Friday, November 19, 2010

Seychelles Cartoon




Anonymous said...

JAM and RAM the evil twins.RAm is a real RAM,he has lost all common sense.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

RAM and JAM went up the dam,
To get a pail of water,
RAM said 'JAM there is no DAM'
And JAM replied 'God Damn'

JAM ran down and back to town,
While RAM rolled soonly after,
On their way they met a clown,
Whom they both knew as Master.

Master asked 'what is the fuss?'
And they told him about the water,
Master replied 'what the fuck?'
And was blessed by the Fader.

RAM got a wave, said 'The lord will save'
But right now we have to run faster
The clown will soon rage,
For Khalifa is our Master.

Anonymous said...

Mien Furher iz bin die kindergarten!

Anonymous said...

Deine führer ist im die Stat Haus mein freund. Bitte öffnen ihre Augen und der licht sehen.

Anonymous said...

you speak good german mein inspector DEREK....hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Meinen Sie der Fuehrer a.k.a Mullah James El Alix Bin Michel the clonage of Hitler.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Bald haben wir eine grössere fuhrer in Seychellenen: Mullah Khalifa von Kabored. Dann können wir führere vergleichen. Dann is Führer Michel eine kleine igel.

Der Inspektör

Anonymous said...

seychellen ist nicht ein Land vor utopische Denken.Wir werden nicht erlauben dass unseren Land und leute als probe Kaninchen werden.Solche ideen sind absurde.
Sesel pou Seselwa nicht fuer eine Kamelkuh.

I think not a lot of seychellois speak and understand German and would like to respond to your comments please write in English or French that they can all understand and participate.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

It is better if Tikolor writes in German. Then we can all happily ignore what he writes.

Anonymous said...

Payeye,if TIKOLOR can remember LORMANY the ICON,I bet you he can speak hundreds of lunguages.......

Nett karikatur,lasst uns,die,alle auf Deutsh so niemanden schreiben,wird belangt werden.



Anonymous said...

What a bunch of clowns you lot are. If this is the best Seychelles has to offer its obvious why you are in the shit.

Anonymous said...

At least nobody can say that we Seychellois don't have a sense of humour. That applies to most of us of course. ;-)

Inspector Tikclouseau

Anonymous said...

Double negatives. Another sign of inbreeding.

Anonymous said...

You mean gro lonbri?

Anonymous said...

I would like to understand your argument, but unfortunately I can’t understand some of the languages used. Anyway the fact of the matter remain that you lot are talking about only money money
I can only support your argument if anyone of your can prove to me where on earth politicians “precisely a leader of the opposition” is not being paid reasonable salary to take the responsibilities.(remember SNP got +40%) and if we feel Ram is not doing a good job then we can throw him out simply as that.. influencing people with your money issue is just a farce.
Don’t tell me that Gill will not take any salary if he becomes the leader of the opposition. (Which I doubt if we will ever be!!.) Never mind about that as I think he already knew it.
Sometime you make people lose respect for you lot when write all these nonsense, I like some of your article but sometime you go too far as if you the savior.. Pa bliye ou ti deza cross the floor pou all kot SPPF dan lasanble.. Lekel ki dir ou par fer parey ankor.. you never know..

Anonymous said...

Reply to Ram Lover-

Ram Lover defends Rams salary increase of 38% and Pension 70% of the 38% salary increase, for life.

Who on earth would defend that?????

Now, MSR and Gill will lobby for 30% salary cut and cancellation of the 70% Pension. That is what we will do differently then Ram the priest millionaire.

Now Gill crossed the floor and explained why he did it. That has nothing to do with a 38% salary hike and 70% pension for life when Seychelles is under IMF Program.

While we recall Gill crossed the floor, remember, Ram was a paid informant for Ogilvy Berlouis and many people went to jail on the evidence and many were exiled based on it.

Ram also has used his position to scam every cent he can from any one who is willing to part with it.

I do not do cartoons, but this cartoon is not only funny, but it says it all.

Even karyas have become worms!

Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill

Anonymous said...

I believe we should put the issue of salaries in context. In 2007, the country embarked on economic reforms, people were laid off, the ruppee was devalued. Mr Ramkalawan had a few meetings with President James Michel. What was discussed between them remains a mystery. Undisputed fact remains that during the budget speech of 2007, Mr Ramkalawan went on record by saying a few things which are very strange to say the least: what Seychelles Weekly has coined as the Ramkalawan declaration was to the effect the Ramkalwan was happy he did not win the elections and that he thought the heat in the kitchen was too hot for him to handle. Another undisputed fact was that the budget contained payrise in the salaries of Constitutional Appointees and politicians (including hike in their pension), both the SPPF and the SNP voted for that. It is also a fact that it is also the first time that SNP voted for the budget.

If anyone has any objections to the above facts i only wish that could come forward and say what did not happen in the above!

The issue here is whether it was normal for the SPPF and SNP politicians to behave the way they did in 2007? I would say no, because to me it was simply a case of them looking after their own welfare.

Naturally it is about the money. Ramkalawan had no qualms criticising Mancham and the DPs when they behaved in the same way...REGAR even went to the extent of publishing the house plans of Mancham. What if anyone did the same now. SNP is just being served a dose of their own medicine, it is a question of not doing anything to others that you would not want done to you, and what goes along comes along!


Anonymous said...

meant to say "what goes around, comes around"


Anonymous said...

Zot kinn arive dan kindergarten? Granmoun mele!

Anonymous said...


Patrick X said...

So now you morons realize that this is no joke whatsoever. The kindergarten poem may have seemed like a joke to you all, but if you had the brains to read between the lines you may have realized the context of it. Yes, ten points for guessing that it is about money.

Vox said it all and I totally agree with him about the SNPL coalition saving their own backsides in 2007 when they increased their salaries inverse proportional to the coming devalution. Coincidence? I can tell you it was most certainly nothing of the sort.

Of course the culprits will 'sot anler parey demon da delo beni' when others bring up the subject and defend their masters. No surprizes there.

Wat does surprize me a bit however is Ramkalawan's hypocracy where he in Regar's last edition criticizes the public celebration of France Albert Rene accusing it of being a waste of public funds. I do agree with him, but find it strange that this is coming from a person who himself is milking the system to its extent and doing sod-all to deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Frankly this is site is becoming too much of a place for kankan and latak personel.. No objectivity at all there. Sorry Mr Gill. I use to love your site but it becoming a real S...t
I am not there to support any individual, but for god sake be more professional and stop attacking others.. I fer mwan mazin lontan ler mon ti lekol “30an pase”. Zenmen ou pou war en boug ki for pe al atak en lot ki pli fay ki li, toultan ou pou war en naryen ditou pe al esey rod kouyon epi ler ou fer levanter I inn kat larou anler , la prezen I dir si mon ti konnen.
Building up a solid party will never work with all these Kankan and latak personal. Believe me.

Patrick X said...

Paisano, then you may as well stay away from pretty much every form of media in Seychelles as they all practice the same type on 'kankan' and personal attacks. Take a swipe over the contents in The People, Regar etc and you'll see what I mean.


Anonymous said...

You admit then that you are no better than the other media and i would add even worst. Then what change MSR wants to bring to seychelles society?? moreover the racist and zenophobic comments on the blog gives me the shivers!
I will never support you guys cause you are a filty disgusting bunch of idiots and i'm happy you have not been given the right to register your party.

Anonymous said...

No one in MSR is Xenophobic.

MSR is in favor of the stopping of selling of passports and wholesaling of the Citizenship to the Republic. This is not xenophobia.

MSR is against GOP workers applying and being granted Citizenship. This is not xenophobia.

These points are called putting a messy house in order once and for all.

We are in favor of foriegn investment. Investment must be by the book not made under the table.

Corruption is destroying Seychelles, most of it is fueled by foreigners, and because we highlight that, does not make us xenophobic.

We fear no foriegner, that plays by the rules and pay their taxes.

They are most welcome to Seychelles.If any foreigner cannot play by the rules, and pay taxe swhen due, they are certainly not welcome as it would be the case in any other country.


Patrick X said...

Onee cannot generalize and say that there are no xenophobics in MSR or any other party for that matter. In fact even teh PL had its xenophobic elements back in the days when 'yankees go home' was a well used slogan, but one can debate wether or not the MSR has moments of xenophobia in it or wether it is all nationalism. Regardless, I find it rather contradictory that preachers of democracy and freedom of speech etc say that they are glad the party was not allowed to register. I can just so see the same people being first in line to complain when the same policy they advocate for today backfires in their face. When their own children one day will not be able to afford a piece of land as rich foreigners have pushed the prices sky high, then we will see who is to blame for it.


Anonymous said...

MSR is not xenophobic. It's just all the people who support it that seem to be racist or bigoted in their unguarded comments :-)

MSR is not racist. It only calls for the wholesale disenfranchisement of immigrants because some of them look and sound "unnatural" in MSR opinion. Surely immigration must check for beauty and voice as part of naturalisation process?

MSR is not bigoted, it calls <100 immigrants per year (average) over 40 years as "wholesale"


Anonymous said...


Patrick X said...

OK, less than 100 immigrants per year may seem little to you, but each of these brings along a spouse, children and more family as it's their right to do so. Go do a little maths and see the effects of that in the long run, especially when we need to do a wholesale of medical and pension costs for people who have not contributed to social security(or whatever the hell you call it now) their entire working life.


Anonymous said...

The two faces of James Michel -- fun-loving and work-shy

Fun-loving James Michel missed the SADC meeting in the African state of Botswana. A boy was sent to do a man's work there instead.

James Michel spent a weekend of fun in Abu Dhabi a few days ago. We know from Sheikh Khalifa's office that James Michel was there for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. For those like James Michel who arrived early, the Sheikh laid on a sumptuous feast the night before the Grand Prix. James Michel was economical with the truth when he told us he was there to discuss piracy, though the only photographic evidence was a photo of James Michel with a sheikh at the Grand Prix, as if the UAE sheikhs would want to discuss Somali pirates at their new major international sporting event.

Botswana is not UAE. For one thing it is an African country not an Arab one. James Michel seems to know his geography very well -- at least when it comes to working out which countries are in Africa and which are not.

After the exertion of that decadent weekend in Abu Dhabi, followed quickly by frolics in the garden of State House to celebrate the Dear Terrorist's birthday, work-shy James Michel had no inclination to go to Botswana to attend to SADC business. SADC will have to invite a few sheikhs next time to attract James Michel or move the meeting out of Africa.

Don't mention racism ! James Michel has come a long way since those days when he was illegally training how to use guns in Tanzania for the 5 June June 1977 high treason.

Anonymous said...

PATEX I quote your comment above;
OK, less than 100 immigrants per year may seem little to you, but each of these brings along a spouse, children and more family as it's their right to do so. Go do a little maths and see the effects of that in the long run, especially when we need to do a wholesale of medical and pension costs for people who have not contributed to social security(or whatever the hell you call it now) their entire working life. "
Then i quote what was said by one of your supporters on starblog a few months ago:
" can you imagine what would happen if we don't control those pests, they would outnumber us in the blink of an eye."


Patrick X said...

My supporters? Mate, I cannot control the opinion of others as nobody could control the opinion of FAR when he said 'Yankees go home' or gave the order to assasinate countryman who wanted to do the same thing he had done previously. If someone has the opinion that immigrants are pests, then that is their opinion and they have every right to have it.

Mine is not about them being pests, but rather about what the consequences of those 'only 100 per year' immigrants as stated above. If one hundred become 400 as I stated that means that the same 100 per year will become 4000 in ten years. Now how about that as food for your thoughts?

Here's some more food for though: Yesterday's nation was bragging about how much we spend on health as it was sky high compared to other African nations. Great propaganda you bunch may think, but I think it's abloody disgrace that it doesn't sound an alarm way high up in our government, an alarm that says that the nation is not in best of health whatsoever.

You see Mr Chef who serves food for thought, some of us actually have thoughts of the consequences of that government that seems to give little thought prior to their actions.

Now don't choke on the food for thought that I just served you. And don't open your mouth before you've chewed it all. Taler wa bez trangle.


Anonymous said...

FedEx - 100 is all inclusive, so now go do your math again to find more silly arguments to defend bigotry and racism.

Anonymous said...

Yes that is our point exactly. MSR is about exaggerating to create fear and raise bigotry.

Compounding effect! hah!! like one bacteria can cover the moon in two weeks? Or one Seselwa Rasin can takeover the United States of America eventually?

According to MSR - Hitler was right for his "final solution". This pest the Jew who marry inside their culture would reproduce compoundedly and take over Europe yeah? Only way to stop the compounded effect is to reduce the population to zero! Poppycock!

More like juvinile boys who want to play at being God and dictate evolution!

Anonymous said...

Twistopher sends Patex ..........Christopher you are the per fondater sa parti rasis zenopfob MSR and you are the leader of this biunch of Bigots. stop hiding behind fake profiles like zandark patex vox and co. Be courageous mate tell us what you think of the racist comment on your blog then we will see what the United Nations thinks of MSR
" can you imagine what would happen if we don't control those pests, they would outnumber us in the blink of an eye."

Patrick X said...

Can you document that? Sorry to say this, but judging from the reliability of our immigration who has little or no control of 'immigrants', I somehow doubt that figure, hence my concern.

You say that this figure is based on a 40 year average, a figure I find hard to believe judging the markable increase in foreigners(read: those you can clearly see are not what we'd define as Seselwa, i.e nwar, rouz, laskar). Does that include all our new citizens with purchased passports, both official and non-official?

Now do your homework and show me those figures and then I'll put the case to rest, at elast from my side. Show me the official figures from SSB and we can find something else to discuss.

I still however stand my stand when I say that one imigrant becomes soon 4. Have you for instance ever seen an Indian immigrant who marries a Seychellois or employs only Seychellois in his business? No, they stick to their own and sooner or later import others, hence my '1 becomes 4' maths. Now, this isn't about Indians, but about any national who moves to a country, but alas a lot of ours are namely Indians, hence the example used. Now, again this isn't about nationals of a specific sort, but uncontrolled population growth and the long term effects of it. Bear in mind something else, we don't exactly have unlimited space either, especially since our prime land is being dealt out to a handful.

Just think the words: pension boom, healthcare and social welfare. Then open up and start chewing.

Patrick X said...

Then you can ask UN what they think of FAR and his policies you bleeding hypocrites. Oh yes, ask also abou what they think about your legend's human rights issues.


Anonymous said...

Lol you just cannot help your bigoted self can you?

Quote FedEx - I find hard to believe judging the markable increase in foreigners(read: those you can clearly see are not what we'd define as Seselwa, i.e nwar, rouz, laskar).

What hapened to the sinwa and malbar pre 1976? They are not ranns enough for ranns-inn-vwar?

And if the figures are not reliable, how have you come up with "wholesale" and what exactly is that number?

Anonymous said...

Oh and here's another figure for you. Average annual inward migrants is one tenth that of Seselwa who choose to go overseas to work and take up citizenship there. Sounds like pretty well managed migration.

Go figure?

Anonymous said...

Fedex Collaborator-

Nothing PL does is well managed, remember, we are BANKRUPT as a Nation. Salaries are paid to Government Employees from GST monthly contributions. If business boycotts Government, people will be in the streets.

Now your reference to 100 new Cizitens a year is rubbish. Just in 1997 there were over 5000 in hong Kong . Michel opened up an office and sold passports there in Kowloon.

What is sad about your comments, is you ask us to accept 100 new citizens a year, but you have nothing to say over 1000 Seychellois leaving their country every year and not returning, because PL has failed them.

You do not have any love for Seychelles, you love only your pocket and well being and will defend that at the expense of our patrimony being handed away.

You want us to say: SESEL POU TOU LE MONDE!!!!!

That in itself sounds silly. I say:


Patrick X said...


I'd gladly ask you to go ask your master as to what that wholesale figure is, but it seems that even they do not know anymore how many immigrants we have in Seychelles. Not so long ago there were 2000 illegals(ref Ascon). Now you tell me how many illegals we actually have.

Yes, I mentioned thos who obviously are not Seselwa as they distinguish themselves from us Sesychellois. I don't see Chaka Bros, Kim Koon etc as non Seselwa, but a colony of illegals and those with purchased passports are most definitely not Seychellois and have no business in Seychelles on those grounds.

I welcome all hard working immigrants, like the Indian next to the funeral shop at Mont Fleuri, the one a Seychellois woman called 'Aya' right in the face, but pieces of shit like Ramadoss who treat us Seychellois as his subjects or pieces of lesser shit like Krejcir who disgraces our name, those are not welcome. The worst is that those ver pieces of shit are blessed by our president himself. Not because they are Arabs, Czechs or Indians, but because they are allowed to do as they please and step over my countrymen.

Is that so hard to understand?

Anonymous said...

A new government portfolio, MINISTER OF DISASTERS..................... and the prime candidates are
Need we say more........

Anonymous said...

aah come on guys us you are with us grass root people (not smoking grass get it!)..take a salary cut and give the proceeds to the old PEOPLE of your country ..Gran Mum and Dad can enjoy a little more in the latter part of their and me are also going to this END or poor..Death is tugging at our is the only constant in live we assured is useless in HELL..cannot by no joy or love there you and I go down in DANTE's inferno ..Let the DEMON take a salary cut ..give it to all our Gran mums and dads let them enjoy the last ray of the sun that warms their souls you and I can go to that burning fire ..with our heads held that place in Hell awaits us ..for sure
(PS hell is here on earth ..we need no money to get there get it)
there no place to hide

Satans Guard

Anonymous said...

The short answer is that both FedEx and Ranns-inn-vwar have served up pure bullcrap!

So MSR has a problem with helping fearful commonwealth brothers threatened by the giant shadow of communists!It all becomes clear because MSR sympathise with communists.

In any case the passports sold in Hong Kong is a different kettle of fish. And it is a well defined list of people.

And FedEx its pretty hard to be illegally present in Sesel. So unless your definition of illegal is some bigoted version, there cannot be many illegals.

And UPS even if there is some individuals that you don't like it does not justify stirring bigot and racist emotions as a way to attack individuals.

So it still does not justify creating class of citizenship with a covert agenda of dehumanising all immigrants, except the ones that the bigots think is "natural".

As usual when you cant argue with the numbers you have to return to "wholesale" and "many" to make your exaggeration.

Anonymous said...

By the way Gill, the 1000 Seselwa are LIKE YOU. Many left Sesel by their own choice to go to other countries and make money and take citizenship. Even before independence. It's called NATURAL movement, not RANNS-INN-VWAR movement get it?

Anonymous said...

Oh By the way Gill it is YOU who say SESEL POU TOU LEMONN. Remember your definition of Seselwa?

"Anybody who was in Sesel or anywhere in the world in 1976, or their decendants, who considered themselves Seselwa"


Patrick X said...

Excuse me, but I didn't pay for my citizenship, I earned it by being a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen for almost a decade. So don't come with your crap about that. All I'm asking those coming to Seychelles is to do the same, not just pay for it and not least evid paying tax. Especially tose who can afford it.


Anonymous said...

Who said you paid for it PatEX? Or are you Gill as many suspect?

Anonymous said...

We don't know where you live PatX but in Australia you can buy citizenship for $1.5 million. And this statement is based on the same argument MSR uses.

And the issue of tax we have not heard MSR complain that the immigrants dont work. In fact they complain that they have come to work and contribute and thats why they should not be allowed!

Anonymous said...

Reply to We Don't know where you live Pat-X but in Australia you can buy a passport for $ 1. 5 Million.

Collaborator, you are clutching to straws to defend the selling of Seychelles Passports.

We in MSR do not care what Australia does, or what any country does with their patrimony.

We in MSR are concerned with what happens in Seychelles.

In Seychelles, we say, straw clutcher:

1. Our Patrimony is not for sale.

2. Our Citizenship is not for sale.

3. Our dignity will not be diluted by any foreign interest that chooses to pay bribes to gain greater advantage over any Seselwa Rasin interests.

4. Your arguments are so weak, I see you turning into brain jelly from your comments.

You are defeated with no position.

Accept your defeat Collaborator, who is guilty for defending the selling of our Patrimony, and reducing the dignity of Seychellois in their own country.

It must never be a disadvanatge for a Seselwa to exist in his or her own country.

It is for this reason that many leave because they can no longer take the discrimination and favortism born out of corruption with foriegn interests that are willing to pay bribes to move ahead.

You straw cluthcer Collaborator, call this "natural migration".

There is nothing natural when 5000 people leave and do not come back each year in a country of 83000. That country happens to be BANKRUPT and foriegners who live overseas, are given residency permits, and permission to rent there houses to Tourist.

You PL Collaborators are totally "nuts", not "pests" as you assert.

Now, Collaborator, either you are nuts or your brain is jelly. Take your pick.


Patrick X said...

That just says everything about Australia doens't it?

I was making apoint when I said I didn't pay for my citizenship, i.e I earned it by fulfilling certain requirements, amongst those abiding laws and paying my taxes like other citizens. That's all I ask of Seychelles, i.e that foreigners are treated like Seychellois on ALL ISSUES. Alas, ours have more rights than us.

If I'm Gill? Put it this way, if Gill was me James Michel would have been in the social welfare line filling out forms to get dole together with the rest of that useless bunch that work for him. I might have kept JPA though. As for the rest, they belong elsewhere. Could use Herminie though, to replace the port at State House. The man is huge enough to block the entrance. Could also use Morgan's forehead as a landing platform of some kind.


Anonymous said...

According to MSR and Gill you have earned nothing!

Whatever conditions you fullfilled, the Ranns-inn over there can say that was not sufficient and more conditions can be applied even decades from now to eliminate you. Of course one condition being that it must feel "natural" to them when you call yourself Norwegian or whatever!

Anonymous said...

Gill you haven't answered your question so stop barging into the one for Patex. Patex and I understand the use of examples without changing the context.

What does Jeanne D'Arc mean by EXTERMINATE THE PEST? What feeble excuse can you come up with to defend this bigotry and racism? Just like you defend every other bigoted and racist term used by supporters of MSR?


Anonymous said...

Gill, Seselwa were leaving Sesel even before 1976. If everybody who ever came to Sesel stayed there, and their decendants, the population in 1976 should be over 300,000 living on the islands!

For example... where exactly was Peter Gill when you were conceived?

Anonymous said...

" can you imagine what would happen if we don't control those pests, they would outnumber us in the blink of an eye."

Anonymous said...



Patrick X said...

Since you've mentioned my name here I feel obliged to put in my 5 cents worth:

If Jeanne D'Arc or any other here decides to put in their opinion, be it racist, sexist, nationalistic or whatever, then you lot who are looking for any excuse to paint MSR black will naturally use that. Now one of you bezer recently wrote to JD that she does not necessarily represent MSR through her opinion. But now you jerks want to use JD's opinion against MSR. Make up your bloody minds wether or not JD represents MSR or not.

I say JD is simply a person with her strong opinions, just like your great legend FAR had his in the 70s when he yelled 'Yankees go home' after some yankee had probably snatched one of his girlfriends right in fron of his nose and 'fer monte' to USA. Now does FAR's opinion from then make SPUP/SPPF/PL a racist party? Does the general opinion of a moron like Tikolor also represent the PL?

Get real morons and if you have something to bring, please do, but do so by coming with a real issue, not by keeping banging on about someone's personal opinion. The MSR creed is there in black and white. Read it, analyze it and make your opinions based on it. I can really see that Gill has become like a nasty hemorroid up JAM's arse. I hope it really itches so that he may get some sense knocked inside his head. So far it seems to have had a good effect as he is finally listening to those who make sense instead of those idiots in his cabinet.


Anonymous said...

I have put forward a proposal to distinguish the Fabrikes from the rest of us. The proposal is to draw up a list of Fabrikes and the rest by default are real Seychellois.

Ramadoss will be at the top of the list as a shining example of a Fabrike, as large as a whale and unnatural. I have also in mind Allear, the former chief justice. Where is he now ? He arrived as the most famous taxi driver from Mauritius and left years later a multi-millionnaire and with citizenship, all courtesy of favours from SPPF.

Patrick X said...

Mr Ja,

Pa zis malbar ki pa oule servi baby pill ek kapotpip. Get Sesel mem tou sa bann teenagers ki ansent bonavini, pa nom SIDA etc.

I don't see a problem with a growing Indian population or any other growth as long as it's controlled and according to our capabilities. What I do however have a problem with is a filthy prick like Ramadoss coming and practising his Indian style arrogance and forcing others to do what is beneficial to his needs.

Despite my views on religion in general, it is important that our Christian faith is maintained and that our Christian population and its views are respected and not walked on by a freaking Arab who finds a Coco-de-Mer stamp offensive. That just shows how filthy his bloody mind is the hypocrite.


Anonymous said...

Reply to Waiting For Reply Pest-

My apoligies. I have posted your reply as requested yesterday under the MSR Press Releases and the Letter to the Commonwealth comments.

You can read the reply there.

Hope you have an answer that is substantive, and not rubbish based on straws.

You are looking pretty weak and meek. Michel will likely fire you for making him look so bad.




Anonymous said...

Christopher Gill Why do you call someone Blister, then he uses his own name and you use a fake profile? Don't you think it is denegrating to yourself and it lowers your self esteem in the eyes of the reader?

Christopher has a big problem with Blister but not with calling people pests and fabrike????????

Anonymous said...

kreol seselwa

Blister= Zanpoul

Anonymous said...

Too bad Gill the answer posted to your defense of bigotry seems very robust and watertight.

You are looking pathetic and dispicable as you clearly defend bigotry and racism.

Anonymous said...

Well Patex who exactly is the leadership of MSR. For all we know JohnnyDork may well be the secret leadership kommen-T, get it?

Anonymous said...

Good point. So far we have four characters associated with this weed.

1. Jeanne d'Arc - Openly bigoted and racist

2. Patrick X - Has made many bigoted and racist comments

3. Gill 1 - Has shown a capacity to lie and use malice. Cannot be trusted.

4. Gill 2 - Has made some bigoted comments, and puts forward pathetic arguments to defend bigoted and racist statements.

Does not look good for the bowel mouvman. Even if it has a shower to hide the smell, KK i kol obor son cul!

Anonymous said...

Reply to Bigot Collaborator

You say MSR is a Bigot organization. This is a conclusion you hope everyone accepts, but you do not state a fact that would justify usch conclcusion.

Who is MSR Racist Towrds? Answer that question Bigot Collaborator.

Control over Immigration and over sale of land and sla eof passports, in no country will be considered Bigot.

In fact, in many countries it is highly sensible. If controls had been implemented at the outset, MSR would not have a reason to exist.

It must never be a disadvantage to be a SESELWA in Seychelles, Collaborator.


Anonymous said...

Collaborators, when you start calling people names, you are defeated.

Michel is selling Seychelles.

Michel is displacing SESELWA and this will cause great instability in the future.

While Michel worries about pirates running our seas, he prolifically planting the seeds that will cause social unrest and instability in the country by selling our Patrimony and defending the sales.

You can fool some people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Example: Look at Eden Island. He has permitted an Apartment Pool to operate as a hotel. Yet, Michel Government said any hotel under 24 rooms must be Seychellois owned.

However the apartments are only 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom owned by people that live out side of Seychelles, but have residency permits.

One cannot domicle outside a country, and have residency, this will promote mafia, illegal activity in Seychelles.

All western countries will be conerned over this.

Next Government must cancel residency permits that are not Bona Fide.

Next Government must cancel the illegal apartment pool sanctioned by Michel, only because Heegar was sweating bullets in a downturn.

Next Government must prohibit by indeminity CITIZENSHIP to Eden Island Purchasers.

Who are you fooling Collaborators? You Collaborators have no dignity and have forgotten what it means to be a Seychellois!

Even Ministers new on the scene like Peter SINON is embarrassed by what he sees.

Even young smart Adam, has his hands full defending your muck that you refer to as STRATEGI 2017.

Another example, you allow Raffles to build on the 65 meter mark on Praslin, ruin Praslin's natural beauty and marketing branding , then deny Seychellois the right to build on the 50 meter mark.

What kind of people are you, Collaborators?

You say you want to preserve Praslin, when you have destroyed it's marketing branding label already forever.


Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO! Quote Gill "When you start calling people names you are defeated". You mean names like Female Camel, Pest, Dirty Arab, Fabrike, Mafia Ukranian, Unnatural, Whale?

Ask Jeanne d'Arc and little Johnny and PatrickX and the author of "female camel". They will tell you clearly who MSR is racist against.

These people might well be the secret MSR leadership writing under secret identity!

Anonymous said...

And ask yourself when you come with pathetic argument to defend their bigoted and racist name calling!


Anonymous said...

Monsignor Gill you are absolutely right. We have forgotten bigot and racist part of our heritage.

Thanks to 1977 our eyes are open and we will never go back to those shameful attitude. Seselwa are proud now to be what we are in all colour and language and background.

Seselwa are self-confident and capable. We welcome change as we will take advantage of it.

Not like MSR which preach change but want only to change back to the old days when we were oppress.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gill do you have residency in Guam and USA? And where are you domicile? In Seychelles? So you are Mafia?

Anonymous said...

Reply to SNPL Collaborators-

I confirm my domicile and residency is Seychelles.

I confirm you are defeated and cannot identify which Race MSR is racist towards to justify your terminology of Bigotory.

I confirm you defend the selling of Seychelles Patrimony and call this change. Selling out your people is not change.

Selling Seychelles to Heegar is not change.

Selling Seychelles to Khalifa is not change.

Selling Seychelles to Prince Talal a man who could have been my classmate at Menlo Park College is not change.

You are sell outs. If I am a Racist according to you, for calling you sell outs, then so be it.

The instability you create when you bring the RACE CARD into the political dynamics is highly detrimental to Seychelles.

I know where I stand, I know what Race I belong to, so this artificial Racism you propagate will come back to haunt you..all of you, too stupid to see the damage you do to Seychelles when you draw a RACE card, on matters we in MSR consider immigration issues in general and corruption in general.

Careful Collaborators, that rely on selling of our patrimony to survive.


Patrick X said...

I can clearly see that in lack of better counterarguments, those who are afraid of MSR tee to the one single card that they can drag on about: The racism card.

Why don't you guys for once put all all the good and bad that the SPPF/PL has done(yes, they've done good things too) and evaluate all of these up against eachother. Then listen to what Gill has to say and you may actually be able to see his points and that they are not racial related, but rather national interest related.

A true patriot sees both the good and bad ongoings in his country and sees room for improvement. Remember that.


Anonymous said...

Au contraire, MSR is a single ticket platform - Anti-immigrant especially those exposed to bigotry.

Take that away and Gill cannot string an argument together which will appeal to majority Seselwa.

Patrick X said...

That's because you cannot or do not want to see the whole picture of it all.


Anonymous said...

Come on Gill you defended Jeanne d'Arc calling people pests. Now defend what she meant by "Eradicate these pests"? They ask her which race she is bigoted against, and ask yourself why you find wierd arguments to defend her statements.

Anonymous said...

Mon dakor ki nou bezwen review nou ban lalwa imigrasyon, lenvestisman e accountability pou nou anpes sa ban keksoz ki’n ganny mansyonen anler. Nou tou nou pay tax e nou deveret ganny en say dan nou lavenir. Sesel i nou pei e i pa pou oken endividi ouswa parti.

Koman en sizesyon, in ler pou anpes sa ban lakizasyon racism propaze. Mon konpran largiman toulede kote, selman I annan bokou plis keksoz ki egziste dan nou lasosyiete ozordi kip pe,e ki pou afekte nou ban zanfan.

Mon tya kontan sizere ki kantmen nou tou nou annan nou dwa pou partaz nou lopinyon, kanmen i kont status quo, koman adilt nou tou nou deveret matir and profesyonel. Announ don bon legzamp, anmen valer dan diskisyon, reflesir byen nou ban largiman e anmen solisyon pou ban problem ki lepep pe fer fas avek- e aksepte ler nou’n fail a pa kon solisyon.

Sa ki esansyel se ki nou pa perdi lobzektif ki I annan bokou problem nasyonal ki negative e irzan ki pe ganny propaze e ki deveret ganny adrese. Mon pe don mon konfyans ki MRS pou adres sa dan en letan apropriye.


Sesel Pou Seselwa

Anonymous said...

For sure Gill's "whole picture" is some immigrants and some exaggerated projection of the future. With words like "wholesale" and "many" etc.

Anonymous said...

How many black Africans get turned away at the airport on the flimsiest of pretext that they are not bona fide visitors ?

Why has James Michel failed to attend all SADC Head of State meetings held in Africa this year ? He did find time to attend La Francophonie summit held in Switzerland.

Anonymous said...

MSR kinn komans kankan ek divisyon.

Tou parti politik Sesel i dir anou zwen asanm.

Zis MSR ki dir anu deside lekel nou pou met andeor!

Anonymous said...

Ask Bernard Sullivan MSR supporter, he will tell you where black africans belong. Even those born on Mahe!

Anonymous said...

The reason we say Gill is biogted because he always offer one individual as example and then jump to sweeping generalisation!

You don't make policy for individual, you deal with individual by transaction.

Policy is made when careful study of all the numbers is made and rules is adjusted.

Patrick X said...

Good point anonymous and abootehr ve. Look at things from another view though:

Let's say Sheik Khalifa had ought the land at its right price, and paid taxes accordingly and was treated like any other Seychellois. Do you think Gill or anyone else would have reacted the way they do? Let's say our passports were not up for sale, but had to be aquired through long term residency. Would MSR then have any grounds for existence?

The point is that you are blaming the entire MSRism on Gill and Gill alone. Gill is merely the one saying what many Seychellois cannot say or don't dare to say. And the point is that MSR has a lot of support, either directly or indirectly. And th point is that you lot are shit scared of Gill participatingin an election as he would undoubtedly gain votes enough to get a seat in assembly and having enough votes maybe even Ramkalawan would cross the floor to Gill instead of his loyal place next to his PL friends.


Anonymous said...

Reply to dizzy Collaborators-

You are all starting to look silly. As you do, you make your Leader James Alix Michel, look silly. You bring shame upon Per Fondater.

You fail to say which Race is MSR racist towards. I am waiting.

You fail to accept that MSR policy is an IMMIGRATION issue,and CORRUPTION issue, not a RACE issue, a Due Process issue, an Equal Protection issue.


You fail to accept that NO SESELWA SHOULD BE VICTIMIZED IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY over a corrupted foreign interest.


Because you are defending failure, that survives, only off the blood of the People of Seychelles.

Khalifa, does not pay his way. That is the problem we have with Khalifa. When he starts paying for his land, respecting our laws, paying taxes, we will be happy to have Khalifa in Seychelles, as a visitor. He can bring his family with him if he likes.

But, our country is not for sale to Khalifa or anyone else.Simple.

Craig Heegar of Eden Island, he can sell his apartments, but we will not accept Citizenship for his buyers.We will not accept that he can run an apartment pool hotel illegally, though sanctioned by a corrupted government. We will not ever accept that. We call on Heegar to fall back to his Project Memorandum, and follow it. Stop taking short cuts at the detriment of the SESELWA TOURISM INDUSTRY.

No Compromise on this.

Ramadoss- no issue with Ramadoss except that he came here on GOP and he is not entitled to Citizenship as a GOP worker.

MSR is not anti anybody. We are pro SESELWA!

If you have a problem with that, go look at yourself in the mirror. Ask who am I, what am I?


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Gill appears to be deaf of the reading kind. You are racist to the races that your supporters Jeanne d'Arc etc call out. And which you then defend with pathetic pedantik arguments.

Now lets debunk your myths.

Myth 1 - Its about immigration. With <100 immigrants per year average over 40 years. Hardly a call to arms over rampant immigration. And NEVER a call to disenfranchisement.

Myth 2 - MSR is not bigoted or racist. With such small numbers of immigrants, we know the sentiment you are tapping into is and old and dying bigoted racism which existed over much of the world last century. Its not the fault of Seselwa that a little bit of this remains from the last century. After all we are a step back in time, but it is dying out and you are doing your best to bring it into the 21st century where it has no place. And where the trash you incite damages the image of Seselwa and Seychelles.

Myth 3 - Immigrants who were on GOP can be disenfranchised. They are legal, legal in th eyes of our constitution, our courts, and the United Nations. A Nazi move to disenfranchise will be viewed as just that in the international community. Besides it can be argued its better to have immigrants who come with skills to work, instead of freeloaders who latch onto our families to sunbathe and bum around on the beach everyday!

Myth 4 - Had Kalifa paid duty etc. Well If Kalifa had not put his name behind Sesel in our time of need, we would now belong to bondholders, this discussion would notr exist, and they would care even less about your rasin sentiment than the fleas on the back of a camel. So whatever the lead up to his bailout, he looks pretty good as he has dinner with the Queen of England today. We look like greedy thieving ingrates who just wait to suck the blood out of anybody who falls into the trap.

Myth 5 - Eden Island citizenship. Has this actually happened yet or are we fighting windmills? Why don't we ask all projects in Seychelles to have conditions that under no circumstance will anybody connected with the project ever be entitled to citizenship?

Myth 6 - Ramadoss no objection????? Well for one we know most of this steam stems from his clowning around in the SCCI. And some big bruised ego's. But if there was ever anything to question it would be the oligopoly that is his empire.

So if you put away your Sledgehammer perhaps we can get down to the business of performing surgery and healing the patient.


Anonymous said...

No one seems to want to understand the inequality in the system.
it seems that everyone is determine to prove each other wrong.
without a consensus agreement of the issues, like the unfairness of e;g salaries and pensions.
It appears that all of you is not able to move forward with communicating the above issues,you all go round in circle by belittle each other just like in Primary school.It is a joke "Pot calling kettle Black."
P:s Living in Australia is a breeze compare to the oppressive confusing life that people faced in Seychelles its no a bad Model to imitate(LOl)

Patrick X said...

I think it's a bit too easy to adopt a model from elsewhere as countries are different both culturally, physically and not least economically.

Some people have previously praised the Singapore model and said that it would suit Seychelles and bring the country as FAR as Singapore is now. Possible, but again the cultural aspects will most probably not make that model feasable. Asians have a different sense of loayalty in their culture than we do although our indifferent attitude may make that particaular model adaptable, ref FAR's iron hand democracy. People simply could not be bothered to oppose and pulled up their shoulders saying 'be ou kapab lager ek sa?'.

Australia is vast, more resourceful and in many ways so different it cannot be compared to Seychelles and its model may not necessarily work for us. Of course one can however retrieve the parts of it that fit in our case and with different parts from other models one can built a good and efficient machine that will power us further. Then again, what is the best machine good for when left in the hands of a bunch of monkeys?

Anonymous said...

Patex thats no way to speak about MSR! We know what to do with a good machine.


Anonymous said...

JA mate !!! Australia so nice ..a "good country"....BLA BLA


Anonymous said...

MYth 2
You blind or had decided to pretwend of being blind.Are those thousands of Hindus marching our streets each year 1oo person in 40 years.The second point is not a question of how many are they but rather if they did obtain our nationality illegally ,i mean according to our immigrantion law.i think it is well known that most of them were sold our passports and some like RAMADOSS was even gifted by Pp.

jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...

Nice cartoon. The karya becomes a worm. True.

Michel killing us and selling to Khalifa- true.

Congratulations to the artist.

Anonymous said...

JennyD'onk here is a maths lesson100 per year over 40 years = 4000. So there may be 1000 Hindu yes.

JennyD'onk and there were more than 1000 before 1976, are they also not "natural" for you?

JennyD'onk you think it is well known? Yes this is good evidence for your MSR kangaroo court. Use it there not with me!

Anonymous said...

In 1976 wew were still a colony,those who were already in the country were accepted as Seychellois and that according to the immigrantion at that time.
There is a different betwween those now Seychellois and those being giftedmslod our nationality by pp.

i don^t know how you came to the amount 1000,what is clear and we can all see each year on our streets are more than one thousand marching,dancing,jumping some even shit in our rivers at la Misere..And if they< were more before 1976 where are they then?Maybe SPPF massacred then like Gerald.

Jeanne D^Arc

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