To all our faithful followers and fellow bloggers,
The management of STAR took a well-deserved break for the holidays, and we thank you all for your patience during the weeks that we did not post.
More importantly, we stopped posting for a while because there were too many online spies and Party Lepep bloggers who were coming online to disrupt our work, to criticise needlessly and sadly, most were uneducated and could only use swear words to express themselves.
Bloggers like these we do not need in 2012
But we are back with a renewed spirit for 2012 and will strive to educate our people on the mismanagement and corruption that is going on under James Michel's government. Our country is facing major economic and social problems and we all need to pull together to rid ourselves of this illegitimate Government. James Michel is not a president for all Seychellois, but has shown clearly that he favours Arab Sheikhs over his own people.
The end of Air Seychelles under Michel & David Savy David Savy the Big Baby
The demise of Air Seychelles was planned months ago by Michel, David Savy and Khalifa, and while Etihad is now playing the good samaritan, we all know the full story and why they have acquired a stake in our national airline. Sadly, many of our own Seychellois brothers and sisters, from pilots to ground crew to flight attendants have lost their livelihood and now scrambling to find new employment in a tough job market. Most Party Lepep supporters were not made redundant and it was clear that opposition followers were targeted first. Another black mark on Michel's record, and in the meantime, no one including the SBC-TV has questioned the fiasco and financial disaster orchestrated by David Savy and the smart sycophants that surrounded him during his tenure.
Michel-Not President of all Seychelles Michel's Best Friend - Sheikh Khalifa
It is quite clear that Etihad will swallow Air Seychelles eventually, from the domestic airline to the eventual management of our Pointe Larue airport operation. But beware as it does not stop at Air Seychelles. Abu Dhabi also has their eyes on Port Victoria and is busy drawing up plans for a "new" Victoria where marinas and new buildings will spring up and owned by "friends of James Michel. Of course, the new Seychelles Coast Guard base recently built by Khalifa, and guarded by Khalifa's UAE soldiers, along with the new boats "donated" by Khalifa, will only be used to protect Michel and Khalifa. The Masdar wind turbines, donated by Khalifa, will soon be turning in the harbour of Port Victoria and will be the new eyesore and blemish on our land; let alone the maintenance costs to be borne by us the good citizens of Seychelles.
Wind turbines - An eyesore for Port Victoria
Our Seychelles tankers will soon be "sold" to so-called friends, and our oil fields will soon be in the hands of Arab prospectors. Seychelles Petroleum is on the "privatisation" list as well, and Captain Adam's sudden departure is the first step in that direction. PUC will follow suit and possibly many other parastatals as well.
Captain Adam and his tankers - losing millions and now a burden to our economy - Abu Dhabi bailout?
The Arabs have also found a new playground not too far from home, and the private planes continue to land at Pointe Larue full of young women flown in specifically for the carnal pleasures of the Arabian princes. The ex-Plantation Hotel is now called Kempinski and is the new Arab Playboy Mansion. Two more large hotels will be built in the South of Mahe, all owned by Arab "friends" of Michel. In the meantime, Khalifa is busy buying up the properties of Indian magnate Siva who has apparently fallen out of favour. From Mahe Beach Hotel to Therese Island and Conception, those will soon be in the hands of the good Sheikh and his family, all courtesy of James Michel and his party of cronies. Large tracts on Praslin and La Digue are also being transferred as we write this post.
Kempinski Seychelles - Playboy Mansion for Arab Princes
Apart from selling our islands as fast as he can for personal gains, Glenny Savy of IDC is now selling dredged-up sand to the public, and the tons of sand removed just off the shoreline of Beau Vallon will have dire environmental consequences in the future. Coastal erosion has been created by the James Michel Government and not by global warming as Michel so valiantly professes during his myriads of overseas trips. Michel is a liar and will continue to string the world along in order to get a few Euros from a foolish European Parliament and United Nations doomsday agencies, but Michel will not be able to run from the truth in the future.
The Fat King Glenny of Seychelles - "All islands are mine, and now I sell sand too".
Michel's tenure as President of Seychelles has been a shambles from day one and marred with disgraceful events. From bankrupting the country to judiciary collusion, from fixed elections to corruption, from the La Misere "Delo Kaka" incident to murders of innocent Seychellois citizens, from prostitution of our nation to the Arabs let alone social demise of our youth via prostitution and drugs, from passport selling scandals to white elephant projects such as the 2011 Expo, the list goes on and on. Sheikh Khalifa's castle on top of La Misere is proof of how low our nation has fallen, and the illegal and ridiculous appointment of David Pierre as Leader of the Opposition, let alone the vengeful case against Ralph Volcere by so-called Judge Matilda Twomey are some of the final nails being hammered into the annals of Michel's coffin.
Ralph Volcere - Soon to be silenced by the corrupt court of Matilda Twomey, Ronny Govinden & Michel
Michel is also looking to the Chinese as well to help fund the coffers of Parti Lepep, and Danny Faure the chosen-one to be President is currently in Cuba probably getting a Doctorate Degree in Finance and Bankrupting Countries 101 from his Alma Mater. After all, even Castro has finally admitted that Communism is not the best way forward and Danny wants to learn from the best.
Confused Cuban Trained Dictator in the making
Meanwhile, the good Doctor Ramadoss has been appointed to the Party Lepep Central Committee, an affront in itself given that he cannot speak 2 words of Creole let alone English.
Dr. Ramadoss - Newly elected to Parti Lepep Committee
His younger brother has also been given a new Seychellois passport while his long-serving Accountant Palani has been given the boot.
Coco-de-Mer stamp found offensive by Arabs
The Doctor also continues to spend as if rupees are being printed at his Printec Press Holdings. After last year's fist fight with ex-Printec owner and SPPF stalwart Louis Gopal, Ramadoss has now moved into the heavyweight division and recently took on local businessman Joe Albert of UCPS and Creole Travel in a loud screaming match. Soon thereafter, and to spite Joe Albert, the Doctor went out and bought the catamaran "Praslin Express" to compete on the Mahe-Praslin-La Digue ferry route. Not to be outspent, he also doled out nearly 15 million rupees to buy a commercial building from the Soleil family at Hermitage, and then went on to pay millions more for the commercial car wash next to the Victoria Fuel Station. One wonders why the Tax Department or FIU does not investigate the finances of the good Doctor, or his source of funds. Surely the Victoria Casino is not doing that well during this economic downturn? So where is the Doctor getting all those millions to spend? Election money? Or is he fronting for his new Party itself or laundering the funds of the Ministers and other high-ranking Government officials? Or has he finally sold the dilapidated hospital to Mukesh and Albert after taking money illegally from so many unsuspected investors? Or is he bringing back some of the dollars he exported and stashed away in India during the foreign exchange black market crisis, albeit at a higher rate today than it was 5 or 6 years ago? The people want to know.
Seychelles Rupee devaluing by the week
Tourism is in dire straits, the Euro, Dollar and Pound Sterling have appreciated by 20% or more against the rupee within 6 months, and IMF has finally stopped lying and told us that inflation is over 6%. More like 50% my good friends! A bourgeois (red snapper) now sells for SR 500, if you are lucky enough to get one. Ghurkas from Burma and now English wardens from the Isle of Wight of all places have arrived to guard our prison which is overloaded with Somali pirates awaiting trial or repatriation by our new Chief Pirate Minister Morgan, the most incredible lying Minister that has ever worked in our country.
Joel Morgan - Also known as Minister Lapire (Homebrew), Pirate Minister or Minister Pinnochio the Lying One
Meanwhile, the drug Lords continue to ply their trade under protection from the same people at State House and the Police who were supposed to be protecting the public. Corruption in every department of Government continues unabated. Containers continue to be cleared from the Port on a daily basis without payment of tax and duties, all destined for friends of James Michel and his entourage who are seen flying in First Class and driving around in expensive jeeps.
First Class on Etihad anyone? What about Emirates? Or Qatar?
Our passports continue to be given away or sold at an alarming rate to anyone with $25,000 to pay to a Minister or high-ranking friend. Government land is being "sold" to friends and relatives while large tracts are being auctioned to the highest Arab or Russian bidder. Beau Vallon has become the new "Little Russia" and can only be described as an environmental nightmare. Eden Island is the enclave of a white South African "nouvo-riche" breed who believes the island is the new Cape Town, reserved for whites only and where they can treat our own Seychellois locals like "kaffirs" (black South Africans). In summary, we Seychellois have become slaves and second-class citizens in our own country.
Eden Island or Cape Town? Seychellois not welcome.
My dear friends, 2012 will be another demanding year for us Seychellois people who believe in real democracy and freedom for our people. We urge you all to contribute intelligently to the STAR blog as the best gift you can give to the future generation is to get your friends to read the blog regularly and to start asking questions and demanding answers from our so-called electorate. We need to strive for freedom from the foreigners who are preying on our weak leader Michel, and we need to continue the fight for democracy. It will not happen overnight, but if we work together towards the same cause, we will win eventually and maybe one day we will see the Barry Laine Freedom Train in action from Victoria Station to the Anse Royale Danny-Barry Faure Station.
The Barry Laine Freedom Train
We wish everyone a happy 2012. Rest assured that the STAR team will continue to work and fight for democracy. We will win one day, as God is our only guide.
The STAR Management
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Since it seems that Pp and SNP works hand in hands what is left is the Seychellois people themselves to take the bull by the horn.It is time to take to the streets and once and for all get those monkeys,oligar,Arabs phedophiles,Indian Rajas and other out of our land as soon as possible.We have been calling on Miche lthe butcher and his governemnt to stop the illegal leasing and gifting of our aptrimoy to foreigners dito to our passports it seems Michel and his cronies won't hear the call until force is used.I can tell PP,RAmmadoss Khalifa sooner than latter the gonna get what the searching for if they donot stop bullshiting our people.We will use armed to free our land for foreigners.We will not accept neo-colonialism,nor be slave of foreginers in our own country.South African radicate apartheit ,we will not it flourish in our once peaceful land.Time to shoot those monkeys down one by one.Time to go and get them by force out of their house one by one and execute them.Time to put fire in the houses of Ramaboss,Khalifa etcTime to rocket Khalfia palce of prostitute by using rapid boats at barbaron,.Time to execute all Pp ministers in their office or get them at their homes.Time to brutalize the families of all those monkeys in Pp and collaborators who allow that to happen.Time to get Adam,David;francis.Glenny out of their homes amd execute them.Time for our defence forces to do what they swron of oath to do namely defence our country,our cour is being rape and annex by foreigners it is time they act to protect our csoveriegnty and people.
Jeanne D'Arc
Time to use the sucessful tactics that taliban use.Terrorize them.
South Afirca has raqdicated Apatheit in their home land in our land Apratheit is being imported by the very same regine who was in the first palce defence the interst of the people.
Neocolonialism and national humiliation is flourishing under Pp crooked governemnt if we done stop it then rapidly we will be the next nation to suffer the scourge of Apartheit.
Our local economy is controlled by foreigners we are becoming depednet from them thus they can enslave us.Our sovieregnty being rob By Khalfia who wants to controlled our military,Airport,habour,government and even want to imposex his archaic and feudal religion on us.
Russains oligars ahave ben illegally gifted the whole of Beau Vallon ,putting tresspast and refusing Seychellois to get access to their public beaches.Island are being sold like fish to foreigners as if it belongs to Pp thugs etc...etc and etcc..In other words our people are being sold by PP to foreigners like in the time of Slavery where Africans were sold and treated like animals becuase those who perpetuated these crimes thought the were more important them the indiginous people of Africa.What we seeing here in Our beloved country is no different from the time of slave.
Seychellois we have a duty and obligation to defence our land from any conquers be it Khalfia,Russain oligars,Indain Rajas whoever,in the same way that they defence their own land.We must use all the means possible including the use of force to let those conquers know that this land is ours and we alone we regualte,control and decided what future we need.For those ofreigners who do not like it,they have just to go back to their homlamnd as they came to our shores.We have nothing to negocaite with us ,they abide and respect the people of this country or be chased by all means out of our land.
Do not be afraid to do what you think you have to do to defence your god given land.Do not care what they say for we are the owner of this land not them,thus the<y have notihng to say here than do what we ask them to do.
Do not be afraid that Interantional criticze us it is about our deignity and survival and one will dictate to us what we must do,not even UN.
Seychellois time to wake up with force and chase all those foreigners who are disrecpting us for Pp have given the right to do so,abusing our rule of laws,raping our environement,harassing our people,dispalcing our citizens from their land,making us third class citizens in our land while we never ask them nor invited them here.
Time for robust actions and that by usnig all means including shooting Michel and his ministers down.attacking those Russiian and other ofeiegners bullshitiing us,Bruatalizing the likes of Mitzy and all thoer PP at districts levels including their families,putting fires in polic station and dis.armed police by force ,going in ministeries shooting Pp thugs,when the walk in public streets ,dine in public restaurants,everywhere ,everytime.
Words seems would never stop Pp crooks from committting their crimes as all indications show,therefore time has come to use physical force at all levels be it pp cronies,collaborators,foreigners that support and finance the crooked regime.Time for radical actions.
Jeanne D'Arc
I for one am happy to see that Star is back as I have missed the lively debates.
I fully agree that James Michel is leading the country down a dangerous precipice of doom. We Seychellois must rise and take charge of our destiny. If not, the Arabs will do it for us.
One major point the authors missed is the new mosque being built in town and the excruciating noise pollution for the Christian residents let alone the tourists visiting Victoria. Most Seychellois are Catholics, and tourists coming to Seychelles will start believing that they are in Maldives or UAE soon if all they hear is Islamic chants blasting through Victoria at all hours, plus women walking around in Victoria all covered up in burkas. This is shameful for our nation which prides itself on being an open society for women and also a sun and sea destination.
If Sharia law becomes a norm in our country, soon our Government will ban bikinis on the beach, the same way we banned topless women on our beaches many years ago.
Some people may believe that I am an alarmist, but as a woman, I pride myself on not being a slave to any government, religion or hairy men from the Middle East. I respect my body and my boyfriend and he respects me for who I am and what I stand for. I am not a female women's lib type, but I am a Seychelloise who love to put on my bikini on and I enjoy our beaches and my God-given freedom. With the proliferation of Arabs and the Islamic religion in Seychelles, I assure you that most Seychelloise would join me in a march to quell any Sharia laws being imposed on the women of Seychelles.
Long live our Catholic religion and Christianity, and may God continue to bless our country. Let us hope that James Michel's presidency is short-lived and that one day, we will get a new Government and leaders who can truly transform our country into a modern society on our own Seychellois sweat. Our nation is more sacred than Michel and Khalifa's special friendship.
A proud Seychelloise
sa "proud Seychelloise" is actually Christopher Gill in drags!
ase fer kouyon don!
At least it is now official that SFP has taken the road to terrorism. It is in black and white and at a time when the world is combatting terrorism. It was just a matter of time!
To the socalled star management... is this the best you can come up with?. You are a bloody disgrace.
Zot vraiment zot bez fer la peine.
No my dear, I am not Christopher Gill in drags, but a proud 31 year old black Seychellois woman who unlike you, do not care for your country and do not have a patriotic gene in your body.
Yes, I am black, educated and proud of my heritage and my country.I will not succumb to any Arab laws or prostitute my body for a few Dollars like most of your Parti Lepep officials have done over the years.
You are unfit to call yourself a Seychellois knowing full well the extent of our misery under this current and past SPUP/SPPF/Parti Lepep administrations.
Will always remain a proud Seychelloise
Proud Seychelloise;
why do you find it necessary to mention your colour? Who cares? We belong to different gene pools and from all walks of life and dan nou zil colour means nothing so who cares if you’re black or white?
You are still that fat piece of lard we fondly call Kris Totof!
….and please Totof you’ll NEVER be as Seychellois as me, not in this lifetime so deal with you identity issues!
SFP est mort!
Tue par Jeanne D'arc a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaak et Gill a execute le coup de grace!
Where are our leaders of the christian faith. Where are our bishops, priests, pastors, whatever name you call yourself. It's time you lead a march to statehouse to protest against islamisation a.k.a. terrorism.
Pissed Off ..FAR and your lot took the road of "terrorism"and ruling by the Gun..ak 47 and Tanzanian soldiers were used to terrorise us ...what you have conveniently forgotten that?? Or is your pea brain so full of brainwashing junk fed to you by FAR for so long that you can no longer REMEMBER THE TRUTH!
Tell me Pissed off ..what are you still doing here! if Gill is a non issue WHY DO YOU KEEP HARPING the same nonsense over and over again AREN"T YOU ALSO WASTING YOUR TIME! like you claim Gill is doing.. YOU really are a walking contradiction!
Are you being paid to come on this blog ? to try to cause it harm???
NOT WORKING OBVIOUSLY otherwise both YOU and the blog would be dead already!..
Like i said pissoff all time play his old song over over again with out lyrics.
Pissoff why you so paraniod who is writing, i think you are
guy who live with nightmare like Michel did you dream that regime has change. why you are so paraniod about SFP?
Soon interpol will issue a warrant for Michel for paticipation in arm dealing for genocide in Rawanda tie his belt.
Dictatorship is State torrorism no need to put the blame on others,the records of PP shows that they are criminals abusing State institutions to perpetuate their crimes and it is continuing though the people have repeatedly told them to stop.
Softness to traitors will destroy us all once said"Maximilien Robespierre the mastermind and architect of the Reign of terror in the French Revolution.He justified the use of terror by the state to crushed all opposition and those he concidered as enemy of the State:"Are the enemies within not the allies of the enemies without?"Pp thugtocrats' practices are the dupilcation of Robespierre's theory of terror.
Jeanne D'Arc
Beam me up, Scotty !
We heard early this week that Captain Adam is resigning from SEPEC because he is now 69 years old, despite being re-appointed to the job 3 months ago. Adam is claiming memory lapse and totally lost track of his age.
Now Alain St Ange's explanation for holding the carnival during Lent . He says the Church has set dates that clash with his carnival and he was not aware of Lent dates when he set the date for the 2012 Carnival last year.
Alain St Ange says that he is a committed Roman Catholic and wants to avoid Carnival clashing with Lent, so that Christians can observe Lent.
Rather than blame the Church, St Ange should accept his mistake. He is ignorant. Lent and Easter dates are set years in advance by the Church. He picked the dates for the 2012 Carnival last year and he should have been aware of Lent.
In fact March is the wrong month for the Carnival if he wants to avoid a clash with Lent. For the next few years, it is only in 2014 that Lent starts from 5 March. Otherwise Lent covers the whole of March.
He was lucky in 2011. March was chosen so that the Carnival could be held before the presidential elections and Lent started a few days after the carnival.
For St Ange's benefit, let us tell him that Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and last 46 days. Here are the Ash Wednesday dates for the following years, so that he fix his Carnival outside Lent.
2012 — 22 February
2013 — 13 February
2014 — 5 March
2015 — 18 February
2016 — 10 February
2017 — 01 March
2018 — 14 February
2019 — 06 March
2020 — 26 February
2021 — 17 February
2022 — 02 March
Only a sad sad fool will take time to look for Lent dates for all these years...get a partner and have some sex kouyon!
Sad indeed!
How about Christmas and New year dates for these same years :D
It only takes 2 minutes to find out -- then copy and paste. Only Parti Lepep ignorants do not know.
Beam me up, Scotty !
Anonymous said...
Only a sad sad fool will take time to look for Lent dates for all these years...get a partner and have some sex kouyon!
Sad indeed!
How about Christmas and New year dates for these same years :D
February 16, 2012 9:07 PM
Is it all over in 2 minutes for Parti Lepep ?
St Ange must know that lent exist for century, long before his Carnaval and he should change the date of his Carvanal,becuase our religious practice is more important than his Carnaval.Or is St Ange attempting to destroy our religious celebration?St Ange did not have to ask himself these questions and tell us that he thought this and that,St Ange should have instead of breaking his little brain to figure out the dates, he could have simply called Bishop Weihe or other christian religious communities to give him the answers.
Since St Ange and others have met Khalifa they all have become atheists.
Jeanne D'Arc
He was on SBC last night but had no courage to admit his ignorance about Catholic traditions.
Communists are always faking :Michel has change our Indepedent celebration date to artificially create his own,now St Ange wants to rape our religious celebration.
Get those monkeys to the zoo where they should really belong.
Jeanne D'Arc
As long as your carnaval does not clash with our Ramadan and Eid who cares?
No worries, there. St Ange has made sure it doesn't.
Serves Wiehe right, if Parti Lepep is observing Lent with almost naked Brazilian girls frolicking as they go past the Cathedral. The Catholic Church is not the moral force that it used to be and we now turn to Abu Dhabi, not Rome, for spiritual leaders.
In Arab world like AUE you do not have spiritual leaders but despots,phedophiles,terrorists,Kamels it is not them that could bring morality into the PP.
Jeanne D'Arc
I bet you like en bon kabo kamel dan ou deryer, eh Jeanne D'arc?
Michel likes it for the Kamel bit is so big that it can only goes in through ther mouth of the butcher of course once he got his denture removed,Khaifa like his mouth that this rumours that the latter is leaving his many wives for Michel.
Jwêanne D'Arc
Kenyan teacher in Seychelles jailed for drug trafficking.
All are not скачать сенсорные игры на андроид hunters that blow android online the horn
Where is the local Escobars that Michel told us he knows them all.I believe michel?s words when he says he knows them dfor they all cronies of Pp thus when is Michel going to order their arrest.There are Kenyian Teacher,Pakistanis imported workers,Diplomatic briesfcases of Michel foreign friends,Khalifa private planes to supply his foreign prostitutes at Barbaron,etc..etc
Jeanne D'Arc
Seychelles Petroleum Tankers Lose $1 Million a Month, Hebdo Says
By Richard Ramasawmy - Feb 18, 2012 10:26 AM GMT
Google +1
Seychelles Petroleum Co. is losing 14 million rupees ($1 million) a month on its oil tanker business, Le Seychellois Hebdo said, citing a report by the Office of the Auditor General.
The total loss at the state-owned company has risen to 630 million rupees, the weekly reported. It triggered the resignation earlier this week of Chief Executive Officer Guy Adam after he opposed a government plan to sell two of the company’s five tankers, according to the newspaper.
Seychelles Petroleum invested 2.65 billion rupees over the past 10 years, according to the report. The tanker business faces its worst market conditions in 25 years because of an oversupply of ships, the weekly said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Richard Ramasawmy in Johannesburg at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at
You could tell from the announcement from State House that Adam left in a rage and almost crashed into the security gates on his way out.
Where is that photo of Michel steering a tanker before the elections ? Even then they were hiding the demise of these tankers from us.
The tankers were a money-making wheeze, but the Seychellois people are picking up the debts as usual.
Nepotism has badly served our country.
Francis Savy at STB. David Savy at Air Seychelles. Guy Adam at SEPEC. And it still goes on !!!!!
Amazing isn't it?Amdam stole multi-millions of dollars from the people of seychelles when asked him to go he is angry as if he should be kept in his postion in order that he can continue rob the people.In fact we should ask for an investigation of Adam for theft at SEPEC,dito to David and Glenny and latter we can ask for the same in regrad to Francis,he is multi-millionaire without working one single day in his life.
Jeanne D'Arc
Adam has retired ,when is Michel the butcher older than Adam going to retire and have his umminity revoke inorder that we can be investigated and punish for crimes against the people of Seychelles?
Jeanne D'Arc
Le Seychellois
LSH Editor has written to Bloomberg in reaction to an article published online today quoting the newspaper.
The Editor, Gervais Henrie said the report was inaccurate and that whoever provided Bloomberg with the background for the story, clearly did not understand the complexity of the SEPEC story as reported in this week’s issue.
In our front page article, LSH clearly stated that the information published have neither been confirmed or denied by the authority, since both Captain Guy Adam and PS Ahmed Afif did not bother to reply to our query.
LSH is misquoted in three instances in the Bloomberg’s article.
Eoula Zendass feslas aret bez rararabase gran saven...
Ler Monsier Adam i ri-ta-ed zot di ki in vole.....
Ler i enkor pe dededebouye zot koz kouyon... e Zendass ou menm ou conten dir "TIME FOR A CHANGE"
E ou conten dir THE WIND IS BLOWING... mon kwar ou conten sa blodiob..
Ou vremen bebebebebez fer la penn.
Sincere condolences to the Ramkalawan family on the death of Wavel's mum.
Republic of San Serriffe
I held my peace when SBC aired it. Onezime’s masterplan to drive 50% of the population mad every night with what he calls “news” will fail, as far as I am concerned.
I held my peace again when Alain St Ange sent his press release to eTurbo news (you know, St Ange keeping the world tourism trade informed on news of … Alain St Ange). No need to bust a vein. Only Mozart from his African hideout reads such things avidly. He in turn will issue his own press release based on St Ange’s press release and STB will make sure he has a good time when he is next in town.
But now that Seychelles Nation has belatedly waded in this weekend, I can no longer hold my peace. To be fair to Nation, like its political sibling, it too was only regurgitating a press release from the St Ange STB. In the propaganda stakes, Nation is determined not to be outdone by SBC. Sibling rivalries played out for all to see, encouraged by St Ange.
Alain St Ange is the new Josef Goebbels. But who is the real target of his naked propaganda ? Could it be someone with an honorary doctorate degree from Teri University and a handful of degrees in violence from 5 June 1977 university ?
St Ange wants us to believe that the UK Guardian newspaper has written a flattering report on Seychelles. The deception was repeated by SBC, Nation and eTurbo News and disseminated over different days.
Guardian disclaimer
In fact, the report on Seychelles was written by a company called ‘The Report Company’ who plants such reports in the Guardian as advertisement.
In fact, the Guardian is keen to deny responsibility for these adverts from “The Report Company”. Its disclaimer is prominent and says “this is an independent publication, brought to you by The Report Company, who take sole responsibility for its content.”
In fact , such reports are a money-making wheeze by “The Report Company” . It is possible that the report on Seychelles was written in collaboration with the Parti Lepep government, hence the very flattering tone and the Guardian disclaimer. It is not what St Ange and the Parti Lepep government are telling us -- it is not an independent report written by a leading British newspaper.
In fact, as someone pointed out in a letter to the editor (editor of the Guardian -- Nation will never print such letters), the report on Seychelles reminded him of the Guardian’s 1977 April Fools Day report on the Republic of San Serriffe, an Indian Ocean island nation.
In fact, the parallels are spooky.
Return to San Serriffe
When the world first heard of San Serriffe in April 1977, the tiny state was a sleepy island paradise under the authoritarian leadership of an unpopular general. Visiting the archipelago 22 years on, Berlin Sans discovers a vibrant nation transformed by a visionary leader
Berlin Sans
The Guardian, Thursday 1 April 1999
Adam was poor like Deginyen when he took over SEPEC now he posses a mulit-million five star hotel and amny more millions of dollars in Swiss Bank whihc is part of the U$2,5 billions in Swiss bank.The question how one become mulit-millionaire in dollars just being director of a comapny?How is it that Adam has become as rich as Bill Gate?
Yes i like saying and i mean it ,but it does not mean aLLOWING THEIVES TO GET AWAY WITH THIER CIMRES.Change means also accountability and responsibility and it is also as important that criminals are investigated for their crimes becuase allowing sriminals to go away without justice mean accepting crimes as a norm ^thus we are bound to repeat te mistake of the past.
Pissedoff we can agree and disagree,but there is asimply gesture Pp can do to avoid even a debate on the issue namely make public POOR AND YOUNG REPORT ON SEPEC handed to Michel the almost three years ago.Then we can all appreciate the answers from it.Or does Pp wants us just to accept and beleive in words of lies coming out of their stinky mouth?
Jeanne D?Arc
Definitely PP with the help of Khalfia dollars wanted and expecet some praises for failures by this press firm just as shoertly Paid REUTER to pubilshed a fake,jungle report on our economic situation that can not even convinced the four year daugther of Michel the butcher.Pp was has been beaten by its own fools game.It is now hoist in its own petard.
Jeanne D'Arc
Return to San seriffe
we better understand why PP brought us in the shit for Michel wanted to do whar someone read to him on San Seriffe (a fiction)andprobably bleive it existed.I am sure he would beleive in ATLANTIS too.And maybe that expalin why Michel wants to buid a NEW SEYCHELLES,he was facinated by such fictions.
Jeanne D'Arc
Special courtrooms in the Seychelles and Mauritius and purpose-built "pirate prisons" are among measures to be outlined this week as world leaders gather to plan a crackdown on Somali pirates.
David Cameron and other world leaders are expected to announce the moves at a meeting in London on Thursday. The aim of the gathering will be to hammer out a plan to improve stability in Somalia, which for more than 20 years has been lawless and beset by pirate gangs, rival clan militias and Islamist terrorists.
We welcome any move that would help stabilize or radicate Piracy but it should not be an excuse for Pp not to do its parts.
I must be said that Pp stargety against fighting piracy is not the best so far.Just an example.Pp dicided to open a base on one of our corasl island to suppoedly help fight piracy,good idea whisch many of us have long been asking for.But did you see which isand PP idoits cohse for the base?CEOTiVY ,situated in tthe east of our EEZ thus Betwwen Mahe an Asia ,wihle Pirates enter our EEZ from the WEST (aldabra and atolls).So our Dictator-in -Chief thinks that setting a base in the east will help fightung piracy ieffective that enter our waters from the EAST. The butcher think when you in the far east ,one can intvervene much more rapidly,faster if it is on the other side of our terrirtories.amazing isn't it,especailly when we know the degree in Military sicience Dr Michel has?
it is indeed diffficult to make a monkey understand simple and logic thinks mthey just donot posses the brain to see further than their nose.
Jeanne D'Arc
The butcher will be visiting UK soon,should we prepare some Seychellois (living in the UK)protestors to welcome him with bannners and fruit- tarts?Or ask Mr. Tall to send in andvance acopy of the Bucher's biography to Mr. Cameron?Note that there was no leeter sent to the Queen on her diamond celebration but the butcher did send letter of congratulation Khalfia on his National celebration.Note that Michel has change the historical name of our Hospital built by the Brits to repalce it by Seychelles hospital in order to pleae Khalfia who has his name on placade there ,for Khalfia could not accept his name on a building with the name of a woman.So waht do we do with the butcher organize some fruits tarts for him,or wait for him at the london Airport with some banners?What do you propose Pissedoff?
Jeanne D'arc
David Cameron may be new to the game and unaware of Seychelles' history. Michel has already offered the tempting free holiday on La Digue, the same that Tony Blair got 2 or 3 times. Furthermore he badly needs somewhere to jail Somali pirates and will do anything for that, but rest assured that Queen Elizabeth is fully aware of Seychelles' history. She will know she will be shaking the hand of a killer, but she has no choice in the matter. It will not be the first time that British diplomacy has required her to shake the hand of a killer. In any case, it would be rather strange if the prison warders were not invited to the conference on Somali piracy in London.
Michel will no doubt enjoy the pomp and circumstance of the occasion. He demands no less these days. But he should be under no illusions that in return the British government will demand that he returns home with Somali pirates in tow to be housed and fed at Montagne Posee. The pirates will of course be given a fair trial, unlike local newspaper editors facing trumped-up charges.
The inclusion of Rolf Payet makes you wonder whether any UK university has been leant on to give Michel an honorary doctorate. The visit will be seen as a failure if he comes back without one. He does not want to be seen to be good for a doctorate from little known universities in India only, so he might be prepared to increase the pirate quota for Seychelles for a British university honorary doctorate.
The Queen may be tempted to give Michel an honorary knighthood (Michel wants to be on a par with Sir James Mancham KBE) but perhaps she has learnt her lessons from the Mugabe saga where she had to take away Mugabe's knighthood.
Furthermore, the Queen will be well aware of Michel's anti-British monarchy activities after the coup d'etat. I hope he is not that stupid to blame it all on the evil influence of Albert Rene.
For the umpteenth time, Michel will ask the Queen to visit Seychelles so that he can bask in her reflected glory. For the umpteenth time, she will promise to visit soon knowing that having killers as hosts is not something she wants to do. Unlike Blair, the Queen does not take freebies.
Jeanne D'arc a.f.k.a. Jean Paul Isaak; Mon fatige dir ou s'il vous plait; aret apel nou Presidan zako.
Mon boi sei get dan laglas en pe foutou! si ou napa laglas fer ou anbasader boyo-just-for-aughs la ba You-Ke envoy ou enn dan so diplomatik bag, ce pendan al debout oubor miray lasose e get ou refleksyon dan delo!
Furthermore kouyon brit iletre. Honorary knighthoods are only given to non commonwealth citizens. If Michel gets a knighthood it will be substantive because we are part of the commonwealth and he will entitled use "Sir" in front of his name. Nincompoop!
Bai-de-we dir ou lanbasader boyo-just-for-laughs not to even think of going to play knock-knock at No. 10 Downing street. Don't let his phoney title get to his head cause he is not a recognised and official diplomat in the You-Ke. Taler nwa tande gard inn bez aret en teroris Paki laba ki tia a pe sei enter 10 Downing Street....he is half Paki non?
..tsck....tou sa la pe lager rasin....wa fer mwan kwar...
i think Scotlandyard is waiting for him,for planning the murder of Grarald Haureau on Brit.soil.Note that Gerald also held a Brit Passport.
Jeanne D'Arc
UK is a democractic country.To make- up an ugly face of such a fool with a fruit tart is common place in Europe,it is not even a cahrge.Mr Tall lives in the UK ,i really donot think he needs Pp cronies to tell him what do.
Moreover,Seychellois born before 1976 are all Seychellois be it of Pakistani,Indain,Chinese origine ,they grew up here ,when to school here ,know and share our culture,tradition,relgion and so forth.I could have named Temooljee,abbe,Ah -Yune,Cheng-tave and any more,these are real,genuine Seychellois .The same cannot be said to those dessarteurs to the likes of Ramadoss,Siva,SCully,Stellar and many more who were gifted our passports when they came here on GOP(working permits).
Jeanne D'Arc
Pissedoff, your president is not entitled to a knighthood, honorary or not, no matter how much he is gagging for one.
Knighthoods are given to the Queen's subjects, that is citizens of countries where she is Head of State.
Mancham can call himself Sir because he is a British citizen, after James Michel took up arms against the young republic and committed high treason. The British could make amends to the people of Seychelles by locking Michel in the Tower of London.
As Seychelles is a republic and regrettably Michel is Head of State, a deserving Seychellois can only get an honorary knighthood.
Yes but your ambassador is a Paki and therefore not a rasin. Furthermore Pakis are Muslims and SFP is both anti Muslim and anti-fabrike so I don't freaking get it?!
SFP pa bez konnen whether they are coming or going....just parey en kabo lapo!
The imminent demise of SEPEC's tanker business reminds us of how the Rene-Savy-Adam clan has well and truly screwed this country. We know about David and Francis Savy at STB and Air Seychelles.
Yesterday fugly Glenny Savy turned up on SBC to remind us that there is another member of the clan who is up to no good with our money.
Fool Seychelles is a commonwealth and the queen is the head of the commonwealth and we are subjects of the commonwealth so that makes the knighthood substantive!
Seychelles tourism officials enjoy a swim at Anse Lazio beach -- St Ange's eTurbo news press release.
Oh, really !!!!! Alain St Ange's guts never got wet and nephew Kersley kept his jeans on.
Negotiation with the Shark's Regional committee is almost over, soon minister Morgan will announce the treaty that would allow us to reopen the swimming area on Praslin. No mention of La Digue and the outer islands were discussed in the current deal. :)
Reply to Pissed-off "I just don't get it, "SFP is like lapo kabo....I don't know if you are coming or going" (Lapo Kabo for english readers is skins dick.
You do not get it because you have not read the MSR manifesto that defines a "Seychellois".
Hence, you wrongly attribute our ideology in SFP as being racist, and anti Muslim, for which SFP is neither.
Your inference to refer to someone as a "Paki" and another person as a "monkey" is racist. This is an utter shame and disgrace to the PL SPPF party, since you are the prime spokesman for the Communist Party.
Perhaps now, even your wife will know why you failed Seychelles so badly,because it is ever so self evident to us all on STAR.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Reply to “skins dick”
Kris totof is that what they are calling it nowadays “Skins dick”?
I used to know it as foreskin! You dick head!
“Paki” is not a racist word and I will explain why.
Afganistan (Afgani-stan) means land of the Afgani – the people are known as Afganis and they are and are proud of it!
Hindustan (Hindu-stan) meaning land of the Hindus – again Hindu being the race and stan being the land! They are also proud to be known as Hindus!
Why the fuck then are the Pakis pissedoff when they are called thus? Are they ashamed of their identity?
Pakistan means: (Paki-stan) Land of the Paki as in “Paki” being the people, “Stan” being the land or country. I did not call them that it was them who came to be known thus since their existence.
The original meaning of “Paki-stan” is “Pure-land” or land of the pure so why should they pissedoff and pull out the racist card when called Pakis?
As for “Monkey” a.k.a. Isaaq is because that little prick under the pseudo of Jeanne D’arc the rambling idiot and Ti Johnny the gay swinger likes to refer to our president as a monkey so I don’t see why you at SFP should be pissedoff if I borrow those same names that form part of your daily vocabulary! You know what they say; what’s not good for the goose…et al
And Gill; since when have you been concerned about the reputation of Pp/SPPF party mon boy…not thinking of crossing back again are you?
Pissed off-
Racist spokesman for PL SPPF- your statement is hideous and reeks with racism. Let the World be put on "Notice" that you are a Racist.
As for crossing the floor, at the time I did what I did to save my life .
Unfortunately, for all Seychellois today, we are all DEAD already.
No one will waste their time crossing the floor again.
Today Pissed off Failure-
- Seychelles is Bankrupt;
-Seychelles is under IMF;
-Air Seychelles our national pride has gone belly up and Bankrupt;
-Air Seychelles has been sold;
-SEPEC tankers are losing money and will be sold;
-all of Anse Boileau is being sold;
- in fact, it remains only the kabo lapo on your genital to be sold off.
All this happens while ICC circles you like a shark out for its next meal.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Gill; the only thing you have been telling us in Seychelles if one will pardon the pun is that black is white and white is black! Your messages are all contradictions of each other. There have been more racism coming from yourself, Jeanne D’arc alias Jean Paul Isaaq a.f.k.a. Ti Johnny on your forums than has come out of Nazi Germany during the third Reich! Remember we can all read and we don’t forget easily no matter how much you try to twist and turn thing around – it is too late mon vieux!
Remember; Parole s’envole mais les mot reste…as a fabrike I wouldn’t expect you to know that so perhaps Popol can get a Chenard to translate and interpret!
And Kris totof; Bez arête ek sa old cliché about crossing the floor to save your life! Greed got the better of you and when you couldn’t oust your uncle from his seat you betrayed him and your constituents. Now you tell me if this is not parallel to the actions of Judas Iscariot?
You will be remembered as the man who laid the foundation that built the famous path across the floor of the assembly where others have since crossed!
The only way no one will cross the floor again like you’ve stated is for you to undo what you did by retracting your steps and crossing back! That is what you have been trying to do ever since. Unfortunately you have lost your way! Komdir granmoun, oun tom dan fernwar!
Well, Pissedoff, you evade the question. Should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap while Stellar remains even if his job has gone to an Etihad employee ?
James Michel's visit to London supposedly to attend the Somalia Conference, which lasts just one day on Thursday, got off to a bad start. The Queen sent her distant relative to meet Michel at the airport.
George Thande, Nation journalist, is among the Michel entourage. He writes 2 versions of each report. One report is for Seychelles Nation and is full of the usual propaganda. Then he writes a second report without the propaganda for Reuters, as Reuters will not publish James Michel's propaganda.
Pissed Off Head proxy for Butcher and PL.
The only thing that is in the dark in Seychelles today, is our country under PL.
Today- Seychelles is a failed state.
Today- we are bankrupt.
Today- Seychellois suffer like never before since Independence.
It is you who lives in the darkness of failure. In this darkness, you seem to think Black is White, and White is Black.
Be warned, Black is Black, and White is White. Similarly, Truth is Truth, and you cannot run from it, it will find you.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
When we say that Pp is sell out our patrimony to foreigners is that not a truth?When we say our passports are being illegal gifted to foregners is that not a truth?When we say foreigners are illegally controlling our institutions is that not a truth?When we say the butcher is allowing foreigners to turn Seychellois into third class citizens is that not a truth?
We donot expect foreigners to dictate to us,control us,insult us,disrepect us,rape our environemnt,block Seychellois access to their Public beaches,displace them on artificial land in order to get rid of them and to make place for foreigners.
Jeanne D'Arc
Reuter will surely not publish the butcher^s propaganda,and knowing his bad pronounciation and articulation in English,he is probable murdering Shakespear's language making our people look shameful.
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D’arc; Shakespeare’s language is already dead. Murdered a long time ago by you a.k.a. Isaaq/ti Johnny and Gill so please don't try to pin this crime on JAM!
JAM is guilty of real crimes.
The only language that comes for English is Madarin (from China)but the world's most used and Int.language like it or not is English.Ask Prof.Dr.the butcher he will tell you.
Well to murder a country's language on Shakespear^s homeland and soil only a fool would do that.Just figrue this out.The butcher favorite song i was told is "Golden eyes"from the James Bond film.When he sings it instead of saying Golden eyes the Butcher whithout shame and probably becuase of his ignorance sings it"Golden eggs"i donot know if he is refering to Khalifa's golden Balls" but for whatever reasons for the Butcher understands it as Golden eggs.You could imagine how difficult it has been for Mr Cameron to figure out what the butcher said,and with his denture ,it does not facilitate thing either.
Jeanne D'Arc
Zandork a.k.a. Zanpul Isaaq you have just given Ingilisi the coup de grace!
ICC wants to know where the bodies are of missing Seychellois!
That's one letter you haven't posted on La Verite!
what no letter from ICC? Did they just phone Docklands?
Pissed Off
Why are you so 'anti gay' when so many members of your parti, past and present ARE GAY????????
Answers on a postcard to the Nation.
I'm not the one anti gay. Did you read Gill & Isaaq's blogs during last year's election campaign coverages? They were slating the gay voters. Their religious beliefs prevents them from accepting gays.
No need for a postcard here it is!
P.S. No need to look any farther just scroll above and look at the picture of these two gays and read the caption!
That was one of the pictures they captured from the election campaigns!
P.P.S. What pisses me off is that Isaaq comes from a family where all the male members are gay.
That is call discrimination.But for a communist hating gays goes beyond discrimination.Totalitarian systems do not tolerate difference and hate freedom.Communists say that being gays is a perversion of capitalism and they need reeducation.All in all communists in general hate anything that they cannot control.
Thus donot find it strange if they tell you they hate gays.The hate everthing religion,democracy,liberty,freedom,their politcal opponents,God so who would they not hate?
Jeanne D'Arc
Not worst than the Nazi party of which SFP follows!
Folie de grandeur.
Michel is wasting our money with his Emperor Bokassa-size entourage in London.
He is accompanied by a sizeable contingent of State House press and other state-funded media like Nation and SBC, augmented by paid-for freelance media in UK.
Judging from an article in Seychelles Nation , it is very chaotic in London as they have great difficulties keeping up with one another.
The British diplomats have not missed the Bokassa mentality in James Michel and know which of his vanity buttons to press. They know that a few minutes with the Queen and a photo-opportunity at Bucks House (Michel left the conference on piracy for that) and Michel will be unable to say no to housing Somali pirates in Seychelles.
Meanwhile, it seems only the Chinese news agency Xinhua is reporting Michel's visit to London supposedly to attend the conference on Somalia. Is George Thande (Nation journalist in London with Michel) the mysterious and controversial Xinhua correspondent ?
The British High Commissioner and UK Foreign Office have been unable to grant Michel his wish for an interview with BBC News 24 and Sky News which are not under the control of the British government.
Once again, a Michel visit overseas bombs and Seychellois taxpayers have to pick up the bill. Let's hope this visit to London is his swansong. We can take no more of this national embarrassment on the international stage.
You lying fool! He is there with his entourage at the invitation of the British Government.
All expenses met by Britain!
Zot lanis i bezwen fer mal manyer zot lalang ek fes!
The British government did not invite state-funded and state-run propaganda media.
In any case, whatever expenses the British pay for James Michel will come out of the foreign aid budget for starving people in Africa.
In London, Michel is meeting a few students and staff of STB. That is, only those who depend on Parti Lepep government for money at the end of the month.
Why is he not meeting Seychellois living in London ? He is a coward. I hope the Queen did not drop a clanger and ask him if he had time to meet any of the thousands Seychellois living in her kingdom. She is well informed enough to know Michel's politics inside out. There is no point Michel passing himself off for someone that he isn't in London -- i.e. he is not the sort of exemplary African leader that the Queen has been praying for for 60 years. The British need him to keep the Somali pirates that they catch. That's all. It is no skin off their nose to exaggerate Michel's importance and allow him to pollute London for a few days. Michel is just the prison warder at the London conference on Somalia. The invitation to London is the sweetener.
SBC has no money for local productions and to cover local events, apart from Parti Lepep news. Yet there is money to follow Michel as he swans around London like a typical egomaniacal leader of a banana republic. London has seen and tolerated its fair share of his type over the years.
Will SBC be following Michel to UAE when he goes there to sell us out ?
We will find out who paid for the trip when the supplementary budget goes before the Parti lepep national assembly.
To all those that talk from their arse just for the sake of talking. When a diplomatic delegation as such of the head of state travels it is protocol that one or two journalists forms part of his entourage bann kouyon. Did you expect second hand coverage of the visit from British newpapers to Seychelles?
Swadizan en zot en parti politic! depi Gill ek son lot zako Isaaq tousala en bann kouyon mem zot. Akoz zot pa al anpandan lo brans Bodanmye manz banann oswa bez asiz anba pwe sakenn ek an ros e konmans kas lagrenn Bodanmye zot a ganny en lokipasyon!
Michel has been pestering the British High Commissioner in Seychelles about a state visit to the UK, including 3 nights stay at Buckingham Palace.
It does not look like he will get his invitation. The quickie visit to Buckingham Palace today, squeezed between sessions at the Somalia conference, is the consolation prize.
Presumably it is not protocol when it is a visit to the UAE.
David Cameron would not be able to order British media to follow him on his visits abroad. Those media that do follow him, do so because the visits are newsworthy and not for the leader's propaganda purposes.
Did State House ask the independent, non-Parti Lepep media, to join the entourage for some impartial reporting ?
The foreign junket in London may well be Michel's swansong. It must have occurred to him, while on the Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, flight from Abu Dhabi to London, that he must have crossed paths somewhere over Europe with Danny Faure's Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, flight from London to Abu Dhabi on his way from a visit in Cuba.
Also, the much publicised The Country Report on Seychelles distributed with the UK Guardian did not once mention Danny Faure who is after all the Vice President and Minister of Finance. No respectable UK newspaper would write a report on Seychelles' finances without talking to the man in charge of finance. Danny Faure was clearly snubbed in this Parti Lepep's propaganda exercise.
It looks like relations between the President and his Vice are rather frosty.
The question is what other foreign shindigs does Michel have in mind before he is made to clear off.
James Michel title Dr AK47 military traning he recived in the bush Arusha Tanzania 1976.
He is now in the spotlight as the savior of Seychelles. No James look
back and ask yourself what did I do to my fellow countrymen in 1977.
Michel was pushed in by the usher to greet Her Majesty,
Then she took three steps back to not get close to the thug killer communist.
UK signed off on 500,000 pounds to help the Somalia cause. They could have gotten that money from Guy Savy.
Total plop. I am sure Minis Lapire hit the pub and drank his sorrows away.
Congratulations for SFP effort to expose these vagabonds . There is more to come.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Seychellois!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I cannot tell you if Cameron is heartless or not. But it has been known for the British to spend lavishly on African leaders in London while African children starve.
Michel is bragging about his first "guest of government" visit to the UK and vastly improved relations with the UK. The man is a megalomaniac. Who spat on British expatriates and frog-marched them to the airport to be expelled on 5 June 1977, if not James Michel ? Good thing Cameron was too young to remember and coud not be bothered to read up the history of Parti Lepep.
The reality is that the "guest of government" visit is a poor substitute for a state visit. Michel has been denied a state visit and a 3-day kip at Buckingham Palace. To spare his feelings and to get him to attend the Somalia conference, he was a "guest of the government" not a guest of the Queen and the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Shabby treatment for the leader of the only country prosecuting Somali pirates. But the two-bit tyrant deserves it.
Michel knows that beggars can't be choosers. He begged for a State Visit but the British fobbed him off with a "guest of government" visit. It is a humiliation, but it will not be matter with Parti Lepep's unenlightened supporters.
He could have made a business-like visit to London (like Hillary Clinton, for instance) to attend the Somalia conference and fight our corner to bring an end to the piracy scourge. But he indulged in too many distractions in London to be able to focus on the business that really matters for the Seychellois people. He has been going around London like a headless chicken.
No State Visit and no controversial honorary degree from the University of London ? That should put him in his proper place.
Pissedoff keeps evading the question.
Why should Seychellois be thrown on the scrap heap when expats keep their jobs ?
What are we to make of Michel's meetings in "the margins" of the London conference on Somalia ? We are told Michel "met" Hilary Clinton and Ban Ki Moon "in the margins".
In reality Michel bumped into them in the corridors of Lancaster House, where Michel seemed to have spent most of his time getting star-truck, for a greeting and a photo-opportunity to build up his album.
In fact Hilary Clinton was so busy that she was not around for the group photo at the end of the conference. She is unlikely to have had 5 minutes to spare for James Michel. She was already in Tunis the next day for the Friends of Syria conference.
Why so much deception and vainglorious attempts trying to impress ? Does Michel suffer an inferior-complex and craves the desire to be seen as something that he clearly is not ?
Come on, get real !
.. star-struck
By George...
The above writer and Gilliar are talking through their trou fes again. Why don't you both piss off once and for all because you are a bloody disgrace and sooner or later we will find out who you really are and we will piss you right off to whence you you came from.
Don't you like reading the truth, the alternative to Seychelles Nation's lies ?
Michel's brief encounters in the corridors of Lancaster House were folie de grandeur.
Why are there no photos of meetings in the "margins" with Somali, Ethiopian or Kenyan leaders -- key countries affected by Somali and piracy problems ?
Why just Queen, Cameron, Clinton and Ban Ki Moon ?
Why did he not meet the Somali diaspora who were there ? The solutions to Somalia lie in the hands of Somalis, not the Queen.
It shows that Michel's travel to London was not about business but ego-boosting. It is time this country got a competent president who knows what he is doing. It is disgraceful, especially considering the impact Somali piracy is having on our economy and two Seychellois are still being held captive in Somalia.
Michel waylaid Hilary Clinton in the corridors of Lancaster House to ask if Obama had received his letter and to ask for a photo for his album ? What a waste of space ? Hilary Clinton must have wondered. Michel is an embarrassment. Michel was at the Somalia conference for the photo-opportunities with world leaders -- white world leaders.
Fancy James Michel disturbing the Queen of the United Kingdom, so that he can have more photos for his albums, Seychelles Nation and ghost-written books. It is folie de grandeur. It is poor manners. Yet he had no time for Seychellois living in London and yet he calls himself a president for all Seychellois. The man is brainless. A lot of people are saying the London conference will not change the situation in Somalia. Is it any wonder when people like James Michel preferred to enjoy themselves in London rather than get down to real business !
MR.C.GILL let me tell you that most seychellios nowadays are very up-to-date,you're also might be very rich,a good businessman like you.A floor crosser like you only making political propaganda.
You look very ambitious with all your political propaganda.Can a man like you eliminate all wickedness in Seychelles and bring justice,etc,etc.. in this coutry call Seychelles.I do not know what you carry in that thermos of yours but physically you look strange,maybe a political virus is striking you.I said maybe.
That's the truth again and all the SPF supporters don't trust him anymore. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and carry his thermos loaded with prune juice so he can get going through the day.
Ah ha! So that's what's in that thermos!? I've been racking my brains trying to figure out what was in it - prune juice to get him going during the day!?
No wonder these blogs are full of shit!
Reply to "Silver spoon"
I sense some sort of deep jealousy running through your veins.
Pardon me, but the silver spoon you refer to is not known to me.
I have worked all my life, and I have worked hard all my life. Sometimes hard work has meant to work fast, sometimes it means to work slow and thoughtfully, and at times it has meant to work smart.
If you are jealous of my wide range of abilities, do not despair. I am a product of a Freedom Loving system, not a product of a Communist system.
If all Seychellois have the opportunity to be part of a Freedom Loving system, I see no reason why they all cannot excel beyond me, and they can all have a golden spoon in their mouths if they like.
If Seychelles was not robbed and pillaged by SPPF PL - we would all be eating off golden plates with a GDP over $US 900 million per annum. Instead, we are all getting poorer and poorer everyday, because of sell out Collaborators who sell out patrimony.
If selling our patrimony is such a good idea, why are we all poorer today?
As for you Pissed off, proxy for Rene the Butcher and Michel the sell out, the prune juice I believe is most fitting for your diet,since without it, you cannot even post a blog.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Monsieur ils sont la meme personne.
C'est les meme confere soungoula.
The United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Seychelles have signed an agreement on exempting holders of diplomatic and special passports from obtaining pre-visa for entry into both countries.
The agreement was signed by the Undersecretary of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Juma Mubarak Al Junaibi and Foreign Minister of Seychelles Jean-Paul Adam.
The agreement, signed within the framework of the cabinet decision tasking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conclude mutual agreements, will facilitate the beneficiaries from both countries to stay up to 90 days without a pre-visa.
Al Junaibi stressed that the UAE is keen to bolster diplomatic ties with the world countries as part of the country's openness to the world.
Does the fool Michel think he needs to drop in on the Queen when he is in London and embarrass her, just like he drops in on Khalifa whenever he is in Seychelles ? The sooner we get rid of him the better.
Khalifa still won't let all of us into his country without a visa.
I thought you didn't want to go there?
Michel has 'signed an agreement' for Somali pirates in prison in Seychelles to be transferred to Somalia. That sounds like an early release for the pirates. I do not suppose Michel cares. Piracy has allowed him to strut his stuff on the world stage and he is enjoying it, judging from his visit to London last week.
No, I don't want to. Not if I have a choice. But I may not have a choice, given the way things are going under Parti Lepep.
Given the way things are and you had no choice but to go there will it be as a returning resident?
as an unwilling subject of Sheikh Khalifa
The butcher signed an agreement to take Somali pirates here in costody.It is not becuase the Butcher can handle those pirates nor becuase he has the infratructures to deliver.NO it all has t od with the million of dollars he will be given by Foreign countries as help.The butcher is intersting in thr millions in order that he can rob,then he would probably pay a corrupt Puntaland official to take the priates back and get rid with them though we know they would probably come back again.But for the butcher it is not a probelm to have them back again,for it keeps the business going.For a crook any possibility of making money even when soveirgnty is in danger is a good deal.
Time for regime change !
Jeanne DÂrc
Ou vreman koz par ou boyo you bloody fool!
The agreement to transfer these pirates back to their country was signed witnessed by the whole world yet now as usual you are twisting the story and insulting people's intelligence with your twisted story!
Did you expect us to take on this problem without any financial help from those that this scourge is mostly affecting?
JAM has scored points on the international stage and this is eating at you!
Bez al sot dan kanal ban imbecile!
Mes amis Seychellois,
Seychellois, vous le peuple qui êtes née sur une terre idyllique,
Vous avez tous le devoir de prendre grand soins de ces îles et de leur environnement unique,
Une vie meilleure pour tous vous sera offerte, si vous avez les un pour les autres le respect et l’entraide,
Il faut que la totalité de la population Seychelloise prenne continence au plus vite de la situation actuelle politique, économique et environnementale du pays car chaque jour les Seychelles meurent un peu plus,
Fin 2012 devrai être l’année de grand changement par une prise de continence mondiale,
Actuellement le monde est dirigé par des hommes puissants et malfaisants dont leurs but n’est que de s’enrichir chaque jour un peu plus au détriment de la population et de la planète terre……
Je comprends que la majorité des Seychellois ne sont pas satisfait de leur Gouvernement actuelle!
Une personne ne peut rien contre un gouvernement armé mais une population à le pouvoir de changer les choses si elle est soudé,
Il est évident qu’il ne faut pas répondre par la violence, mais par des mouvements pacifique de grève ciblé et si la police et l’armé s’oppose a la population il faudra faire appel au journaliste internationale pour que le monde soit informé de la situation du pays et demande une aide internationale !
Sesel Pou tous qui respect l’environnement Sesel !
F. B.
Egalité et liberté mondial pour tous
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que la majorite des Seychellois ne sont pas satisfaits de leur gouvernement? Pensez-vous que'un poignee de bon a rien a Dockland representer la voix du peuple Seychellois?
Sesel pour Seselwa donc piss off!
The silent majority Pisesedoff.It not something i am thinking of ,it might well have been an illusion but the reality.
SFp without hesitation does represent the voiceless for these voiceless asked SFP to represent them when they bravely followed the call By SFP leadership to boycott the fake Presidential election which they did.It was tacit apporval and support for SFP.If that is not a proof of SFp having the silent majority supportors behind him, what is it then?
Jeanne D'Arc
Pourquoi ce message de haine Mr Pissedoff ?
Avez-vous des avantages avec ce gouvernement en place pour me répondre de la sorte ?
Ayant un regard extérieur sur les Seychelles et de multiples contacts avec les Seychellois de tous milieux, J’ai entendu par la plus grande majorité des Seychellois qu’ils ne sont actuellement pas satisfaits de leur Gouvernement !
Si vous avez un regard global, vous pourrez voir que le pays va très mal !
Je travail depuis de nombreuses années dans le milieu de la finance et je m’informe du cour de la Roupie Seychelloise chaque jour et aujourd’hui 1.00 EUR = 19.3358 SCR, nous voyons donc que le pays Seychellois s’enfonce un peu plus chaque jour, quel en ai la cause ?
Comment un pays peut mal se porter quand l’industrie de la pêche et du tourisme rapporte chaque année des millions de dollars $ au pays !
Deux choses peuvent expliquer ceux-ci :
1 - une mauvaise gestion de la trésorerie,
2- l'abus de biens sociaux qui est le délit qui réprime le fait pour tout dirigeant de société commerciale ou civile d'avoir utilisé en connaissance de cause les biens, le crédit, les pouvoirs ou les voix de la société à des fins personnelles directes ou indirectes.
Comme je vous disais précédemment le monde est dirigé par des hommes dont leurs but n’est que de s’enrichir au détriment de la population et il sera difficile de changer cette mentalité même pour un nouveau gouvernement car le pouvoir donne vite de intempérance qui est incompatible avec l’humilité.
Pour que les Seychelles renaissent et évolue vers un avenir meilleur, il faudra un gouvernement bénévole avec des qualités différentes comme l’honnêteté, dignité, droiture, fidélité, honorabilité, incorruptibilité, moralité et bien sur humilité !
Si vous avez besoin d’aide, je suis prés a aider bénévolement les Seychelles car c’est un pays exceptionnelle qui mérite mon intention.
Sesel Pou tous qui respect l’environnement Sesel !
F. B.
Egalité et liberté mondial pour tous
Mathilda toni, Mathilda touni, kan eski ou pe desan pou vinn rod plis larsan traison.Nou annan un gros travail pe espere ou dan lacour.Nou konan ki sa dernien check pe fini TABA SAL.
Mathilda is hoisted in her own petard.It is probably a lesson sho won^t forget.
Jeanne DÂrc
The extensctiy and gravity of the mess created the best Pp can do is dossolve its fialed governemnt and call for new election and form a National Unity governemnt for a definitely period just to clean the mess.For the mess would probably take years to get rid of.
Jeanne D'Arc
F.B. J.D. bez aret koz par zot fes foutou!
Mr Pissedoff est t il un homme des cavernes ? Pour m’offenser de la sorte !
Le mieux est d’ignorer Mr Pissedoff a partir de ce jour car je ne pense pas que cette personne soit constructif pour un meilleur futur !
Jeanne D'Arc a raison de penser que pour nettoyer le désordre actuelle cela prendrait probablement des années pour que les Seychellois soient content de leur gouvernement.
Mais en attendant cela, le mal aura fait beaucoup de dégât sur l’environnement des Seychelles, car est il normal de vendre des plage public a des investisseur fortuné pour y créer des hôtel de béton et y interdire l’accès à la plage pour toute personne extérieur a cet hôtel ! bien sur que non !
Mais pourquoi actuellement il y a t’il sur internet autant de terre a vendre :
Tans que le ministre du tourisme n’aura pas pris continence qu’il faut mieux faire des écolodge (exemple a l’ile du Nord) au prix abordable que des hôtel de béton qui ne se fond pas dans la nature alors les touristes tournerons le dos aux Seychelles et iront dans des pays ou les écolodges sont plus respectueux de l’environnements (comme a madagascar, ile de Nosy Be ou ile de Sainte Marie)
Il y a tellement de choses évidente et facile a mettre en œuvre par un gouvernement pour redresser les finances du pays, mais actuellement il se passe tous le contraire car fermer Air Seychelle au vol internationale direct est une grave erreur car beaucoup de touriste pense : « il vous faudra 12h00 de vol et une escale à Dubaï , Abu Dahbi ou Doha pour venir sous le soleil tropical! Mieux vaut aller à Maurice ou à la Réunion ...c'est moins cher!!! » :
Sachant que les Seychelles sont en parti dépendant des l’économie touristique, les isoler un peu plus chaque jour peut les rendre de plus en plus dépendant de ceux qui contrôle déjà Air Seychelles !
L’heure est gave mes amis…
Sesel Pou tous qui respect l’environnement Sesel !
F. B.
Egalité et liberté mondial pour tous
The climate change has been a honey in the mouth of forked tongue of the butcher.It has provided him the perfect foil to avoid detection and accountabilily for his corruption and mismanagement fo his society,and a convenient opportunity to divert attention from his crimnal state enterprise.Global warming has proven to be the perfect substitute for the old Bogeyman of Seychelles---colinialism,imperalism,neoliberalism and poverty.
But the fact of the matter is that while the reast of the world toasts from global warming,Seychelles is burning dowm in the fires of dictatorship.While Europeans are fretting about thier carbon footprint,Seychelloi are gasping the breathe free under the bootpirnt of a dictator.While americans are worried about carbon emission trapped in the atmophere,Seychelles find itslef trapped in the minefileds of dictator:Handing over carbon blood money to a dictator is like increasing industrial emissions to cut back on global warming.It is the wrong thing to do.
Seychelles face an ecological collapse not becuase of climate change but becuase of lack of regime change.We know the bravado is nothing more than the chatter of a beggar^s teeth.As the bank robber will not walk out of the bank empty handed becuase of moral outrage over the small ammount of money sitting in the vualt.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Id like to see you lot come and take on the South Africans! hahaha!!!!! ROTFL (joke of the century)
Forked tongue?
Zot o! Aret koz ek poz silvouple! kisisa, la akoz ou fer de zour lanmerik ou kwar ou Redindyen? Ou pa rasin okenpar ou!
Sorti la don!
Yes Pissedoff
The butcher spoke with a forked tongue unless you think it was with Mathilda's lalang toutoun.
Jeanne D'Arc
Bet you'd love that in your mouth you depraved pervert!
I am shocked to see her:
44 hectares of land for hotel project with approuvé building :
why is it not natural reserves?
The Seychelles are dying every day a little more!
What shall I do to prevent this?
SESEL for all who respect the environment Sesel !
F. B.
Equality and freedom for all global !
F.B. Pourquois a tu dropez le francais? Sa m'amusait!
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