Monday, November 29, 2010


2010/11/29 - Eddie Botha / Daily Dispatch Investigations Editor

IT WAS like reading John le Carré’s espionage novel, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold. Remember last week I wrote about the assassination of Gerard Hoareau, the leader of the Seychellois National Movement, in London in November 1985 – not too long after I met him in cloak and dagger circumstances at his resistance movement’s safe house in the British capital.
Then early Monday morning, a few hours after the Dispatch went online, I received a call from someone who introduced himself as Ian Withers. He was phoning from London, he said. He had read my column with great interest, as he had been heavily, and I mean heavily, involved in the Seychelles during the time I covered the aborted coup by mercenary leader Mike Hoare and his South African-backed band of army recces and hired soldiers of fortune.
Not to forget the behind-the-scenes support by SA’s military and national intelligence officers for Hoareau’s movement, which sought to overthrow the Seychelles government of President Albert Rene, who deposed former President Jimmy Mancham’s regime in a bloody coup.
Withers told me he worked for Rene at the time of the coup attempt. I mentioned to him that I had been detained in police cells by the Seychelles government, soon after my first visit to the island, because I had been mistaken as a relative of one the mercenaries who had escaped.
“I probably ordered your detention,” he said. Nice to meet you Mr Withers!
Our conversation brought back many memories of my numerous trips to the Seychelles. The many nice people I met there, my relationship with Hoareau, who tragically died by the hand of a sniper … and the Groot Krokkodil, PW Botha’s wrath after I – courtesy of a Seychelles contact – exposed the names and passport numbers of two national intelligence agents, who came to the island to (unsuccessfully) secure the release of their buddy, Martin Dolinschek.
At the time Dolinschek was on death row, after being caught on the island following the coup attempt. For that exposé I was found guilty of contravening the Official Secrets Act (Dolinschek was later released by Rene and he travelled back with me to SA).
Back to the death of Horeau. In 2006 the Seychelles Weekly published an exclusive interview which Rene had given to the French newspaper, Indian Ocean Newsletter, in 1986, the year after Hoareau was shot.
During the interview Rene was asked why Withers did not go back to Britain to answer the police’s questions about the killing of Hoareau. Rene said Withers preferred to stay in the Seychelles. “He is someone who has helped us. We cannot ask him to leave the country.”
Rene said he personally knew that Withers was not involved in Hoareau’s death.
“He was responsible for telephone bugging, that is true, and they know this in Britain. The day after Gerard Hoareau was assassinated, he (Withers) went to the British embassy and volunteered to provide all the necessary information, on condition that police go to the Seychelles to question him. They did not do so. Personally, I do not blame him for not going to Britain.
Would you go? The two people who placed the bug in Gerard Hoareau’s home are both in prison.”
Rene said his government had asked Britain to keep Hoareau’s resistance movement under surveillance. “They did not do this, even though the opposition openly says that it is prepared to overthrow the government by violence. So we did what was necessary in order to find out what was going on.”
The Seychelles president admitted that it was “troubling” that Hoareau was killed in London while his telephone was being bugged by his agents.
“But there is no link. If we had wanted to assassinate Gerard Hoareau, don’t you think that we would have removed the bug before doing so,” said Rene.
Then who killed Hoareau? Here is Rene’s explanation: “Gerard Hoareau had contacts with loads of people, with mercenaries to whom he owed money … In any case, it was a professional who carried out the killing. I am absolutely sure that it was not Ian Withers. He was paid only to monitor telephone conversations.”
Next time we chat, I’ll ask Withers
Pertinent Note: If Rene knows Whithers did not kill Gerard, then he must know who did, since he knows who did not.


Following on from our previous questions we present the following scenario that point to the most plausible reason for Gerard’s assassination:
The illegal SPPF regime in Seychelles was receiving pretty good reports of Gerard’s movements from Ian Withers and his team who had installed sophisticated listening devices in a house next door to where Gerard lived in Edgware in London. However such an operation did not come cheap and was costing the regime tens of thousands of British Pounds on a monthly basis, adding up to millions annually. It was not something that they could afford to do on a long term basis.
Based on previous experience, Gerard himself was aware that his home telephone was probably being monitored and it was for that reason that he never spoke or communicated any of his business on the phone apart from normal and inconsequential conversations with his family and friends. Thus any consequential communication pertaining to his activities (as President of the SNM and more importantly head of the MPR) against the illegal regime was carried out at random public phones throughout London. It was impossible for the regime to monitor such calls as they could never tell which of the thousands of public phones throughout London that he would use on any given day. However Gerard was not aware of the fact that they had bought a house next door which contained other listening devices that could pick up some of his conversations within the house but again there was not much in terms of his strategic plans that they could pick up from his normal conversations that he had in his house. This must have been frustrating for the regime especially in light of the fact that they were paying millions of Pounds to keep up this surveillance operation.
However sometime before November 1985, they did pick up a bit of information that must have been rather disturbing to them. Gerard had decided to move from his Edgware home to a new undisclosed address in London. This meant that their costly surveillance operation would be made redundant unless they could dismantle it all and relocate it to wherever Gerard was going. This would have meant finding and purchasing a new house near Gerard’s new address, moving and re-installations of all the electronic devices. This would not have been easy because they would probably not have been able to purchase such a property immediately especially if there was no property next door for sale. At a time of rising property prices in London, it would have added up to substantial extra costs. Further to the cost element, this new operation would have taken a lot of time before they could get everything operational again and during that time they would not be able to gather the vital information that they were looking for.
At this juncture, the murderous SPPF regime had to make some decisions:
Could they afford the extra cost of funding this move to a new address?
Would they be able to immediately find an appropriate house next to Gerard’s new home again?
If not how long would that take?
Could they afford the loss of information that would occur while they tried to relocate and re-install all the equipment?
How long could they afford to continue funding such an expensive operation run by an expensive spy like Ian Withers and his group?
If the answers to the above questions were negative was it therefore not simpler and less costly to eliminate such a dangerous and determined opponent like Gerard once and for all?
Was that the time therefore that they decided that Gerard should be assassinated?
Who took that decision?
Who hired the assassin?
Who selected the Sterling sub-machine gun as the murder weapon?
Was that weapon taken to the UK through diplomatic bags and if so who authorised it?
Who carried that weapon which was eventually used to murder Gerard to the UK?
Who was therefore ultimately responsible for Gerard’s murder?

Make your own intelligent deduction!


Twenty five years have passed since the young, popular exiled resistance Seychellois leader, Gerard Hoarau, was shot dead outside his home in London. Twenty five years and yet still no answers with regards as to who ordered and carried out this odious crime. Gerard was not the only victim of politically motivated murders in Seychelles. The list is long and all the murders with the exception of Gerard’s were carried out on Seychellois soil and yet again we still have no answers as to who carried out those crimes. While South Africans have exorcised their demons through a public process of national reconciliation inspired by Bishop Desmond Tutu’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, the regime in Seychelles has never bothered to initiate any public inquiries into any of the murders and disappearances of its political critics that occurred under their watch and in their own jurisdiction. Until they do so intelligent people can only assume one thing – they sanctioned those crimes and they are responsible for them.
Here we present you with some facts and ask some questions on Gerard’s case. Draw your own conclusions.
Fact: On 29th November 1985 Gerard Hoarau, President of the SNM and Head of the MPR was shot dead outside his home in London. The perpetrators of this heinous crime have still not been identified or apprehended:
Who ultimately ordered the assassination of Gerard Hoarau?
Who pulled the trigger of that Sterling sub-machine gun that emptied 39 bullets into Gerard’s body?
Fact: The British Police found out that Gerard’s movement were being monitored by sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment placed in a house next door to Gerard’s London home. That house was purchased by a company belonging to Mario Ricci who was acting as an agent of the Seychelles Government at the time.
Under whose direct instructions was Ricci acting upon?
Who hired Ian Withers and the three men who monitored Gerard’s movement on a 24 hour basis for months and eventually leading to his assassination?
Fact: Gerard was killed with a British made Sterling sub-machine gun. Those guns were standard issue to the riot control PMU squad of Seychelles Police prior to the illegal coup of 5th June 1977. These weapons were captured by the SPUP terrorists when they usurped power in the coup.
Who issued that weapon to the assassin and who used it to murder Gerard?
How was that weapon smuggled into Britain and how was it disposed of after it was used to carry out that dastardly act?
Fact: Three men were arrested by the British Police for carrying out an illegal electronic surveillance of Gerard’s activities. They were consequently prosecuted and convicted of perverting the course of public justice at the Old Bailey in London. Some interesting facts emerged from this case.
Scotland Yard Anti Terrorist Squad wanted to pursue leads that led to Seychelles. Their requests to follow those leads to collect evidence were refused by the illegal regime in Seychelles.
Why was Scotland Yard refused access to Seychelles?
Those three men reported directly to a notorious spy by the name of Ian Withers.
Who hired Ian Withers who was based and owned businesses in the Seychelles at the time?
One of the prosecuted men (a BT engineer by the name of Richards) revealed in evidence in court that the night before Gerard’s assassination, he turned up at the house to check on the equipment. When he tried to open the door, the other man Underwood who was in charge of the surveillance team, opened the door from the inside and told Richards that he could not enter because “one of their guys was inside the house” and he did not want Richards to see the person inside. Richards left without seeing who was inside. The next day Gerard was killed.
Who was the mystery person that Underwood called “one of their guys”?
Why did Underwood not want Richards to see that person?
Was that person the one who ultimately shot and killed Gerard the next day?
Why did the prosecutor not ask Underwood to reveal in court, who was that person?
Did Scotland Yard officers investigating that crime, interrogate Underwood as to the description of that person?
If so does Scotland Yard know and hold a record of the description of that person and is that the reason that they wanted to follow their investigations in Seychelles?
When sentencing the three men, the British Judge at the Old Bailey, described their crime as vile and despicable and said that he believed that their actions had directly led to the death of an innocent man. He said that he wished that he could have given them a much more severe custodial sentence, but that regrettably he was constrained by the punishment stipulated the law relating to the specific charges against them. From the Honourable Judge’s comments it is clear that he saw a clear link between the surveillance activities and Gerard’s assassination. Therefore, the miscreants that authorised and financed that illegal surveillance activity of Gerard’s movements, were also those responsible for his murder.
Who were all the people behind that operation and who gave the ultimate order to open fire and kill Gerard Hoarau?


Anonymous said...

The person/s responsible for Gerard's death is probably suffering more than we know. There is not worse pain than remorse. He/she may still be kicking about, but how happy and content is he/she???
Justice does eventually prevail, albeit not in the ways that we actually want it.
Watch "Under Belly", an Australian series based on true facts.

Anonymous said...

Simple answer:

ALBERT RENE is responsible for Gerard Hoarau's murder for two reasons:

1. Gerard was an exemplary Government worker in the Immigration Department of Seychelles. If not for the Albert ILLEGAL Coup D'Etat, Gerard would have remained in Seychelles.

2. Albert ordered the bugging of Gerard's apartment. Ian Withers was paid by Albert and the Seychelles Government. Withers is an Irish murderer himself. Ricci made sure that the gun got to the assassin.

Shameful moments in our history, swept under the carpet by Rene and his thugs. Wonder why Michel does not mention this in his "En Moman Avek Prezidan". Or he could say that "his hands are clean" like usual.

Albert will face God soon, and so will Michel. They both have blood on their hands, and while Michel believes kissing the pope's ring will give him absolution, he is dead wrong.

The bible says:



Albert and Michel are both murderers. They gave the orders to murder not only Gerard Hoarau, but young Simon Desnousse and Mike Asher amongst the many who have perished under their rule. Bloody murderers they are.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article full of intrigue and unanswered questions.

Of course the other side of the coin is an involvement with APARTHIDE South Africa to create other similar governments in Africa.

Of course flawed logic takes away from its integrity. Like "Rene must know who did it, because he knows Withers did not do it". Just because you have the alibi for someone does not mean yo know what another person is doing.

Of course the argument that he hit was ordered to save spying cost is flawed. If they want to save money, and they were going to do such a brazzen hit at his front door anyway, then why bother with spending money on spying anyway?

But the fact that Gerard was murdered is sad, unfortunate and undeniable. As other Seychellois who opposed politics on all sides.

It is time we changed our behaviour and work together to build the stable peaceful democracy we can see starting. For sure it is not there yet!

Do not be misled today by fanatics and extremist. They use their memory just to destabalise for one reason or another!

Anonymous said...

How does Rena know Withers didn't do it?
Withers is a despicable little weasel now based in Eire. He needs to be taken care of on behalf the Seychelles people.
He robbed so many people.

Anonymous said...

Understand the bitterness. Don't agree with the calls for violence. More of the same is not change!

Anonymous said...

We shall not forget Gerard Hoareau.

We shall not accept anything less then FREEDOM our birthright.

We shall not accept the selling of our Patrimony, nor the selling of our CITIZENSHIP, no matter what any Collaborator agent sent by Michel, says to justify the selling of Seychelles and her people.

We will not accept that BIGOTS run our country into the ground.

We do not need foreign investors that buy our fish and use our milk supply, and spend Rs. 10.00 on a paper to see what we write about them each week. Even if they number 10,000 or 100,000 .

People of Seychelles, follow the arguments that justify the selling of our country well. PL is full of excuses to explain why they sell Seychelles, and sell us with her.


Anonymous said...

Rene's explanation for the assassination is woeful and perhaps self-incriminating when he says that the killing was done by a professional hitman. Methinks he doth protests too much.

A week ago he celebrated a life devoted to criminal activities at home and abroad.

Anonymous said...

Such a sleazy grubby attempt by Gill, blatantly hoping the blood of Gerard will rub of on him to make him look more human! Makes me want to puke!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Albert Rene wants us to believe that there was a "professional hit man" roaming the streets of London with a machine gun on the off-chance that he might bump into Gerard Hoarau, without being aware of Gerard's movements !

Why does not Albert Rene go to London to clear his name which has been tarnished by international crime ?

I have also heard that on that morning soldiers were being deployed at strategic locations on Mahe. People at SBC radio station at Union Vale were being told it was a precaution because Gerard was dead. Given the 4-hour time difference between Seychelles and London, Gerard was in fact still alive at the time.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to your supposition, the US ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency) found that the gun had been purchased in North Carolina in early 1985 and had been exported under license issued to one France Albert with a UK address. They determined that the transaction had originated from a company called FMR Enterprises.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to correct another supposition that appears in your blog, i.e. that James Michel killed his son. I know that to be falsehood. His son had been suffering from depression for several months made worse by his parents decision that he had to go to St. Anne youth camp, a decision he strongly resented. He took his own life with a gun he found in his parents bedroom.

For several weeks Michel believed that the CIA might have been involved and said that he believed they had used mind altering drugs against his son. One says a lot of crazy things when grieving.

Anonymous said...

If Rene said to Indian Ocean Newsletter that Ian Withers definately did not kill Gerard Hoarau, then Rene knows who did kill Gerard.

The assertive information shows he knows all too well.

The abili Rene provides is bogus. He says Gerard was in contact with all sorts of people and mercenaries and they could have done the job on him. This is a Red Herring as no names are given.

The South African mercenaries were being financied by South Africa, so money is not an issue.

As we saw when the mercenaries were jailed, it was South Africa that paid $3 Million for their release.

Rene says he did not know anything about the $3 Million ransom for release as well, similarly to not knowing who killed Gerard Hoarau.

Scotland Yard has an obligation to charge the murders and accomplices to this murder,it was done on UK soil.


Anonymous said...

Reply to PUKE himself-

I did not write these articles PUKE. It was another contributor.

What's your problem? Why don't you write something, PUKE?

Are you too busy trying to find money to extend your villa and leave the moral, social, political issues of our country to others to deal with, then you sound off in critic with a PUKE?


Anonymous said...

Reply to Time Zone 4 Hours-

This is an important point that the BHC must know about and pass the information on the authorities in UK.

It displays state of mind and intent, knowledge to kill, and conspiracy, accomplice to murder assasination.


Anonymous said...

Reply to Michel's Son Death Issue-

The only way you will truely know if Michel's son was murdered or if he committed suicide, is through forensic evidence.

A suicide victim will have to hold the gun to his head. This can be confirmed by the bullet hole size.

Similarly, a murdered victim, would have a gun aimed at him, presumably from a distance,and the bullet wound would be a different size as a suicide victim.

Shattering of the skull would be noticably different depending on the distance the gun was shot.

If that is where the bullet was lodged.

That variance, holds the truth in hand.

Everything else at this point, is speculation, except for the word of witnesses.

Patrick X said...

What goes around comes around. We all know that and soon FAR, JAM and all the others involved in the murder of Gerard Hoareau will know it too. Amen


Anonymous said...

Who pressed on the trigger?Can Tikolor,Pp's stool pigeon enlighten us on that.

Jeanne D'Arc

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Albert may not have pressed the trigger of the gun that killed Gerard, but he was the one behind the idea. Bugging Gerard's apartment was a crime in itself, and the Seychellois people (through Albert's Government) paid for the funds that went to Ian Withers (that Irish fucking murdering pig)!
In the end, Albert is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for Gerard's death. He is also FULL RESPONSIBLE for Simon Desnousse's death.

As for Michel, he has blood on his hands as well. Whether he killed his son or not is irrelevant. If he did, then I am sure he will live with his grief for the rest of his life. His former wife is at church every day praying, and is the only one I feel sorry for.

Patrick X said...

As said, what goes around comes around. Kill someone's son and your own will be taken from you too. Steal someone's property and someone else will steal yours.

Funny isn't it how people tend to find faith when they know the end is near? Kaka dan lenz bez zot min.


Anonymous said...

In the death of his son, James Michel is prime suspect. He was in a position to order an independent enquiry to clear his name. It was not done. But it is not too late. The people of Seychelles are entitled to know if their last two presidents are murderers. SPPF are wrong to think that we do not care about such things and that they can kill with impunity.

Anonymous said...

As we expect, this is not a tribute to Gerard but a hijack by the ill informed to educate the ignorant.

So we will avoid asking who is responsible for David Antat's death?

Instead we suggest that it is time we changed our behaviour and work together to build a stable democracy that has only just started.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree. As usual no connection between the facts and the speculation.

It gives the impression they are using his name for political value; not to really find the killer so the family can have closure.

Patrick X said...

Sorry to put sticks in the spokes, but the people of Seychelles don't seem to care wether or not their last 2 presidents are murderers or not.


Anonymous said...

Reply to X

Many people care.

But there is also a FEAR FACTOR in this equation that many Seychellois still live under.

You need to consider this.

Secondly, PL Collaborators will want to reduce the impact of the murder and dress up every excuse for us to move on and let the dead rest, so they can rest.

Just read some of the rubbish they have put out this last 2 days in the comments section.

Additionally, we seek no political gain at Star from covering Gerard Hoarau's murder and assasination.

We post to help his family keep his memory alive, and to challenge the PUTZ opposition to cover it in their papers, since they say it is politically offensive to SPPF wherein hides the killer, to cover Gerard Hoarau's death in much detail.

Because his death is too traumatic to the status quo, Princess Anne will get more coverage unvieling Plato in a car park at Anse Royale.

But we must see through this, and keep Gerard's memory alive for us all. For in his memory is found our commitment to FREEDOM.

Though we will all stumble and make mistakes, FREEDOM must never be brought to her knees under the tutelage of FEAR, VIOLENCE, INTIMIDATION, AGAIN IN SEYCHELLES.


Patrick X said...

I agree that the murder is nowhere near justified, but considering all the manboulouk that has been going on people still vote for PL and will keep doing so for whatever reasons they may have:

1) They truly have benefitted from the system though freebies and general increase in living standard(after all, from lakaz toll to lakaz blok is a cheap investment for the PL, but a huge boost in ego for the occupant)

2) They simply don't know any better as they've been brainwashed with PL/JJ/Jojo etc. Bear in mind that a majority of our population is under or around 30 years old.

3) They are afraid to vote otherwise in fear of losing their jobs

4) They don't give a toss as long as they get their daily groceries and a couple of beers Saturday evening.

5) The macho and semi crook image that the PL keeps applies to the general mentality where they are seen as the strongest and toughest who slash their opponents apart. Primitive minds prefer primitive methods. And that applies to all colours in our community before you tossers start accusing me of being racist.

I defend the last point from countless conversations with fellow countrymen where I've brought up various subjects of national inportance ranging from garbage sorting to pure politics and it all often boils off to a reduced conversation where there is no feedback as they simply have fuck all to contribute with. Create a dilema on a Seychelles blog site or raise a legitimate question on the home page of a top politician in Seychelles and you can sit and wait forever for a decent and well thought reply unless of course you are praising him/up to the sky. It just seems that our people have a rather primitive way of thinking and as long as they have those primitive needs covered they are happy and content, hence they don't give as toss wether or not their leader is a thieving murderer or not as long as they themselves are safe. Just look at all the 'bend over so >I can kiss your excellency arse' comments on JAM's Facebook page. Praise they guy and others will follow. Corner him with a simple question and nobody has the brains or intelligence to come up with a counter reply let alone see things in a differnet way. The same applies to Ramkalawan by the way.

That is why sometimes I think that there never will be change till the young generation become too demanding for the PL. They are after all the ones who have the power to push our politics in another direction. They will be the rise of of the PL and they wil be the ones to condemn and judge the PL.


Anonymous said...

With all due respect Patex, it is always easier to look clever asking questions than it is to give answers. Thats why politicians stay in the comfort zone of identifying issues and asking questions.

Thats why over time the opposition looks better than the incumbent.

For example Gill looks far smarter asking questions and raising issues; than he does defending his simplistic primitive solution to complex issues.

As a small island nation we need more statesmen who will identify issues and discuss solutions with an open mind and a moral compass.

But you are right, the future is bright. Even young(er) facebook discussion leaders like Mike S & Gus D and Chris L show a remarkable clarity and positive sincerity in the way they debate issues. The generation after them will be even better!

What we can do is give them the stable democratic structure which will enable that. E.g.:

A recovered economy,

A demonstrated politically neutral armed force,

A neutral high performance professional civil service like Alain St. Ange is working on,

A sensible control on further immigration,

A truely uplifting sense of pride in being Seychellois and respectful of each other,

A sense of charity that is integral to democracy.

and much more....

We need to build on what we have. We are where we are, and its a whole lot better than most other reforming countries.

Anonymous said...

What we can do is give them the stable democratic structure which will enable that. E.g.:

A recovered economy,

A demonstrated politically neutral armed force,

A neutral high performance professional civil service like Alain St. Ange is working on,

A sensible control on further immigration,

A truely uplifting sense of pride in being Seychellois and respectful of each other,

A sense of charity that is integral to democracy.

and much more....
These are good Ideas, but in order to achieve these goal we all need to understand that without an elected transparent democratic Government these aims are futile.
Still it is pleasing to read that some of us has got innovative ideas
and if we all try a little harder we will get there,we ought to be proud that we are in a place where we can discuss this in an amicable sense.we are moving ahead regardless.

Anonymous said...

Lepep Bigotwa himself-

You sound so touchy in your blog.

What is the problem?

Have we touched a sleeping nerve of 5 years?

Collaborators red or green, are always offended when light is shed on their meal ticket, especially, if it allows 1000's of meals a day for doing nothing for as much as Rs 1,800.00 per hour.

It we, who see through you.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Bigot-

You say STAR is a LEPEP sponsored Soap opera?

Are you serious?

Does your Rs. 1800.00 per hour salary and 70% pension for life make you say that?

You want Seychelloise women to fight for you in the next elections?

Are you serious?

You are offended by SESEL POU SESELWA! because I sing off using the saying.

I say any Seychellois that loves Seychelles, can sign off using SESEL POU SESELWA!

You can too, but you will have to give back the money first.


Patrick X said...

Indeed, the younger generation is more aware of the situation than the previous and they adon't seem to have the same fright in them as their parents, this with regards to free speech and openness. They will therefore have to be taken seriously and listened to. I dare say that it is the FAR generation that make up the majority of ignorants in our society. So ther is hope and when the current useless bunch that is ruling our country are either dead or retired, a younder generation with good brains and not least sense may take over and guide the country to its well deserved prosperity.


Anonymous said...

Thats the truth, and for the opposition also. This road to full democracy can only be stop if we play the war game on each other.

Instead we must reach this point where we can change government many times without total fear on any side. But no one person can take credit to achieve that.

For those with ego agenda and return on investment agenda this is bad news.

Focus on the system and full democracy will follow, focus on one result and full democracy will never happen. We will just have more of the same.

Meanwhile be positive and act positive as an example for the next generation.

Anonymous said...

To the last comment!
How can the exampel to the youngs generation begiven.

When this sytem call PP Pirate Party them self are setting a realy bad behavior and bad exampel to the youngs generation,who there call them self jj Devils.

As long has those killers are still in Power there will be never a good exampelon on the island.

We have to get reed of this communist once and for all then exampel and democracy ect.... can grow.

Was it a good exampel when Rene&Jam took AK-47?

Anonymous said...

Such good example the opposition leaders have also set for the younger generation: from selling their votes in the National Assembly (Siva money), to fighting with felllow MNAs (Ramkalawan beating up Faure), to stealing clients money (refer to various articles and letter of complain published in the Seychelles Weekly about B Georges...and no response from the SNPs), to voting along with the SPPF/PL when it came to increasing their salaries, to Ralph Volcere admitting he was paid to run against Ramkalawan in 2001 election where he got 69 votes, to Gill's crossing the floor incident...i sure see fingers pointing back at themselves!

Anonymous said...

Finger Pointer Collaborator-

I have explained the crossing the floor incident.

The Truth has been liberating.

Others should explain their incidents to the opposition, if they have the courage to. It will liberate them aswell.

The power of Pardon between us is a great power, you PL Collaborators must not under estimate.

The foundations of our lives are based on Christain ideals, not the blood of innocent Seychellois as you SPPF -PL.

Once the Opposition sees that, they should all take the opportunity to unite the Opposition and remove SPPF PL once and for all.

It is possible today, more then ever SPPF/ PL!!!

However, having said that,Finger Pointer Collaborator, these people in the Opposition, all of them you mentioned, I hold no blame towards them for anything.

They have already been pardoned for any transgressions if any in my mind.



Mancham- Look at how SPPF CONTROLLED Mancham over land settlement cases for so many years (17). To the point that he has attended so many internaitonal forums and the plight of the lop sided democracy in Seychelles seems to not have been mentioned.

Ramkalawan- you broke his head in Public. You squeezed him into submission like a watchdog for your own stability while the country failed.

Volcere- You detained him, jailed him, exiled at a very young age, into a foreign land, and you made him the man he is today;

Georges- You used him when it was convenient, then you critic him when it is convenient.

Chow- you jailed him, exiled him, used him to set up Offshore business center, then you ignored him to your detriment.

Finger Pointer, you will dig deep into your anals of history to find logic to your failure, but you will not blame any Opposition for you failing Seychelles.

Issues between Opposition people conern them, not you, or what you represent, a bunch of communists and children of communists, who rely on ICONS of the outside world for a stroke of legitimacy, then, puff, its gone again!


Anonymous said...

The attempt to discredit MSR and "Sesel Pou Seselwa" as being RACIST is false and very weak.

This weakness, reflects the greater weakness of SPPF- PL, because there road to economic recovery involves unthought- out ideas, uncalculated ideas, of selling our patrimony and displacing young Seychellois in there own country.

Young People of Seychelles must rise up against this attempt to destroy their future and enslave them for another generation as the past.

Today, the young Seychellois, under PL faces a life that will be harder, then any mother or father, lived the last 17 years, or under the One Party State over the last 34 years.

Why such a great injustice upon our Youth?

Because this generation, will pay for the sins of the Father and Mother, for not removing SPPF.

Freedom is your right. With Freedom will come your right to be prosperous in your own country.

Youth of Seychelles, stand with MSR to defend your rights, and fight for Seychelles, your Motherland.

Raise no voice of Racism in this effort, Hate no one, be a bigot to no one.

Love only, your Motherland.


No (RHB)=[No Racism, No Hate, No Bigotry].

Restore Dignity to our people the SEYCHELLOIS.

Restore repsect for our Country and our people that SPPF -PL has taken and crushed with their feet as they arrogantly walked the path of failure all by themselves.

The 5th Column is rising SPPF-PL.


Anonymous said...

Just to be clear young people -

MSR has love for the Arabs.

MSR has love for the Indians who FAR brought to Sesel

MSR has love for the Chinese worker from Costruction COmpany

MSR has love for our South African guests on Eden Island

When you join MSR you must also have place in your heart to love these people.


Anonymous said...

Do Not use the phrase "SESEL POU SESELWA" in vain to justify the selling of our country and people.

The People of Seychelles will see you for what you are, Collaborator.

Repent, and save yourself and your country, from yourself and your selfish and unprecedented ways.


Anonymous said...

We get it,

When MSR say No[RHB] you mean... "We are not racist or bigot wink wink nod nod"


Anonymous said...

Yes Gill, of all the Non Rasins living in Seychelles who are the particular ones MSR consider as bought this country?

Anonymous said...

Yes Gill has a one trick strategy:

He appeal to bigot and racist sentiment and wish to convert this to votes against PL.

This is why he target existing naturalised citizen as a minority for which he can get some bigot sentiments.

What he don't realise is if his dream come true, all politician can play the same card and then we have.....genocide.

It is called race to the bottom strategy!

And why? because he have no real constructive solution except to tell little girls to come and cut his grass!

Leonard Francis Gill said...

To Previous Anonymous:

The Mouvman does not engage in "tricks". The Mouvman (MSR) stands for one single overriding principle. That is Sesel Pou Seselwa.

The details of what constitutes Sesel Pou Seselwa is in The Mouvman's Creed for all to read - without the usual Pp Collaborator "tricks".

And insofar as who is a Seselwa The Mouvman is clear. It does not include so called "naturalized" Seselwa like Krejcir given Seselwa citizenship in return for bribing corrupt Pp leaders and who then become fraudulent voters to keep the Pp Collaborators in power.

Secondly, The Mouvman does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of color, religious beliefs, national origin or political beliefs. What we do is defend our right, we Seselwa Rasins' right, to exclusive ownership and political control of our motherland Seyhcelles.

If you consider Seselwa Rasin defending what belongs to us bigoted then so be it. We are not harmed by that false accusation - we are proud of it.

Lastly, The Mouvman does not and will never advocate genocide. You are merely engaging in hysterics. There is no need to resort to hysterical positions just because you are afraid that we Seselwa Rasin are defending what is ours.

Sesel Pou Seselwa

Anonymous said...

The Mouvman is always clear, but the creed is not clear. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

Demande, less than 100 immigrants a year averaged over 40 years. How is this a hysterical issue of total displacement of Seselwa?

Anonymous said...

For sure you don't need to make two catagory of citizens just for some individual!

Patrick X said...

Where do you get those "less than 100 oer year"? Are those official numbers? Where is it written? Does less than a hundred mean 1 person or 99 persons?

That is typical commie style reply where you just state a figure without being specific about it. And you lot accuse MSR of not being to be specific?


Anonymous said...

We went to immigration and civil status. Where have you got your numbers from?

Did you even bother to look at the numbers before you want to change the constitution to Nazi variety? Of course not a bigot does not need facts, they just believe. Remember that in the middle of be-lie-ve there is a LIE!

Leonard Francis Gill said...

Is it a LIE that Gappy will not register MSR in order to keep us from exposing the one third of our electoral list consisting of Fabrike and fraudulent voters?

Is it a LIE that the Collaborators have sold our citizenship?

Is it a LIE that our judiciary is almost completely controlled by Fabrike?

Is it a LIE that Fabrike have worked in our financial institutions, to help the Collaborators loot the Seselwa Rasin Patrimony?

Is the Fabrike Krejcir a LIE. You want us to beleive that never happened?

Let Civil Status transparently publish who have obtained Fabrike citizenships since independence for all to see. Why won't they? They use all manner of trickery and subterfuge to hide the gravity of the problem. Just like Gappy is doing now to hide his malfeasance connected to the fraudulent electoral register.

You can tell us the sky is purple all day, but we can see it is blue.

Who are the true liars, you Pp Collaborators, your junior partners in the SNp or we in the Mouvman who tell the truth openly and clearly?

Sesel Pou Seselwa in 1964 Sesel Pou Seselwa now and Sesel Pou Seselwa forever.

Patrick X said...

Anonymous who went to immigration to get numbers:

Can you show us the documentation you got from there or was that also an undocumented figure some low official from immigration gave you? Considering that immigration has little or no control of the ongoings, I regret having to tell you that they cannot be trusted. I'll tell you why:

- A passport was issued to Radovan Krejcir and it was an authentic fake. Now, how many other similar passports have been issued? 1, 100 or less than 100?

- 200 expats were working at Khalifa's palace without GOP. That's more than 100 although they didn't officially exist in the country as they didn't have GOPs. Now how many other cases like that do we have in Seychelles? 1 0r less than 100?

- We have a growing foreign population who have family visiting from their home country. MAny of these work in the family business whilst on a tourist visit. Many of these leave home for a short visit after they visa expires and return for another 'visit'. How many are we talking about there? 1 or less than 100?

I can tell you for a fact that the latter exists as I have a concrete example I can refer to and before you accuse me of Indian bashing I can also tell you that the fellow isn't even Indian as he is European.

Please reply to the above and we can continue our debate. else go suck on some old soggy eggs.


Anonymous said...

Patex lets not try to confuse the debate. The MSR creed unravels around its case for classifying and disenfranchising existing citizens based on date of naturalisation.

This case is built on 3 beliefs:

1. Existing naturalised immigrants will vote for PL and are therefore undesireable
2. Existing naturalised immigrants are some active conspiracy programme to replace Seselwa with undesireable people
3. Existing naturalised immigrants are criminal, corrupt and disrespectful.

it is on this that the accusation of bigotry and in some aspects racism rests.

Granted Krejcir is a case of interest on the "desireable" front. One rose does not a garden make.

2000 workers for Khalifa were not naturalised citizens, these roses do not this garden make. Overall Khalifa has nothing to do with MSR's case for disenfranchising existing citizens.

One example of some European guy, and even others, who are visa hopping as visitors, does not this garden make.

So far no garden of numbers on your side, and you want proof of our numbers that are available to the public? Do your own leg work.

We stand by our number of less than 100 a year averaged over 40 years. Which is not very different to the numbers before 1976 either!

What are the numbers that back your theory for disenfranchising all immigrants?

Young Jean Paul Issac inadvertently admitted on facebook that MSR has a copy of the voters register. He described what was written on it. Of coourse that was before he was made to delete the comment. Why doesn't MSR publish it on Wikileaks?

Read the sweeping and generalised
aspersions cast by the post above yours Patex, and tell us that it is not bigoted against immigrants.
Tell us it is not trying to paint a picture that the majority are criminals with evil intentions of taking over the islands!

Anonymous said...

Responding to the last comment

Please get real and confront the issue head on. Bashing MSR just to please your master is immoral and irrational. First i can tell you that foriegn invasion in the Seychelles is real and simple ordinary seychelloise may never be able to come out of the ghetto to buy a plot of land to build their home as there is a laisez faire attitude to allow foreigner to buy land in the Seychelles which LEPEP government know is a limited resource. So no law for selling land to foreigner because governmernt officials are engaged in selling state land that was meant to be sold to Seychelloise to their rich foreign friends. If you want proof these are some few casing point. How many plots does Siva possess, Ramados, Khallifa etc? I can honestly tell you that one day you will eat your non sensical arguments because we will be in the same league as fuji islands and the people of Diego garcia. Greed for money and recognition really harden the heart of the ignorant. If Selsel pour selselwa was the famous slogan of Albert Rene plus all his sabotage. Why is it irrevelant today when the threat is real and plain to see by all Seychelloise who loves his/her country. Keep on with your slander but the Seychelloise people is getting out of the SPPF coma little by little and the almighty will be the one to defeat the evil empire.

You and your collaborators have been saying that the Seychelloise people will be the judge, jury and execusioner. So why is Gappy and the LEPEP regime playing that role. Let MSR exist as a party the Seychelloise people will decide. Are we not suppose to be mature according to LEPEP standard.

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