The beautiful Le Corsaire Restaurant prior to the fire
Ironically, the Fire Brigade was already on site putting out a fire on the other side of the road when sparks flew out of control and ignited the thatched roof of Le Corsaire Restaurant.
Sadly, the fire trucks ran out of water and then their pumps stopped working after they tried to pump water from the sea. The end result is what we see below:
What's left of the Corsaire Restaurant after the disaster
The minister responsible (JOEL MORGAN) should resign now. Just imagine another 5 years of gross incompetency in our country.
Morgan should resign. He can't run the fire service. The bucks stops with him.
The pump did not work.
Another sign of PL incompetence.
What we can expect from a Nouvo Sesel after we gave him "Encore 5"
Sa se selman bouton. Things will continue to break down and not work. It is inevitable. That is why organised boycott and standing our ground should be maintained. The opposition must not help prop up the system and its disintegration for we are not responsible for it.
Our country seems to be floating under a cloud of curses and bad luck that not even visits to Our Holy Father are helping. God help Seychelles!!
Under communist nothings works except repression,intimidation,and criminality.Pp calls that good governance.
Jeanne D'Arc
It goes like this, can we see that again:
Kalifa please please, I beg you to send us new gifts...
Now we want like to have new fire engines.
Did you hear what that Libyan spokesmen said on UAE.They are blaming each other in a war, but finally the truth is revealed.
It is said that UAE is corrupt, dictatorship and old as the stone age......
No mention whatsoever in the Nation.
Od course they won't mention their own incompetency.
Seychelles Nation will not report it because it is bad news for tourism.
Maybe they're still editing.
Editing in photoshop, as we saw with photos of Michel and Faure during the campaign. Either that or he has put on 25 years since the election. He is too busy with his grooming that he is not checking what is going on in the ministries.
Did someone break into a Beau Vallon guesthouse and steal suitcases last night ?
No please Morgan should NOT resign, they must be around to accept their karma, all of them, that will be their punishment to see things disintegrate around them and not knowing where it will hit them next....
Of course Nation did not report the fire but the Today newspaper did a good job and even took a swipe at the incompetent fire brigade. Morgan is also incompetent and needs to be sacked. Remember he also lost $4.5 million a few years ago.
Nation and SBC are both sad jokes from the Rene and Michel communist era.
Everyone who believes in democracy and a better Seychelles should stop supporting these communist institution with their advertisements and patronage. Enough is enough.
Guy Adam pe al enfil zot ek nuvo pri benzin. Fes be al fermen pou sa ban kin donn senk.
The mighty SBC has had to resort to reporting the article in Today on Ramkalawan's intention to resign, as Ramkalawan is boycotting them and is not taking their calls. SBC is very selective as to what it reports when it comes to the opposition.
They tried to contact Ramkalawan today without luck. However, if Ramkalawan had held a press conference on the incompetence of the government to keep the fire brigade water pumps working, and avoid the destruction of Le Corsaire, SBC would have ignored him.
They tried 3 fire engines. The water pumps for all 3 were broken. Morgan should resign.
Le Corsaire was surrounded by water on 3 sides. Yet the PL government could not save it from the fire.
SBC was trying to contact Ramkalawan ? Haven't they realised there is a boycott on and they are a prime target ? Volcere was wrong to announce his resignation on SBC which reported it as part of PL's victory celebration. Ramkalawan is right to boycott them. Use SBC only when it suits the opposition.
Don't have access to Today's.
"Le Corsaire was surrounded by water on 3 sides."
What is going on man?
Many thanks sir,
grately appreciated :)
Don't have access to Today? Mon dalon, aste en kopy dan la butik.
At least the Fire brigade chief admitted that it was their fault. Good for him.
To the blogger at 7.32pm. Haven't you heard that the boycott is off. That is unless it's back on again. SNP apparently is going back to the Assembly tomorrow. So what do you think of that?
Glad to see that Wavel is boycotting SBC-Tv. Good for you fadda.
The tables r now turned n quite ironic that the national tv station has to resort to Today newspaper to get breaking news.
The Minister of Everything James Michel must be quite disturbed with all these boycotts n will probably be on all 16 pages of the Nation tomorrow n will hog the airwaves for the next 6 weeks.
Hey JAM, how do u like it when Wavel gets a little attention? Disturbing isn't it? No worries, u have 5 more years to show your ugly face on SBC n Nation. Better have another face lift soon to get ready for wife no. 3 if the new frigid madam is ready for u. Viagra anyone? Oh, and tell Danny to get rid of those terrible black spots on his face or maybe Agrippine and Pool can photoshop them off his face. God I love a good laugh...ha ha ha ha....
The Joker
Given those who know the History of Le Corsaire Restaurant, at one point during President FA Rene term of office almost bankrupt - what it took to bring it back, Mr Alan St Ange was very far away then. Mr Savy ran the show. During Sir James Mancham era/term of Office only the elite dined there, as such it was build - financed and managed.
How many of those "Police Forensic Cars" do they have in Sechelles/Seychelles, we strongly recommand they get two or three of them parked next to Le Corsaire Restaurant - that way they can get "the buzz" what went worng, going wrong.
The boycott of SBC is going strong. If Ramkalawan had given them an interview, they would have edited it in a way to make him look bad.
When will a minister take responsibility for what goes wrong in their ministry ?
Corsaire catching fire is sad. Three fire brigade pumps not working at the same time is freaky. Is it a message from above??? In the midst of all this, have we all missed Louis d'Offay's swipe at government yesterday for the high rate of crimes in the country.He's gone much further in his editorial in the latest issue of SHTA newsletter. Have a read. He must have been giving the message to St ange to run to state house with.
Napa delo, crimes galore, fires all over the place, fire engines not working. Must indeed be a message from above. Bring in the Pope to tir malediksyon lo nou pei.
Nou pe pet en fler. Don li enkor senk. Napa delo kot mwan be Misel y benyen dan swimming pool.
Presen nou pe al komans soufer. Sa ban liki kin vot pou li ya gete si zot pou danse ek bwar pou naryen.
What was this message on the radio about -- looking for suitcases missing from a guesthouse ?
Apre lakontantman des pler. We are cursed. Soon when it rains, it'll be acid rain. Malediksyon lo sa pei. And it's only started.
18th June is around the corner. Let's brace ourselves for all the shit that James Michel is going to dish out again: en nouvo sesel, linite, mars pli devan. Already people are being mobilised to come to the stadium. They will be place in strategic locations in the stands to cheer for nou prezidan when he's driven in and when he dishes out his usual diatribe. Will Albert be there? Will Nathalie be there? One thing is certain Lise Bastienne will be.
And Ninette.
Many would not have washed their posterior but will be there, in red, cheering away. Who cares that we're swimming in shit?
Ramka resigning? Is this news? He will be in the assembly tomorrow after saying he was boycotting. Who knows, we may hear next week that he's not resigning afterall and getting ready for the presidential election in 2016!
Its very sad eaten there a few times what is going on in Schelleyes I just can not get my head around this. I as a visitor will not be visiting for a while would fear for my life as I have friends from Seychelles on fb am I the next to be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont feel its safe and will be telling the people of the UK not to go its not a paradise anymore not the one I remember anyway
One thing I will say is that the real people of the Seychelles are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met and I admire you greately for everything you have to put up with and get on with life love you all loads you know who you are xx
Is Gill sitting on a beach ?
The problem with Michel is folie de grandeur. He had to pretend he has written a book. But he could hardly get a book written about him in his name without admitting his role in the coup d'etat.
Now he is prepared to jail anyone who says he should be hanged, drawn and quartered for his crime. He can fill his jails with prisoners of conscience, but it will not save him from the ignominious end that he deserves.
Is Gill is on a beach today dreaming about uniting the opposition, he should at least imitate Albert Rene. Pay some fools to parade with banners up and down the beach, pretending there is a revolution in the country.
Lead or follow. If you're doing neither, get the hell out of the way.
Well, Gill has got out of the way.
He is probably in court with Dhanjee, trying to get the last elections annulled.
Anonymous said...
Freedom of expression? Why is the opposition in Seychelles are like "de boyo, kat fes"
When individual in Government sue them for allegation they wrote on Regar = LP is killing free press
Now Ranka is suing Rising Sun = Good move, its not killing free press.
Anonymous said...
Sanmenm Fes Gill i grate toultan hahaha....
When you have unemployment are skyrocketing among our youths,drug barons getting more powerful,our institutions turned into a machine to the use of an autotcrate regime,you must expect a rise in crimes.Michel in his first term in office told us his knows who the drug barons are but to date none of them are behind bars.
On water shortage,there was a research down a few years back,and it concluded that we do have under ground wells on Praslin,Mahe ,why has Pp not done anything to figure out how these wells can be exploited?There is is also the possibility that under seabeds in our vast EEC there could be other wells more important than that already known,should PP be exploiting this path to?
Oppostion are like boyo kat fes becuase,the do not good leaderships,they do not have policies,they hide in the woods all year round ,ecept when election is close"every five years" ,they come outof their holes to ask the people to vote for them but then just after they all go back into hiding when you call on them for actions.For eaxample,look at Michel the butcher,though he knew that he had all the parts of the machine well-oiled to rig ,manipulate election he still want around the country to fool the people,buy votes etc ,while RAM sat at Apent Verte and watch Tv.Should the opposition do more when they know they are disadvantage ,be closer to the people etc??
Jeanne D'Arc
"Bel Ombre loses most popular landmark - "
Headline from the Nation re the Fire.I thought the article was to do with selling of land or something.
"Le Corsaire was covered by insurance. Unfortunately, Ms Kingsmith’s house, where she had lived with her mother, was not insured."
From the same article. Absolutely no mention of the "difficulties" the fire brigade faced!!!!
We have seen an increased of fires around the country in the last few years,and as you put it it often happen in place where is a selling out going on.I remember on Praslin for a hotel project near Archipel ,whithout expalination the bush took fire just where the hotel was ot be biult,the same happened to Ex Village Du pecheur hotel in order ot biuld a new hotel fire was set,also on alphone isalnd,St Anne i think we experience the same seem Pp and his beneficiaries put fire voluntarily in order to avoid expenses .And always under PP nobody would be brought to accountability,it is a part of Pp ways of doing things.
Jeanne D'Arc
You can't rely on Nation to expose government incompetence. Its readers, especially those overseas, will never ever know the real reasons why Le Corsaire burnt down.
It's true what jeanne D'arc said. It's most prob a conspiracy, for cash of course. Water water everywhere but not a drop to put out the fire. & why does the Nation feel the need to tell the whole of Seychelles that Le Corsaire is covered by insurance. Was it a hint? Or just their incompetence once more?
Brigitte are you insinuating that the owners of La Corsair deliberately set it alight to claim insurance?
read my post again.
If that's what you make of it then that's what you make of it.
But don't you think that is slanderous?
Gill I hope your site is insured to cover libels...
If you say so.
Parti Lepep may have allowed it to burn, so that they can then give it to a crony who funded their election campaign. They stole a hotel. A restaurant should be child's play for them.
Brigitte isn't your adopted country (UK) more corrupt than Seychelles? Don't you have MPs going to prison in droves for fiddling their expense accounts?
How about all those minister past and present that are on the fiddle and on the take? Yet you see it fit to point the finger at Seychelles, you who don't even qualify to cast a vote here!
Selman wi foutou!
That's why they went to prison, because of Democracy. They're all b*******, however they will go to jail if and when found out. And what do we do back home in such instances?
I don't want to cast a vote. I voted for the Green Party over here.
In Seychelles, as the song says, a thieving minister gets moved to another ministry for more thieving.
Thank you very much. Some pips really need to think before they speak.
Even pictures of the charred remains of an iconic restaurant allowed to burn down through government incompetence are not enough to convince PL supporters that there is something rotten with the country and that they need to hold the government to account. Such backwardness is rare in the world these days.
I know, they're all waiting for a piece of the pie. They were told by the almighty Rene that He will deliver in the end. No matter how long it takes, just wait because one day you will be rich like me. I just need to eat a bit more pie first. Please, just wait till i finish my piece huuuuge of your pie.
Anyway it's either a conspiracy or pure stupidity.
meant to say huuuuge piece.
Brigitte; you said that you "don't want to cast a vote" in which case you don't have a voice because by refusing to vote you have given up your right to moan yet you want to speak louder that voters! Go and vote first then come and complain otherwise forever hold your piss!!!...ummm piece...errr peace..whatever!!!
I do not want cast a vote in Seychelles however I am entitled to my point of view.
Let me guess, i'm not entitled to my own point of view.
"don't want to cast a vote" in which case you don't have a voice because by refusing to vote you have given up your right to moan yet you want to speak louder that voters!"
You guys keep believing that, i can see we have done sooooo much progress back home on that quote. Huge progress, shiiiit there's vision 2020 to come. Laptops in school. Who cares if there's no water for hotels which are needed to attract Tourists which is the only thing we thrive on for our Economy to grow - that "blue gold" crap that Mr Michel gave you about our Fish industry is just that - Who cares, as long as we have a voice?
Not on our civic matters!
The different is that corrupted officials in countries like Uk face justice for their actions, while in Seychelles corrupted official like Morgan who cannot expalin how he lost U$4,5 million dollars are promoted.
Not casting a vote is called abstention, it is a sign of rejection of the system.Vote or not one^s rights remain the same.
Jeanne D'Arc
Usually someone writes in Capital if they wanna speak louder than others.
"Not on our civic matters!"
Do you think "you" have a say on "your" civic matter? Honestly, Do you? Unless it's Mr Michel himself i'm speaking to.
i also live in family were kicked out of seychelles when rene came to power, and only returned in the 1990s , after the return of ``democracy``...we were of course offered compensation for the land that Rene sold, and of course, have not received it yet...
These seychelloise in seychelles, don`t understand the British way of politics, and accountability...if you do the crime, you do the time...
i actually went to seychelles polytechnic, and my family ( bar me ) live in seychelles..they are very prominent, and out of respect and fear of reprisals for them, i will remain anonymous..
seychelles will never change, until more seychelloise, who are exposed to how things work abroad, speak up...
everyone criticises chris gill, however, it is him, who has provided this is him who is fighting for change.
how did morgan steal the US$ 4.5 million ? whats the story behind that ? can someone enlighten me ?
He paid US$4.5 million for a deal - don't quote me - i think to do with land or housing or something,don't know which foreigh company the deal was with, anyway he paid the money but didn't get the service. That's what he claimed but of course everyone's thinking you cannot be that stupid hence you must have taken the money yourself.
Anonymous, i appreciate you keeping your anonymity. Any chance you could have a nick name or something. Anything, so i can distinct you from all the other anonymous'. Just a standard name. house/pc/keyboard/flower lol sorry, but do u know what i mean, hard having a convo with anonymous.
I have never seen a more dejected and pathetic lot of politicians as I have seen tonight in the Assembly. SNP inn fini beze. If ever anyone thought that SNP was a serious party to entrust their country, the evidence is there. For today is a dark day in the history of opposition struggle. Never mind that they went back to the Assembly but that they were unable to foresee that Lepep was going to crush their little plans. I AM SO F.......NG ASHAMED TO BE IN THE OPPOSITION TODAY. I AM SO F.......NG ASHAMED that a good man is in jail for risking his life for these idiots. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
Well Morgan literally gave a faked constructor U$ 4,5 millions for a construction project on Eden Island,the guy supposedly an Arab just disapeared into the wooods with the money.And that is only one case among any others regarding ministers and high officals.
I do not agree that Seychellois do not understand British ways of politics cuase any of our institutions ,laws ,etc are based on that of the british system ,it is the communist system in place that does not get it an.Furghtermore note that multi-party system under an autocrate there is nothing to do with democracy:Autocratic regimes to the likes of PP use all the trapping of democracy as a facade,why?Becuase it is easier to control for example the military,interanal competetions etc and etc... and it is nothing than an attempt to gain legitimacy.
All criticize Chris,why?Because his actions are shaking and exposing the autocratic regime of Pp,something that no existing politcal parties have been able to do to date.We must expect more criticism along the way,but it is okay for it typifies that his actions works and the regime is scared.
Jeanne DÂrc
Our rights come from GOD not governemnt,vote,et.:It has to do with natural law,beucase simply all of us have been created by the image of GOD.
No one has been able to make a convincing case that human have"unlienable human rights"apart from those rights originating from a creator.
if you beleive in human rights you must then beleive in GOD existance or may be you are an atheist like Mchel who think our rights is derives form government.By the way on which bases do atheists to your likes base their moral principles if any?
Jeanne DÂrc
Ramkalawan will tell us before he leaves what exactly he has achieved by returning to the assembly today - apart from ensuring that everyone get their cheques at the end of the month. SNP was spectacularly snubed - AGAIN, with Lepep coming with their own legislation for electoral reform. Did Ramka have to go and humililiate himself further? What leg does he now have to stand on?
We have yet to hear from Michel on the calamity that his government inflicted on Le Corsaire restaurant through incompetence. it is as if what happens is not important, as we sleepwalk to the next calamity.
Today we saw him with his JJ spirit foundation, a political organisation. This is called fiddling while Rome burns.
Nation tells us that the restaurant was insured. This means that all of us who have car or house insurance will pay for this government's incompetence because insurers will raise premium to recover their losses.
We can blame Michel as much as we want, but stop for one minute and look at the alternative. They were in the assembly today. A sad bunch with their so-called motion when Michel had already proposed laws to amend the electoral laws without consulting them. Ramka has had the carpet pulled from under his feet yet again. Michel can feel proud this evening. no doubt he was waving his hands all over as he threatens everyone with a Jj spirit building
Lead or follow. If you're doing neither, get the hell out of the way.
hey Brigitte..
call me big pappa!!!!
where in london do you live ?
so, a fake sheike ( not news of the world ) comes along and pockets US$ 4.5 million..and nobody in seychelles complains ? the attorney general does not prosecute ? no investigation ? US$4.5 million of tax payers money is stolen... and nothing....what does maorgan, michel etc have to do to you seychelloise ? rape your mothers and give them facials ??
my family is seychelloise, but thank god i was raised in the, ministers are accountable, to parliament, the press, and the people...
over the last few years, cabinet ministers, party chairmen ( lord archer ) other MPS, have been imprisoned for impropriety 34 years, no seychelloise minister has never been prosecuted..what does that mean ? seychelloise politicians are whiter than white ? or seychelloise, and the attorney general, just don`t give a damn!!
What a nightmare,,, another Seychelles heritage or icon bite the dust!!!!!!!!!!!!.
It seems that fires just arise from nowhere and burnt all the useful establishment,"I also believe in tooth ferry"..
In reading these post, it feel like being in the circus I personally feel very very sad for all concerned.
oh how lucky we are living abroad,at list we are comfortable and have rights.we do not live in fear and we have the opportunity to get educated and we also understand how our society functioned. I thank the almighty god for giving us all that privilege.Let us pray for the people in the Seychelles that is because they think the know the difference but some of them have not got a "clue"
correction "tooth fairy"not ferry
Brigitte I'm just guessing that maybe you are too young to remember when.
Gerard Houareau died because they knew where he lived
I don't know you personally but be cautious with giving your address Internet is not to be trusted
I like that expression "fiddling while Rome burns"......Michel's speech (Sesel i annan talan event) saw him grinning like one who had just won a little contest (the Assembly episode) yet the grin lacked conviction, because he knows that in the meantime Rome still "burns".
Morgan is a mess. He drinks too much and Michel lets him get away with it.
Police is in a mess.
Tourism robberies at all time high.
Fires out of control.
Fireman out of energy demoralized
Fires out of control.
Things getting worse, and Morgan thinks he is John Wayne
Yesterday, fire truck broke down on the way to put out a fire at Union Vale. Morgan must go.
Eoula gran kouyon! Yes you Anonymous post of June 15 3:24 am
Aret bez kouyon don! La ou fer parey sa bann pakonpran ki ti enmar soulye par lase e met anpandan dan likou e mars nipye e an dehor legliz zot artete pou met soulye!
If people were living in fear here then how come they can come on this site and all the others like facebook and post all these shit against the government? The government could either stop them or trace them! Si vre ou overseas mais ou vreman pli kouyon ki ler ou ti kit Sesel - pa bez retourn dan nou pei ankor, nou pa bizwen kouyon lo nou pti zil! Good riddance! Fot espere ou grenn i freeze anba pont Hounslow!
...and while you're there bez al apran ektir angle foutou....I'm sure you can get a free class!
hey brigitte,
its big pappa here...
I also live in london...i also know the story of gerard hoareu, he lived near me in walthamstowe before he was murdered..
as you live in london, and are seychelloise, so am i, i thought we could meet up or something...if you prefer not too, thats cool..
no harm or ulterior motive intended!!!
To quote Brigitte:
"Not on our civic matters!"
Do you think "you" have a say on "your" civic matter? Honestly, Do you? Unless it's Mr Michel himself i'm speaking to.
June 14, 2011 7:40 PM"
Brigitte …and how about your say in England? Do you really have any? Did you really get the candidate that you voted for? Even if you did, did you agree to all those cuts and changes they are making in your name? Did you vote for that? How about paying to enter London? How about Parking fees? How about parking penalties? How about Penalties for putting the wrong rubbish in the wrong bin? How about Poll Tax or whatever name they have decided to gloss it up with this year? How about all the cuts in Education, Fire Brigade, the police, essencial services, the military and navy cuts and scrapage? They scrapped their aircraft carrier now they realize that it would have been usefull in the war with Libya! After you have paid all these penalties and taxes don’t forget that you still have fuel costs. Not just at the petrol station! Electricity & gas as well – food prices is hitting the roof! Your old people are crying out and calling it the summer of discontent! Did you have a say in all these matter Brigitte? The banks bankrupted you and you are now bailing them out! Did you want all these?
Face it little girl, you are just another faceless voter that will not be heard….and you know what? If you don’t like it you can always go back to your country! Isn’t that what they tell you?
Stop knocking us when you are being knocked up by glossed up dictators! Remember….Animal Farm was written by an Englishman!
When these things and worse happens to you in England you call it recession but for us you call it corruption yet our woes are only a fraction of yours!
...oh and Brigitte; don't worry about "mr Michel". The man talks to his people we are not just some faceless and nameless voters!
hi big papa, how about you request my friendship on facebook, otherwise email me :)
Obviously hit a nerve there Pissed off. It's all good. Like i said i voted for the Green Party, they didn't win but i believe in what it is they wish to do. All of the above does not affect me one bit, i'll just hit it right back at you!!!! :)
Have you checked out Mr Morgan's interview btw. Actually you better not. You'll probably cry.
Oh and i take it you do have a say!!??
In "your" civic matters...
"The man talks to his people we are not just some faceless and nameless voters!"
No, you just follow!! Careful when you get to the bridge!!
Bridge my dear, what bridge? With FAR we didn’t need a bridge he parted the waters like Moses and we walked across…we’ve never looked back since!
Brigitte; Morgan is just a minister. No man is indispensable -the party is what that matters!
Come my dear, get away from the rut in London, get away from big pappa! The only thing that is big about him is his ego and his consumation of all those kebabs - come and enjoy the quality of life that only Seychelles can afford you - you want to see BIG? Cum to Seychelles...wa kit kanson fairyland wa taye...tee! hee!
If I was in a hell hole I would be angry too.
I suppose a person feels like a big man abusing the other.It just indicate what kind of a person you are.
I am a happy peaceful person and I pity you with all your anger.
Believe it or not I will Pray For you"PISSEDOFF"
Pissed-Off you sound like fes-grate..
its a pity how you managed to sink so low...damn!!
Hypnotized to the fullest :)
Hey anonymous comment of June 16th 2011 @ 2:30 am;
Where in any of my comments do you sense anger? I am a perfectly happy human being! The ones angry here are yourselves because no matter how you try to change our way of life, le pep Seselwa i avoy zot vire! Don’t be fooled by my pseudo – that’s adopted as irony for one that’s really pissedoff…I could whisper his name to you but you know what they say: walls have ears!
…and bless you my child for praying for me!
And to anonymous of June 16 2011 11:19 am
Explain how I’ve sunk so low mon ami?! Is it because I believe in a system that has worked for 34 years?
Ask your revered Gill why his is so PISSEDOFF with the establishment. There is an inner rage boiling within him! If you so much as disagree with him on his blogs he comes out with insults and abuses and tries to guess who you are by naming all his previous nemesis! It has nothing to do with whether Pp is doing a good job or not or SNP losing the election – Ask him nicely and he will tell you and we shall all read about it!
You think I’m pissedoff…mate you haven’t met Christopher Gill with all his AKAs on all these Seselwa blogs!
Brigitte; Hypnotized? No! Only narrow minded people will not recognise one’s joie de vivre and satisfaction! Tell me what you have got in England that I don’t have in Seychelles then I’ll tell you what I have in Seychelles that you don’t have in England – we’ll compare notes ma petite!
Finally to all those praying for our souls; One has to find salvation within oneself before they can find it anywhere else! Ask that your own sins be forgiven before you forgive mine! As one guy from Nazareth said a long long long long looooong time ago: First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the moth from my eyes….or something to that effect anyway!
"Hoareau was perhaps the number one supporter of the old St Louis team, who dominated the game here during the Regionalisation era in the 1970s and 80s." From the Nation paper today.
Where did "regionalisation era" come from?
We were Regionalising back then? Regionalisation is the tendency to form regions, or the process of doing so. Is that what we were doing back then? Forming regions?
Hi Brigitte can you talk kreol seeing that you left as a baby?
Brigitte said...
June 16, 2011 3:25 PM
"Water"? What you excret from your body today ends up in your glass tomorrow - that is England for you - but if you like to call it water then water it is!
"Anonymous said...
June 16, 2011 3:27 PM"
"Democracy"? We have that as well The Seychellois people showed the world when 56% of the voters elected the president of their choice 4 weeks ago! 44% did not want him but that was their democratic right!
Keep em' coming...
At least you can drink UK water form the tap!
Accountable government!
Independent Judiciary!
Accountable Police Force!
Accountable Armed Forces!
Need I go On?
My dogs wont even drink water from the tap here, it has enough chlorine to rot your insides! When it is available that is!!!
You can only try to help people see, if they don't see, what can you do?
Be true to yourself mate, if not for anyone else!!!!
Brigitte, , during the one-party state the government divided the country into regions for sport. Each region was a team. You had to play for the region/team where you live --there was no choice if you wanted to play football.
To compare Khalifa Delo Kaka, that a large proportion of the Seychellois nation drank with UK mains water supply is a bloody nonsense! You are either blind or stupid or BOTH.
Was that before or after the districts were formed?
They were probably different. Not too sure.
What is in the sea water that is being desalinated ? At the end of the day, water has to be treated whether caught directly as it rains or recycled from a national sewerage network. Try telling that to PL supporters as their water supply becomes non-existent and there is no water for personal hygiene. They would rather mock developed countries that have developed means to avoid water shortages. But they would be dancing in Freedom Square if Khalifa were to pay for a pipe network to get recycled water from the UK to Seychelles for en nouvo Sesel. That's their mentality.
Like i said you try, if they don't see!!!!!
Deep down he/she knows what the dealio is but will not accept, because it's coming from us, especially because it's coming from us. If it was coming from a relative for eg, you'd probably tell them to be quite - can't have that conversation here - don't bring that conversation to me, you'd try your very best to re-convince yourself that you will get a piece of that pie one day.
I know which pie I'd like a piece
You can call me little Jack Horner anytime...!
Reply to Anonymous post of
June 16, 2011 5:32 PM
That delo kaka La Miser was an unfortunate incident that happened on a one off through negligence but you guys are guzzling that delo kaka angle every day! Pa bliye, kaka i mont da latet!
By the way those unfortunate people that drank that La Miser water were handsomely rewarded but you my friend are paying the British government or whoever is in charge of water over there through the teeth for the privilege of drinking their delo kaka! Now who’s stupid?
"By the way those unfortunate people that drank that La Miser water were handsomely rewarded."
Need i say more?????
Pissed off fes-grate 6.6 2:23....
what system did you believe in for the 34 yrs that worked... give us all break and piss-off...explain why you left that same system for over 25yrs you just recently returned and now all of sudden the system was working...???? ...trying to play the devil's advocate with us who's stuck it out for 35yrs is just not going to work....u r full of crap chere amie.
pissed pa thirsty...
how can you equate,life in england to that of life in seychelles ?
you are like my 3 year old cannot argue or apply logic to him...and to you also...
the other day, david cameron, was in a british hospital, with a camera crew, when he was kicked out of the ward, by the doctor in charge, because they had not scrubbed was all recorded by the cameras and was on the news...can you imagine something like that in seychelles ? a doctor berating James michel in front of his entourage and the SBC cameras ? of course not...
In England, panorama / BBC( british documentary ) aired an expose on FIFA and their corruption, the eve, that FIFA were going to announce who won the WC for 2018 and 2022...even though Cameron, Prince William, Beckham pleaded not too, as they knew it would jeopardise the UK bid for the tournament...but it was aired anyway...
You see, in the UK, we have freedom, we are not afraid to expose wrongdoing, put our politicians to the sword, engage in debate...why does james michel not do a public debate to quell the charges against him ?
England gives you opporunity.. why does michael manciene play for England and not Seychelles...because his career will go further..he will become a better player ( currently captain of the England under 21 team in Denmark ).
I went to the seychelles polytechnic, and can honestly say, that out of my graduating class, i am the most succesful...not because i am the most intelligent, but because, with my hardwork i have been able to create my own company, without licking anyones class mates at polytechnic, who are all my age, are all depressed...why is that ?
pissed pa thirsty...
how can you equate,life in england to that of life in seychelles ?
you are like my 3 year old cannot argue or apply logic to him...and to you also...
the other day, david cameron, was in a british hospital, with a camera crew, when he was kicked out of the ward, by the doctor in charge, because they had not scrubbed was all recorded by the cameras and was on the news...can you imagine something like that in seychelles ? a doctor berating James michel in front of his entourage and the SBC cameras ? of course not...
In England, panorama / BBC( british documentary ) aired an expose on FIFA and their corruption, the eve, that FIFA were going to announce who won the WC for 2018 and 2022...even though Cameron, Prince William, Beckham pleaded not too, as they knew it would jeopardise the UK bid for the tournament...but it was aired anyway...
You see, in the UK, we have freedom, we are not afraid to expose wrongdoing, put our politicians to the sword, engage in debate...why does james michel not do a public debate to quell the charges against him ?
England gives you opporunity.. why does michael manciene play for England and not Seychelles...because his career will go further..he will become a better player ( currently captain of the England under 21 team in Denmark ).
I went to the seychelles polytechnic, and can honestly say, that out of my graduating class, i am the most succesful...not because i am the most intelligent, but because, with my hardwork i have been able to create my own company, without licking anyones class mates at polytechnic, who are all my age, are all depressed...why is that ?
pissed pa thirsty...
how can you equate,life in england to that of life in seychelles ?
you are like my 3 year old cannot argue or apply logic to him...and to you also...
the other day, david cameron, was in a british hospital, with a camera crew, when he was kicked out of the ward, by the doctor in charge, because they had not scrubbed was all recorded by the cameras and was on the news...can you imagine something like that in seychelles ? a doctor berating James michel in front of his entourage and the SBC cameras ? of course not...
In England, panorama / BBC( british documentary ) aired an expose on FIFA and their corruption, the eve, that FIFA were going to announce who won the WC for 2018 and 2022...even though Cameron, Prince William, Beckham pleaded not too, as they knew it would jeopardise the UK bid for the tournament...but it was aired anyway...
You see, in the UK, we have freedom, we are not afraid to expose wrongdoing, put our politicians to the sword, engage in debate...why does james michel not do a public debate to quell the charges against him ?
England gives you opporunity.. why does michael manciene play for England and not Seychelles...because his career will go further..he will become a better player ( currently captain of the England under 21 team in Denmark ).
I went to the seychelles polytechnic, and can honestly say, that out of my graduating class, i am the most succesful...not because i am the most intelligent, but because, with my hardwork i have been able to create my own company, without licking anyones class mates at polytechnic, who are all my age, are all depressed...why is that ?
Cut the crap. PLEASE!!!!!
The problem at La MIsere has to do with the illegally of PP supproted By SNP.If PP would have abided by the rule of this country in the first place we would not have had this problem.
As the ecological destruction done on Pp by RAFLe Hotel "photo above"If Pp would have abided by the construction.planiing rules of this country we wouldhave not been there donkey.
Pp must be stop and all those responsible including those SNP members in the Assembly who did not say a word to stop these criminal acts should be brought to justice for their participation.
Jeanne D'Arc
PL's actions this week show they are not serious about electoral reforms to level the playing field. They are making cosmetic changes to appease those in the west who have made criticisms, however timid, of the manner Michel got his votes. Michel is not yet a democratically elected president, as everyone knows he got a massive helping hand from one-party state era institutions and blatant vote-buying. He is not the leader of a democratic country. Seychelles is still not free.
The opposition must use its most effective weapon to achieve changes -- a selective boycott of state institutions. This means it must resume the boycott of the national assembly, unless there is a clear, compelling and strategic reason to attend a specific session.
The opposition I presume is SNP. It was a bad move for SNP to go to the Assembly whatever reason they may use try to justify that decision. The reason being that it is a party in crisis,its leadership in transition etc. It has only made them look lost for strategy and weak. I have this feeling that while the bulk of the opposition will remain strong there will slowly be a trickle of opposition members towards Lepep camp and this will probably manifest in the National Assembly elections if the opposition does take part.
Transition, yes. Crisis ? What crisis ?
There are 25,000 who are quietly and patiently waiting to vote against Michel anytime. All of them Seychellois. PL's support is made up of a good number of immigrants with the right to vote and obviously vote for the government. Michel is admitting their existence and championing their cause when he yells about xenophobia in the country. If there is xenophobia, it is another curse that PL has imported into the country since 1977.
If Ramkalawan is to resign as some people have been asking, it is obvious that there will be a period of leadership transition and uncertainty. Why should that now be used as a criticism of SNP ? Some people really scrape the barrel looking for dirt to throw at SNP.
Why so on the defensive? If the party is going through a transition then there must be a crisis of sorts. This does not mean that it is a bad thing necessarily but the SNP played in the government's hands by going to the Assembly, especially when they are going through a transitional crisis. Better?
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