still in nappy like Michel? Or do u have the clappy like his mistresses? Babi nice, but crappy in diapy. Gappy still commissioner and lappy dog of Misel? Maybe Rappie Chiccolor? How about Tapi latab? Or UV that Morgan can use to power up Vero vibby or his baby's Tata or Tatty buses?
Bye for now, The Joker Zappie.. who is really witty.
Joker; me? velly velly happy!...but you I doubt! You are just a pissedoff witless crappie little sidekick for Fat Chris together with his little tart who today along with SNP has been well and truly stuffed!
I hope through your witless naivity you have recognised the ace that PL’s was carrying up their sleeve!
Well done to the Honorable Marie-Louise Potter and Herminie for showing you bozos what democracy really is about!
Who has the last laugh now?
Cherie Pissedoff,
It is the JOKER who always laughs last.
And it is Potter and Herminie who make us laugh the most, along with the idiot-savant Michel or JAM on me bread. Even the judges had a good laugh today, as did all the jokers in the pack.
Enjoy London as it will soon start getting cold and wet. Unlike you and Mrs. Potter I imagine, the wet part no longer exist unless Viagra James can help. But me believeth that you are both as cold as the stinking salmon at Tescos.
Good evening to you madam and I will have a cold Seybrew please. No tuna sandwich with that.
The Joker
Au contraire mon ami, I am the one drinking the Seybrew this very minute and since you are that familiar with Tesco I assume that is where you will be shopping for your beer tonight!
I don’t know about any wet bits and salmon but I do know that my salami does not need any blue pills to keep it up. And that joker in the pack that you mentioned, hell you were just talking about yourself there!
After you’ve made yourself cosy take a minute and reflect on today’s judgement, assess it against all that you bozos have been shouting about year in and year out and see what it actually means then…..and only then Laugh if you still have the heart for it!
Mwan? Mon pe toufe!
Oh! And please do have the tuna sandwich….it’s much healthier then coleslaw with Cider!
It will be a deflated Herminie who will preside over the recalled National Assembly to re-dissolve it tomorrow. Obviously they expect Jane Judas to turn up and betray SNP supporters for a third time. Serves her right for aligning herself with the devil. Potter will move the motion again. What a circus ! This will serve to underline their incompetence which is making history.
Let me give Herminie some advice on the Constitution, as he clearly cannot rely on Govinden's legal advice. He still needs 23 MNAs to support the motion, not just two-thirds of MNAs present at the meeting. The constitution says "the affirmative votes of not less than two-thirds of the number of members of the Assembly". That means 23 legal MNAs must raise their hands. Otherwise the dissolution is still not constitutional.
Jane Judas is no longer an SNP member, so she cannot vote as an SNP MNA. The constitution does not recognise her 'independent' status. Parti Lepep has landed the legislature in deep shit.
It will be a historic session of the national assembly. SBC should cover it live. There was no proper debate last time. This time there should be one.
The party of incompetence. Parti Lepep will never live this one down -- as long as the wankers responsible are still in the Attorney General's office or in the National Assembly.
Do these PL MNAs understand the paperwork that they pretend to be reading in the National Assembly ?
If Govinden advised them to dissolve the assembly, that's the credibility of the Attorney General's office shot to pieces.
To the Joker from Smiley
Hey you little maleleve. You can voice your opinion as much as you want but that does not give you the right to insult the leaders of this country or any party for that matter. Democracy comes with responsibility. Insulting people and making disparaging remarks will not get you anywhere in life. Or maybe you need to get rid of whatever frustration you have got. If it is sexual (looks like it), then you do not have to look too far. Just get to town and the girlies will take care of your little willy (sorry, just guessing.) It is a democratic country, isn't it? Those girls are allowed to sell their body whenever they feel like it. There is the demand , so they supply. I hope that after the experience you will crawl back into your little hole and hibernate for the next 100 years. We will then not see anymore insults to the leaders of this country. Speak your mind out matey, but don't get personal, you lose credibility.
think about it.
Love Smiley Boy (man)
What's going on in Seychelles complaint at hospital's Victoria.Some peoples attacking nurses and doctors shame on Michel and PP.
I dont blame those peoples!why because our health service is fuck up seen a long time and only PP peoples are getting good service and good health treament,if you dont support PP or you dont beleave in communist than you have to die quickly like a dog.
Will they now give Govinden an Irish minder or replace him by an Irish Attorney General altogether ?
Herminie tried to get the national assembly to commit suicide, but he botched that. How he can dare show his face again in the national assembly, I do not know. Parti Lepep's habit of appointing incompetent party activists to important jobs has come back to bite them in the arse.
The incompetent was so clear-cut that even sympathetic judges could not bail them out/
Hey Smiley Boy Man, the gay porno man who was having sex with an underage boy is full Parti Lepep, and looking for new victims. So maybe you can approach him when he returns home. Or maybe the real pit men at prison will take care of him when he gets incarcerated.
As for you Pissedoff who is celebrating la victoire, glad to hear that you are supporting our local brewery and not in London acting out your lady role. Sorry to burst your tiny bubble with my LITTLE prick, but I just happen to be right here in Seychelles playing dominos and enjoying our real Seselwa babes, not these fabric pussies like Gill always talks about. I like my meat rare and blackened, and not the salmon type. But these days with no water, better keep away from any ass-licking old chap as you might be in for a nasty disease a la Kalifa. Of course, the Arabs prefer the likes of JP Adam tight boyo, and your hero Emperor Michel has already bent over backwards for the Sheik, so napa friz kiste e trou fes yn fini kase. But then, the party hopefully got a donation, and I hope Michel, Danny and Adam have not swallowed all of it without sharing a bit with you. But then, me thinks you are the ass-licking type.
Keep them coming you Parti Lepep sluts. Pool also left me with 2020 unused condoms, so have plenty to use on you two and even a few to spare for Herminie, Potter who really needs it badly and of course Andre the infamous lawyer who is now suing Herminie.
What a travesty for the once great party of Albert Rene!
The one and only Jokerrrrrrrrr nwenr.
Pissedoff, go piss in a corner with your seybrew n leave the debates to real Seselwa man who actually have a dick n can stand up to that pathetic twat called JAM. No one invited u to our party u idiot. Go to the People site if u want to masturbate.
PP peoples are sick not us,Michel has already a mad cow diseases,that why you see sesel is in shit.YOu know what is the fucking problems with Seselwa who vote for PP there the most peoples that you hear complaining on the street.If you have your proplem pp peoples go and seat on the front door of Michel.
You are those peoples who are fucking sick soon you will eat only shit of those foreigners and they will walk on you like a carpet.
Tiklo you are the same like your master RAM you will never learn to cold down your nerve.Any some seselwa dont have this who to keep cool.what is wrong Tiklo your wife has left you or ou famme de vi in kit ou.bat sick or go on the beach and put your old dick in the crabs hole.
What judges are saying is that the best brains in Parti Lepep cannot read and on such a simple interpretation of the constitution, they will not go down with Parti Lepep's idiots.
As we have been saying for a long time, Michel does not know how to read.
Ramka may be going down but in what style!
James Michel is suddenly wondering what hit him!!!!
Ale Fader!!!!!!
I thought that the photo on nation was supposed to be that of the 100,000th visitor? Why was St ange's tummy occupying a third of the small photo frame? Can the guy ever stay away from the limelight? Does he have to be in every photo?
He is hardly photogenic.
Baboon Herminie's humiliation is far from over. He is probably beginning to regret Jane Judas's betrayal. His reputation is completely destroyed. It will be a surprise if he is returned to the national assembly after the elections. But we have been surprised before by new depths in Parti Lepep's incompetence. Incompetents abound -- Gappy, Govinden, Herminie and not forgetting the ponce, Jean Paul Adam.
Guys, have you noticed how quiet Tiklo Tikolor is now????? I'm loving every moment of this! Yoooohooooooooooooooooo! Go PL, this is gonna hit the world news tomorrow.
SBC presented the news as if it is a victory for Clifford Andre. He would not have had the courage to petition the court had SNP not announced on Wednesday that it was taking the speaker to court. Clifford Andre voted for the dissolution, like a meek lamb, although SBC failed to point that out. So when afterwards did he realise that the action taken by Parti Lepep's MNAs was a constitutional monstrosity ? Was it after reading STAR that evening ?
Make Clifford Andre Attorney General. At least he knows where to come for legal guidance.
The other guilty man is ANTOINE ONEZIME. SBC's failure to hold Parti Lepep's incompetent placemen to account is helping to spread incompetence in the country.
The poor PISSEDOFF is confused .Like his master Michel he thought holding election every five years is democracy.Democracy before all is as Abraham Lincoln once put it"Democracy is the government of the people,by the people,for the people".For the last thirty four years we been having a competive authoritarian system which is not a governemnt of the people,by the people,and for the people by an autocrate system for a gang of mafias.
Jeanne DÂrc
Andre is a law but does not seems to know the rule of this country for he voted for the dissolution of the Assembly which was illegally ,and yet you want him as Attorney General,are kidding us?
Jeanne DÂrc
It's now gone past 12:35 pm and no one has opened their gob since that tart at 10:11 am so who's the confused ones?
I also noticed that pere Gill did not do his daily Jerry Springer summation early this morning. What happened, chewed on too much toffee and got his dentures stuck?
The Nation's front page today
Indeed it should be front page, it's huge information that the people should know about.
"Judge Renaud said that what happened boiled to “suicide“ of the Assembly." The Nation's version.
"'It was a special provision to be used only when the National Assembly wishes to commit suicide.'said the judges." Today's version.
The journalists @ The Nation are full of fears. Which brings us back to NO DEMOCRACY.
Mrs Potter, what is your point??
The dissolution was front page on Nation last week. It was being trumpeted as a victory for Parti Lepep. With such a major constitutional issue (where even a Parti Lepep MNA went to the same court for "clarification" on what Potter and Herminie had done), Nation decides to give bank staff training priority. Michel's breakfast must not be spoilt, whatever crises envelope the country.
The Nation report says that the judges say that the Speaker should give 7 days notice, yet Herminie yesterday gave less than 24 hours. Perhaps Herminie was not in court. He should have been there to suffer the humiliation in person and find out in person what the judges said.
Somehow, I half expected Herminie to defy the judges and maintain the assembly had been properly dissolved. Then the judges would have had him carted off to Montagne Posee prison, with current inmates waiting for him with glee. Shower time there would never be same again. He is too big a coward to stand by what he has done. He would rather be publicly declared an incompetent and ignorant, which of course he is.
All this incompetence, ignorance and cowardice are being played out on SBC for all to see. And SBC is telling only part of this Parti Lepep soap opera story. It is a poor reflection (but accurate one) on all those Parti Lepep placemen, placewomen, beaux and fops in positions of authority well beyond their meagre ability and Cuban university qualifications. It is extraordinary that not a single head has rolled for this spectacular cock-up. No one is decent or honourable enough to resign. In the much vaunted En Nouvo Sesel, incompetence, ignorance and cowardice are de rigueur, starting from the very top. With the judges starting to protest. At long last.
An hour since my last post and not a stir...?
Read the post before yours and weep.
The judgement was a serious blow to Herminie's and Lepep's ego and worse of all for them was that the blow was served by their own appointed judge. Hats off to Judge Karanukaran for obeying and respecting the constitution and hats off to SNP was bringing this forward.
As the humiliation causes blood to fill the already over-inflated cheeks of Herminie to swell even more, JAM's malgas pet lemur, Mau Gasparen keeps on banging about PL's victory and SNP's lack of ability to realize defeat.
I believe that assembly will be dissolved again, only this time by following the proper procedures according to the constitution that PL has now finally realized that they are not above.
Now all that remains to see is if the floor-crossers with their bad conscience will vote for or against when Gro Lerni...sorry. I meant Herminie raises his hammer again waiting for the vote result.
And if the floor crossers do not give enough majority, then JAM will have no choice than to dissolve assembly himself and eventually also resign and a new election will be on the doorstep. Then we'll also see if Viral Dhanjee will be allowed to participate. After all, he is not the only one who has the beast by the tail. :-D
Or what say you Tikolor Pissedoff?
True dat, plus with Mr Bernard Georges' new book Democracy Delayed - i've only just started reading - people will learn about our little so-called paradise. It is a paradise, a paradise for the richest.
The day Lepep's luck started to run out - 18th July 2011!!
More surprises coming their way.....
"And if the floor crossers do not give enough majority, then JAM will have no choice than to dissolve assembly himself and eventually also resign and a new election will be on the doorstep."
This is still a victory for Parti Lepep but because of your tunnel vision you cannot see the bigger picture!
lol lol
Should have put it on front page then.
Stay tuned!
Apparently the Assembly met this morning with motion to dissolve, only Jane Carpin was there on the opposition side and National Assembly is now dissolved again. Lol!!
Will do :)
Jane Carpin is no longer a member of the SNP btw.
More blunders to come!!??
LOL, what a laughing stock we have become for the global community. A caountry who cannot even follow it's own rules. Tikolor, contact Guiness Book of Record, we've finally become legendary by breaking the world record in dissolving assembly.
Jane Carpin's position is not clear-cut.
On the one hand, the constitution says a sacked MNA is still an MNA until the constitutional court and court of appeal have heard their case. The court of appeal re-iterated that in DP's Elizabeth case.
On the hand, the constitution does not recognise an MNA who is no longer a member of their party. Carpin was expelled from SNP. That concept is alien in the constitution and was not tested in the Elizabeth case. The constitution says that an MNA who is no longer a member of their political party can be removed as MNA. Carpin cannot sit as an SNP MNA and cannot sit as an independent. Crossing the floor is not allowed in the constitution and Carpin has clearly now crossed the party by her return to the assembly with Parti Lepep. It is now a fact she has crossed the floor, despite what she says, and is clearly not part of SNP. Resignation takes effect immediately. Sacking can be appealed to to the courts and this takes time.
It is also not clear whether Janes Carpin has actually appealed to the constitutional court. She said on SBC she would. She had 30 days to do it.
Unlike yesterday's dissolution court case, the constitution is unclear on sacked MNAs. This gives judges a lot of leeway, and an opportunity to worm their way back into Parti Lepep's good books.
Bernard Georges talks about the party's right to rotate proportional members. Rotation is not in the constitution. As the court said yesterday, the constitution is above national assembly procedures.
I think Carpin will lose her appeal before the constitutional court. The constitution clearly states that an MNA ceases to be an MNA if they cease to be a member of their political party. She can only argue that SNP has not sacked her as a member properly. The question, as Bernard Georges said on SBC last week, what happens to the MNA's voting rights while the appeal is heard. I suspect the MNA has full rights until the appeal is heard.
Carpin is determined to be a bull in a china shop. A woman's scorned, indeed. It does undermine her argument that she acted out of conscience last week. This tells otherwise.
The constitution clearly states that an MNA ceases to be an MNA if they cease to be a member of their political party.
Pp wants total control of the Assembly,which means that half of the population will not have representation.If this situation persist then Opposition must call for nation wide protest .Charpin must be sacked or SNP supporters in the district she was elected must call for her resignation.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jane Carpin has been dismissed by The SNP. She is no longer a member of the SNP.
More blunder in the assembly, i tell ya.
Has Herminie stuck two fingers up at the judges and not given the 7 days notice the judges said was required ?
The judges will not be amused. It is a trial of strength. The judges can still rule this one unconstitutional but they probably won't, if Parti Lepep has the 23 votes any way.
It is arguable whether the Speaker should wait for the outcome of Jane Carpin's appeal before presenting the motion for dissolution.
Can elections really be held before next April if the legal status of the dissolution is unclear, with a judiciary fighting to maintain its authority against a recalcitrant and recidivist Speaker ?
By the end of the week i'm sure the speaker would have learned exactly what his job entails.
We hope!!!!
Whatever next ? The Commissioner of Police refusing to take criminals to prison after they have been sentenced by the judges because he does not agree with the judgment ? Police refusing to enforce court arrest warrants ?
Welcome to the Jungle. We have the laws for it. And the animals.
This is actually a good excercise that shows that our constitution is full of holes and has room for play(both foul and decent) for that matter.
Gro Lerni...Herminie has obviously told the judges to sod off as he is an immune PL member and onc again disrespected the constitution by not giving the required 7 days.
As the telenovela of politics continues we are sinking more and more into a political play where everyone wants to be king all caused by a woman, Jane Carapat Carpin who is bloodthirsty for revenge towards her leader/ex-leader(I guess we'll which soon) and not least for attention.
As in teh musical Evita we sing "Oh what a circus, oh what a show...."
Herminie must go,he has lost all credibility .He has forfeit his respect as he has forfeit his power.The Assembly must be swept wth a new broom theroughout now.
Jeanne D'Arc
Clifford Andre (boycott him -- you are likely to win your case if you do) said only 2 people were aware of the dissolution. Herminie and Potter.
Herminie is (present tense -- because he may well be back as speaker again next week) supposed to be an independent speaker but he was quite clearly colluding with Potter, and bringing the national assembly into disrepute. He is a menace to that institution. The judges will need to flex their muscles more.
Govinden has not gone on SBC to defend the dissolution. Does that mean he was not consulted before hand ?
Was it just a Herminie-Potter plot ? Hard to believe, especially since Danny Faure was in the national assembly that day.
Herminie can have a quick fumble with Potter under the speaker's desk any time, but he should desist from trifling with the constitution.
Will Wavel Ramakalawan take Herminie and Potter with him when he goes ? Potter has been the loudest calling for Ramkalawan to go and was waiting to start taunting the new opposition leader. We saw that without the opposition to taunt, Parti Lepep MNAs could not keep the assembly going for more than one hour. Business was over well before lunch time. Whatever little reputation Parti Lepep had for being competent lies in ruins. All because they could not handle Ramkalawan's post election opposition strategy.
It is called going out with a bang !
Tasyon letemp ou kwar Hermine pe have a "quick fumble" ek Potter i annan pe have a quick one ek ou fenm la ba Praslin!
Sesel sa! :D
There is no need to really argue atthis pointwhose strategy is it.But it must be clarify here that is not RAM strategy but that of Chris(MRS) who from the second after the defeat of SNP called for a total boycott.This strategy is screwing the a.. of PP that its was forced to dissolved the Assembly.As far as i can recall it is the firsttime in three decdes that Pp ever dissolved the Assembly.Just image the impact that boycott would have hd if RAM would have boycott the election,the impact would have been desastrous for Pp communists.
Keep the boycott and keep pressuring PP ,this year 2011 must be the year for change and liberty .Unite together let us get those donkeys out of business.
Jeanne ¨D^Arc
Translation for that: yes we are incompetent, we just thought the whole nation was as well & we'll get away with it :)
My bad, that was translation for the post before :)
Jane Carpin now says that she was against boycotting the national assembly and the boycott was costing her money.
What the HELL is going on with this ASSEMBLY ISSUE? Am feeling sick,JANE CARPIN is still there,oh GOD save us.
What the HELL is going on with this ASSEMBLY ISSUE? Am feeling sick,JANE CARPIN is still there,oh GOD save us.
Herminie says what happened in the court was just democracy and happens in democratic countries in the world. Incompetent speakers are are the norm in democratic countries.
Herminie says he is not giving 10 days notice because he is using his emergency powers. The emergency is SNP boycotting the assembly. So it has to be dissolved quickly again and cannot wait for 10 days. He will have to justify that to the Constitutional Court which may well see it a deliberate snub to its ruling yesterday, given that the electoral commission has not been set up yet and there are 3 months to hold elections.
The truth is that he wants to dissolve the assembly before the constitutional court kicks Jane Carpin out of the assembly.
The next stage in this saga is for the judges to haul Herminie before them, and ask him why he is flouting their rulings. If he cannot explain himself, he should be sent directly to Montagne Posee prison with a bar of soap.
I'm still tuned!!!!!!!!
Jane Carpin says it was costing her money???? She did not want to boycott because it would have & did cost her money!!?? Money was the reason she was working as MNA!!!
Is she DUMB, or are we DUMB?
She has more or less admitted that she was bribed by SPPF!!!!!!!
"Herminie says what happened in the court was just democracy and happens in democratic countries in the world."
The un-educated ones will believe him. That's what's sad about it. That would not happen in a Democratic country. Mr Herminie would have been sacked at worse or be suspended until further investigations are conducted. Seems he don't care anyway. Seems like he will go above the Judges' rulling. Unless of course SNP speaks up some more.
Does the constitution allow the speaker to have "emergency powers" or is Herminie referring to gri-gri??????
Regardless, this is the result of 3 decades of dictatorship where the leaders by-pass our laws at their own convenience. Gro Lerni Herminie and his actions these last weeks is the perfect evidence of this.
And all this crap about "emergency powers" is just to save his fat ugly face. God forbid if he ever would make it as president. Would be worse than bloody Idi Amin.
Miss Jane (Carpin), i remember her as school secretary to 'madanm leper' @ Anse Aux Pins School. I had respect for her back then & when i realised she was MNA for SNP i thought good on her for wanting to speak her mind a make a change for the better.
The respect has gone i'm afraid, dissapointment has taken it's place.
According to Herminie, he has given Jane Carpin her certificate of dismissal from the assembly. That means he was satisfied that Jane Carpin was no longer an MNA.
Can we have a definition for "emergency powers" re constitution please, if anyone knows????
Which means Jane Carpin can now look for another job. She is no longer MNA. SNP or SPPF.
Further more, When did he (Mr Herminie) give her (Jane Carpin) her Certificate of Dismissal???
Or maybe he thought if he gives her the certificate, she will be able to vote against her party. They (SPPF) do not enter into anything unless they are absolutely sure they are going to win. It's called HIGH FEAR of FAILURE. In short HFF.
Maybe they should change to HFF now!!
What does President Michel have to say about all this?
Surely head of state should comment.
Herminie's action can still be challenged in the constitutional court. It is about upholding the law, not keeping a discredited institution and a house of ill-repute ticking over..
Herminie abused his powers this time. There was no emergency for him to invoke emergency powers under standing orders.
He can argue that he has 23 votes and a future meeting will get the same result. He would be wrong, as he is not supposed to second guess the voting in the national assembly after a debate. SNP MNAs were denied the chance to attend and debate due to insufficient notice. It is possible 1 or 2 PL MNAs may have voted against after a debate and being made to see sense. Or 1 or 2 PL MNAs could have been bought off in the next few days. As we saw last week, MNAs are not obliged to vote according to party line, especially when they have been bought off.
If the judiciary is going to come out of this tug of war with Herminie with any credibility, it must uphold its rulings.
Herminie will have another appointment with the judges.
tick tock
They do talk rubbish when they are on the ropes.
Potter said that she ignored the constitution last week because the people are the final judge. She will not admit she could not read the article in the constitution. The people spoke when they approved the constitution for the politicians to follow.
Herminie says the assembly had to be dissolved after Carpin voted with Parti Lepep. Too much turbulence. Did they not expect support from any SNP MNAs in order to pass their motion on the electoral commission ? If not, why did they take the motion to the assembly in the first place ?
Michel is keeping mum. He riled the judges with his comments on national day. Herminie is feeling the judges' full wrath. Michel was trying to cow the judges into further submission to Parti Lepep. Yesterday, it had the opposite effect.
I remember, He did try to ridicule the judges the other.
"Potter said that she ignored the constitution last week because the people are the final judge."
Does anyone think the national assembly crisis will encourage SNP to take part in the elections ?
I think the elections should be boycotted. But clearly there are some who are against a boycott and may feel their position strengthened now.
Jane Carpin says in the national assembly that her vote is for the people of Au Cap who voted for her in 2007 and do not want her to boycott the assembly.
In fact, she should have won Au Cap but lost. Wavel beat Michel at Au Cap in the presidential elections.
She was in the national assembly as a proportionally elected member (elected by the party) and was not elected by the voters of Au Cap.
She should come clean.
Sorry guys, I'm getting dizzy with all the happenings.I do not understand how Carpin, who was no longer an SNP member, let alone a SNP MNA was in the Assembly today when SNP as a party decided to stay away. And she wants to tell us that it's her "conscience"? Which one? Is it the party one or the the Lepep one? Does she still want to make us believe that there is nothing behind her vote? She must really be taking all of us for morons.
James Michel is keeping very quiet about all this. The guy only comes out when he needs to take praise. This saga smaells too much of shit. He won't say anything although HE'S BEEN INVOLVED IN ITS PLANNING AND EXECUTION ALL THE WAY. SPPF/Lepep has never had a culture of doing anything without Boss's say-so, and they're not about to start now. James Michel is as guilty as Herminie!
Our beloved Designated Minister is noe talking about "virtues"! Could not believe my ear!!!!. Did he mention "larzan vitman pa anmenn ou okenn par"? "Go back to basics"? This guy must be on something. NDEA should investigate further.
Watching James Michel on SBC this evening brought home to me, yet again, how ugly our president is.
Jesus! He belongs to the zoo!!!
If you're going to conduct a survey where results can be collated and analysed in anyways near a professional or half serious manner use the appropriate freeware eg. Frankly if this blog is the best effort that the great mind of the illustrious C.Gill has to offer then the irrelevancy of his opposition is confirmed.
That was a very animated performance by Meriton on TV tonight. I was expecting him to get up and do a cha-cha-cha anytime. Maybe next time.
Jane Carpin looked very pathetic. Hope the money is good. No applause from Parti Lepep MNAs today, as they looked very chastened following the judicial dressing down yesterday.
The sight of Jane Carpin, home alone in the national assembly, highlights a constitutional absurdity being exploited by Parti Lepep.
Jane Carpin was in what you might call a 'reverse limbo' -- the position such people find themselves in when they jump from heaven into hell.
The constitution is quite clear that she remains an MNA while she appeals to the Constitutional Court.
The constitution is also quite clear that SNP is entitled to remove Jane Carpin.
The constitution does not spell out what Jane Carpin can or cannot do in the national assembly while the case goes before the Constitutional Court.
While Carpin exercises her right to appeal, she can frustrate the work of the party that she is no longer a member of. She can even pretend to be a member of that party in the assembly, despite being expelled. Our constitution writers never saw that coming.
Parti Lepep rushed through Tuesday's meeting in case the Constitutional Court makes a ruling in the next few days and Jane Carpin is finally removed.
Presumably SNP is challenging Herminie's action on Tuesday. The hope is that the Constitutional Court will also hear the Carpin case at the same time. If Carpin has been properly expelled from SNP, she will lose the right to remain in a re-instituted assembly.
Top of the morning, ser frer e ser seselwa!
What other crap are we going to be fed today?
Would Jean Paul adam run away with the love of his life? Or would Meriton beat him to it?
Would James Michel finally close in his fly in the interest of renesans moral and would SBC make a formal announcement to this effect?
A new day! Same shit! Viv sesel!
Did I hear Herminie say on SBC last night that he had used his "special powers under the assembly rules" to reconvene the assembly for dissolution? Doesn't he understand - or don't I that te constitution of Seychelles supercedes all other rules and regulations?
And where does the 7 days notice fit in all this?
The good thing about this whole saga is that Jane Carpin by her own admission said that she agreed with the principle of SNP and the problem was with the leadership. If she had a problem with the leadership she could have made her voice held was by invoking a leadership contest.
My question is by voting with SPPF/LP in the assembly. Was she voting on the principle of SNP or against the leadership of SNP.
Jane Carpin we are not morons because a lot of us we are very mindful of the ego of most of Seychelloise politicians. The issues in the assembly had absolutely nothing to do with the SNP leadership. It had everything to do with the core principle of the SNP as a party. To remind you that when the majority agrees there is a shared responsibility of all the members no matter what their stance are to follow the stance of the party.
In Seychelles politic Jane Carpin as David Judas Pierre had betrayed the party that gave him a platform to express him and to portray him as being amongst the most intelligent Seychelloise which I think only some in the SNP rank who turned a blind eye on his immoral activities believed.
According to psychologist not to disappoint his followers, David Pierre has a high IQ which he had demonstrated it by having a university degree but his is not intelligent. Because people who use deceptive means to enrich himself, who do not conduct himself in a trustworthy manner, who shows no gratitude for those has helped him along the way, who engaged himself in sexual activities with his students and wives and daughters of people whom he wants to vote for him are not intelligent. They could be classified as conman. These are not qualities of intelligent people. God knows why he intervened to prevent Wavel from handing him the leadership of the party.
For Jane Carpin we have to start calling her Jane ICHARIOT Carpin the surname of Judas Ichariot. And her charade to justify her evil betrayal for selling her soul to the evil empire has only been entertained by Mr James Michel her paymaster.
In any "democratic" country on earth, an issue involving the constitution would have been afforded due exposure in the media, not least tv, for debate & expression of differing points of view. Legal experts and the man in the street would have been approached to give their views. Afterall this is a matter of national importance. But not in James Michel's "nouvo Sesel". In his sesel, this is treated as a secondary little piece of news of no particular importance. Let's rather give the floor to Meriton to come & preach to us about "renesance moral". Guys, in case you've not yet noticed, WE ARE DOOMED. To put it in simple English: NOU DAN BEZ!
Qu'elle affaire!
Je tombe touni dans tout sa.
Nous sommes beze devant et derriere. Vive Seychelles!
Indeed, since Marie-Louise Potter has declared that "lepep" (I assume she means the people not her party!) is the ultimate judge, SBC should get off their ass and go lo teren and get lepep's views. Let lepep express their views, because, unless she's forgotten, Marie-Louise Potter, like her speaker, Herminie WERE NOT ELECTED BY LEPEP. They have no right to speak on their behalf.
The speaker dug his own hole last night on TV. The speaker confirmed that he had issued an 'MNA Leaving Certificate' to Jane Carpin last week. The Speaker should have revoved the leaving certificate before re-calling the Assembly. What Hermini did yesterday was suicidal. To put it in simple terms, he put the Cart in front of the Horse, instead of the Horse before the Cart.He should not have rushed to issue the leaving certificate last week and he should not have mentioned it in public over SBC last night.
I am now now praying that SNP does tot take this matter to the courts. If indeed SNP takes this matter to the courts, I am hoping our President can have a 'quiet' word in the judges ear.
By the way I am proud to be a supporter of the ruling party,unfortunately Hermini got it totally wrong yesterday.
Marie Louise Potter cited the Frankie Elizabeth issue as a reason for dissolving the assembly -- too much 'dezord'. But they enjoyed it at the time. It is the boycott that spooked them. Look at their glum faces yesterday, with the absence of SNP.
Herminie blames his mistakes on his democracy learning curve, an admission that he does not know how democracy works. He is still in his one-party state mode. All these Commonwealth Parliamentary Association training and junkets overseas to learn about how to behave in a democratic country have come to nothing. And to add to his confusion, his swanky offices have been built by the world's biggest communist country.
He also says he sought legal advice. If he is telling the truth, how come Govinden has not appeared on SBC to explain as he usually does. We have been waiting for his explanation with bated breath and a hunger for a good laugh. Has SBC forgotten the way to National House or has Govinden lost Onezime's phone number ?
The call for BOYCOTT has shown who is serious about change and who is serious about money.
If Carpin did not toe party line, then SNP should have terminated membership, not attempt to remove her from the Assembly.By attempting to remove her but keep her as a member, the SNP gave Herminie a free hand to make a muck of a simple situation.
From this point, SNP should challenge the disolution of the National Assembly again, for failing to give proper timely notice to all MNA's that a meeting is called.Notice has been insufficent. Secondly, the issue of urgency is highly questionable. There is no urgency, because their was no" blocklage" in debate or vote. Blockage is the reason a Assembly dissolves itself, not all the rubbish Potter and Herminie conspired up.
Both Potter and Herminie are making Michel look like a goat.
The whole show is a consequence, of bad decision making, and being too slow to react to circumstance as they evolve.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
He says the biggest constitutional crisis he has brought on the national assembly is not a "gran maler". Sorry, it is. SBC and Nation staff interviewing him were right to look depressed. Herminie's incompetence calls into question the competence of all Parti Lepep's political appointees at SBC, Nation and elsewhere.
Gill, have you just returned from Upper Mongolia ? SNP wrote to the speaker on Tuesday as soon as it became clear what Carpin was up to. The next day the executive expelled Carpin from the party. Read Vizyon. Inform yourself before you criticise.
Can someone please clarify when Jane Carpin was sacked by the party ? The timing of the sacking is very important. If Jane Carpin was sacked from SNP last week, then we are in for some more court cases brought abouut by SNP.However, if Jane Carpin was sacked yesterday, then Hermini can deny receiving a timely notification from the party !
Hope someone can clarify the above.
Herminie is really up the creek without a paddle. He must have noticed that no one in the country has appeared on SBC to support him. No one from Parti Lepep. Not even the two-bit lawyers who endorsed Michel in May. Even Potter has not gone on SBC to explain. Clifford Andre did appear on SBC but that was to explain why he was asking the court to "clarify" what his party had done. It was more an attempt to reassure his clients that he is not a hopeless lawyer.
Read Vizyon on It says Carpin was sacked as an MNA on Tuesday last week after she voted with Parti Lepep in the morning and expelled from SNP on Wednesday.
Ideally she should have been expelled from the party first but it was a fast moving situation. She had to be properly expelled from the party too. I think The People says Jane Carpin refused to attend the meeting that expelled her.
Assembly meets again to vote for its dissolution, main article in Nation today. But if you only read Nation's front pages (can't think of any reason why you should go past the front page), you will be perplexed by the sense of deja vu and wonder whether Herminie is as mad as we think he is.
What happened to Today's newspaper?
It looks like the Nation told them not to subscribe today & they took Today's idea of front page news.
which is nowhere near Todays accuracy!!!!
On a more positive side, maybe they're learning???????
Herminie thinks he is the speaker of the national assembly of a banana republic and that he is above the law. Nation corrects itself today but then goes on to encourage wrongdoing by the speaker. It tells us that time factor is not important as long as the proper procedures are followed. But the proper procedures themselves (assembly standing orders) incorporate a time factor to be followed except in real emergency.
They are not learning. It is propaganda. Nation sees the dissolution of the assembly as good news for Parti Lepep and James Michel (hence front page) because that is what they want. The court decision on Monday was bad news for Parti Lepep and James Michel, hence why it was buried inside the paper. Sometimes bad news for Parti Lepep and Michel are ignored altogether as if it never happened.
Parti Lepep's MNAs had glum faces because over the last 7 days even they must have realised that Jane Carpin must have been bought off for her vote. Their vote was rather cheap by comparison and exposed them as unthinking people being led into wrongdoing by their leaders. Jane Carpin will be with them in the next assembly, because she is looking for a secure source of income.
Seychelles our beautiful country with only about 80 thousand and something populations its foolish to compare us with all these countries who have millions,and millions of people.We could had been much and much better no excuses.The parti lepep can gather their 55percent at freedom sqare teach them renaissances morale and JANE CARPIN can be a good help,she is moraly good not materialistic and with good conscious.As the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ELECTION soon coming after zwe de zil the 55 percent will go crazy drinking, eating burgers and not to forget about their behaviour in every corner's of the country,they really need this renaissance morale.PISSE OFF,TIKLO,SMILEY AND ALL THEIR FRIENDS must be very, very happy as they said because life are rosy in their so call democracy country and don't even care about anything around them everying look rosy for them,except C.GILL the great dictator,liar,ect...that is spoiling everything with his fiasco blog every now and then.C.GILL is now the pti group who want to destroy SEYCHELLES according to them.You can fool some people some time but you cannot fool all the people,keep on enjoying yourself as life is very, very short nowadays and let the freedom fighter fight for what they beleive and let me tell you am not C.GILL because he like to wast all his precious time answering all your rubbish and if he keep up doing that soon he will end up just like you foolish,stupid and mentally disturd.
"You can fool some people some time but you cannot fool all the people all the time." indeed,
said the great BOB MARLEY :)
“Let the people decide on the kind of opposition they want in the next Assembly,” said Mrs Potter, a call which Dr Herminie also echoed.
come on people!!!!!!!
"After the vote, Ms Carpin again reiterated the fact that she voted with sincerity to do justice to those ordinary people in her constituency who voted for her and because she felt the behaviour of her party in the Assembly recently was not portraying a good image of her and of the party.
She didn't win @ Au cap, don't she get it.
“As Assembly members we should be exemplary and responsible,” said Ms Carpin."
If she wants to go down that road, then i'll say she wasn't responsible enough to teach her son that it is illegal to sell Seychelles passport, & even worse while you're working as a Custom officer. It was while back, but i still remember.
I think SNP should think carefully before challenging Jane Carpin's right to vote on the dissolution. The constitution clearly gives Carpin 30 days to appeal and she remains an MNA until the Constitutional Court has made a decision. It is absurd, but the constitution is absolutely clear on that. A challenge will hand Herminie a victory in the court. If Carpin does not appeal then her vote will be invalid but you can be sure Parti Lepep will make sure she appeals before her 30 days. She will lose her case, unless SNP did not follow its procedures in expelling her and the court rules she is still an SNP member. But it will be too late by then.
SNP does not have to wait for Jane Carpin to appeal on day 29. It has the right under the constitution to ask the Constitutional Court whether Jane Carpin's seat is vacant. The answer is likely to be that the seat is not yet vacant, not before the Constitutional Court has heard Carpin's appeal.
The speed with which the Constitutional heard SNP's appeal against dissolution did not help. It would have been better if all matters had been heard at the same time.
SNP has a good case against the second dissolution, but not as open and shut as the previous one. Herminie will have to justify his use of emergency powers that stopped the national assembly from functioning properly in accordance with the constitution and standing orders. He used a sledgehammer to crack a nut that was not there. Perhaps SNP should not rush the Constitutional Court just yet because it needs the Constitutional Court to decide on Carpin's appeal before the national assembly is restored by the court.
The other legal challenge is Herminie's right to inform the Electoral Commission , when it is finally established, that the assembly has been dissolved and new elections should be organised. Clearly no one can organise new elections, unless it is clear that the national assembly has been properly dissolved. Unconstitutional general elections ? Unless stopped, Herminie will propel the country into a real constitutional and political crisis, not the imaginary one that he used to justify his use of emergency powers. He is behaving like Idi Amin.
Reply to Alien Anonymous July 20th 9:07 am
“In any "democratic" country on earth, an issue involving the constitution would have been afforded due exposure in the media, not least tv, for debate & expression of differing points of view. Legal experts and the man in the street would have been approached to give their views. Afterall this is a matter of national importance.”....?
“in any democratic country on Earth…”???
C’mon gran savan give us an example of another democratic country but this time not of Earth!
Can anyone enlighten us as to what is going on with Air Seychelles? Understatnd they will not be making trips from UK to Seychelles anymore??? Is that true??
NOOOOOO surely that cannot be!!!!!
I don't really see what's the point behind SNP appealing against the second dissolution.
They won the first one and that was great and very embarrassing to PL (and the speaker), probably almost as embarrassing as 2 SNP executive committee members defecting without them knowing about it.
But really what would the appeal achieve? PL can pass any law it wants, the debates are not broadcasted and unless they go back on their word, they wont contest the next elections anyway.
So why not let PL have the assembly all to themselves now rather than in a years time, wasn't that the plan anyway?
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