President James Michel of Seychelles has received more awards this year than Obama, Brown, Sarkozy and all other combined leaders of the world!
The only medals missing from his arsenal are the Pulitzer prize for literature and of course the Nobel Peace Prize. But hopefully in 2010 this one will be given to him for the bloody Coup D'etat of 1977 that killed several of his own countrymen and for becoming a Capitalist after preaching Communism for over 30 years!
The 1977 Coup D'etat Gang
And Mr. Michel is now doing a world tour (paid for by the poor Seychellois citizens who are under IMF management) as the greatest, eco-green President of all times, stating that Seychelles is sinking due to global warming and that the industrialized world owes Seychelles and other island states billions in aid to help Seychelles when she sinks.
Maybe that's why he built all those reclaimed islands so low into the ocean.... You see, France Albert Rene (FAR) and James Alix Michel (JAM) are the two greatest architects Seychelles has ever produced! Mr. Danny Faure current Minister of Finance will soon join that infamous list, especially with his recent budget speech that will drive businesses into bankruptcy faster than one can spell T-A-X.
The way I look at it, who needs money when you have already drowned? Seriously, have you seen any part of Mahe or Praslin sinking lately? And do remember that we have already sunked into bankruptcy already, courtesy of Mr. Michel's astute financial management skills as the Minister of Finance. Faure is also learning fast.
But hey, 2010 promises even more lies and maybe even more awards... this time for Stupidity and Denial. And as Michel releases his autobiography and tries to outsell the first President of Seychelles James Mancham's book titled Global Citizen, there will be a war of words so to speak.
Michel's book will probably be titled "The Seychelles Island Emperor With No Clothes" by James Michel.
Possible Book Cover for Michel's Autobiography
Of course, JAM is not to be confused with James Albert Michener the author of great books such as Hawaii, The Covenant, Mexico, Alaska and Tales of the South Pacific. Michener won the Pulitzer prize for fiction in 1948 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977. Well deserved awards may I add, and nothing like these fake trophies from Lebanon.
James Micheher
Mark Twain, another great author of famous books such as "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" (which I hope Mr. Michel has read), once said:
"It is better to deserve honours and not have them than to have them and not to deserve them."
Mark Twain
I love this site. Amazing that Seychellois can put this together with so much oppression and pressure still ongoing in paradise.
I am sure this site will bring change. I will spread the word through my mail box.
Hello Star-
What does Mark Twain say about fake Honors?
Like the one on innovation?
Curious Seselwa
Hello Star-
What does Mark Twain say about fake Honors?
Like the one on innovation?
Curious Seselwa
I admire the smart people behind this blog as it is bringing the real stories to the fore. This is what an opposition is supposed to be doing. Alas, they are not working hard enough to bring about real change in the country.
I am somewhat of a literature buff and used to read Mark Twain when I was young and have also enjoyed a few of Michener's books, so I found this latest posting quite enjoyable.
If Michel does come out with an autobiography, he'd better start with "On the morning of 5 June 1977, my hands were trembling as I caressed the cold steel barrel of my AK-47. This was my first taste of blood and power and little did I know that one day I would regret shedding the blood of my own countrymen." A few chapters on "How to bankrupt a country in one Presidential term" would make for good reading as would "Assisting Albert Rene, the Savy brothers, the Army Colonels, Mukesh Valabji and Francis Chanleng steal millions from the people of Seychelles".
Michel's legacy will always be one of a thief who together with Rene stole democracy from the Seychellois people in the wee hours of 5 June 1977. History does not lie and the misery he has brought onto the people of Seychelles will follow him to his grave. And I am sure that he laments the loss of his 2 sons as well. Sometimes in life, the bad karma you create comes back to haunt you and in his case, god is merely dishing out his punishment. Ditto for Albert Rene whose daughter Ella is proving too hot to handle.
I am sending the site address to everyone I know and hope that in the name of freedom, everyone will do the same. Spread the word as together in unity, we can effect change in our small nation.
A proud and free Seychelloise who will NEVER vote for Parti Lepep and who will NEVER succumb to Communism.
Michel is definitely an emperor with no clothes, especially when it comes to policies. Probably runs around State House naked with his assorted medals around his neck while Jean Paul Adam holds the imaginary cloak and Appoo pours the wine into the goblet. At least Ton Albert used the tool under his safari suit but I think Michel's tool has stopped working. Viagra from Berams to be delivered as a Christmas present and paid for from the State House budget. Merry Christmas my liege.
Patrick X take note of the second but last blog, I cannot understand why you would ever vote for the RED party, which makes me wonder if you are a wolf in sheep's clothing?
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To Anonymous who wonders how I can ever vote for PL:
If you had AIDS and a fairy came and granted you the wish of exchanging it with another chronic non-curable disease, which would you choose?
Michel is a failure trying to pass off as a success.
We all know that.
He only started to wear suits and ties recently.
He is still learning french and english.
As Head of State we respect him according to the level of leadership he provides us.
Having liz Bastienne attend Copenhagan Conference as a representative of civil society is a joke and insult to our intelliegence and further insult to the official First Lady, Natalie Michel.
That being the case, it is an act of gross disrespect to the People of Seychelles.
How many children will Michel have with civil society?
Another Disgrace.
Patrick X you cannot compare Parti Le Pep with the opposition in any way or form.
I think I can Anonymous and can do so in many ways. A few hints:
- Freedom of speech
- Democracy
- Lack of transparency
- Lack of respect for other's opinion and views
- Abuse of public funds
Now which of the above diseases would you choose? Or would you keep the one you already have?
My point is that they are both just as bad and are slowly killing Seychelles. If you think my comparison was harsh I can rephrase myself:
SNP is be a cure to the disease called PL, but comes with a lot of nasty side effects you wouldn't want to impose on your worst enemy.
Patrick X
Dear Patrick X,
I am the Seychelloise who commented on the site earlier this week and after reading your last comments, I feel compelled to question your thought process.
It is quite obvious to me that you are either a staunch SPPF (and I respect your opinion if you are) or that you have some major issues (even hatred) for the SNP party.
Let me respond to your "hints":
- Freedom of speech
- Democracy
Once again, who took away Democracy from our country on that sad morning of June 5th 1977? Was it SNP, DP or SPPF? You state that SNP does not stand for Democracy. Where in the world did you get that crazy notion? Do you seriously believe that nearly 50% of the population (and I have to assume the more literate ones) would have voted for SNP if they believed that Wavel and his party were a bunch of "undemocratic" people who would want to put us back in chains if they made it to State House?
- Lack of transparency
I cannot challenge you on this one as I am not privy to the SNP party's internal affairs. However, how "transparent" is the SPPF or Lepep Party? Apart from Rene, Michel, Faure and maybe a few Savys, how much do we really know about the finances or the inner workings of the SPPF party? So I believe this is a mute point. In fact, we all know more about SNP because we know they do not have the finances of SPPF.
- Lack of respect for other's opinion and views
Once again, I disagree with you. SNP and DP have their own opinions and they are clearly stated in their party manifestos. Whose opinions and views are they not respecting? The members are free thinking members of our society and are entitled to their own opinions. If you think about it, what views/opinions of SPPF do you agree with? NYS? SMB? Media manipulation? Coetivy Farm? Army to watch over Rene, Michel and Ministers? IMF? Lack of accountability? Abuse of power? Abuse of state funds and state assets? Bankruptcy? Goodness me, I am starting to rant and rave like Mr. Christopher Gill. In summary, I believe that SNP would be a much better Government and would certainly be more tolerant of our views and opinions than the SPPF bunch!
- Abuse of public funds
I cannot believe that you added this one. How in the world can SNP be responsible for abusing public funds when they are not in power? Yes, it is true that SNP members in the Assembly voted themselves a fat raise last year when they could have abstained. But SNP did not bankrupt Seychelles. SPPF, Albert Rene and James Michel (as both Minister of Finance and President) did. So this "hint" is an absolute lie as far as I am concerned.
I reiterate. ANY party other than SPPF/Lepep who wins State House will govern better and do a MUCH better job than SPPF has done in 3 plus decades of power. Anyone who does not believe that is either a staunch red-party animal, or is simply (and my apologies if I offend you and others) are PLAIN STUPID!
Thank you again fellow bloggers (even Patrick X) for taking the time to blog and write down your opinions. Honest debates are what we need to educate the "less fortunate" members of our society who still has rose-tinted (or should I say red-tinted) 3D glasses on.
Hooray, for free speech,to the last blogger and Patrick X. This is the kind of debate we should be having on Radio and TV and in the newspapers, but we cant, BECAUSE OF THE PARTI LE PEP, SPPF WON'T ALLOW IT. The more people reason and discuss the more people will realize they have have been taken for fools for 35 years!
Hello Seycheloise,
Girl I'd love to make your aquaintance, you must be a hell of a bomb in several ways. ;-)
Since I've already got your off I'll pour on some more fuel and make good cover of my prized parts:
- Freedom of speech
The LOP despises of anyone who disagrees with him and recently bloated out that 'everyone can go to hell' during a dispute. Is that the same freedom of speech he'll show as prezident?
- Democracy(or the lack of it)
A political leader who has FAILED to bring his herd to their destination after 3 attempts is in the eyes of most people not worthy of leadership and should have been voted out after challenge. Can you tell me that there is nobody in the 'upper SNP camp' that is not capable of challenging Ramkalawan?
- Lack of transparency
Ther have been allegation that SNP party money has been used to purchase bricks for a St Louis construction site, now a house, yet nobody in the green camp has come out and made their accounts official and transparent to once and for all close the case. The SR 1 Million collected and raised for Radio Freedom has also been said to have 'disappeared'. Why hasn't anyone in the camp proved otherwise?
- Lack of respect for other's opinion and views
Revert to the first point
- Abuse of public funds
THe LOP voted for a salary increase just months prior to the devaluation of the SR. They knew it was coming and all voted in favour in addition to collecting upon arrival whilst the 'normal' worker got a mere fraction of the salary increase. Misuse of public funds? Oh yes, he(as other MNAs) also have the rioght to import duty free vehicles. I believe there is a pickup in the picture used to transport cheap Indian workforce to his projects. Abuse of funds?
Now with all that said I would like to make clear that the PL MNAs are no better and neither is the PL. So, I hope with this you may realize that I am doing the good art of 'koz kouyon' both camps and merely stating that they are made of the same 'lanmerd' only with different colour.
I am not a PL and I do not hate the SNP. I merely do not believe that they are any different to the PL. And until they can prove otherwise I will lean to the evil that we know.
As said above, a cure is good, but a cure with lethal side effects is as good as no cure. At least then one will know what kills one.
Patrick X
It is simply beyond how anybody can defend either the SPPF/PL under any of the heading enumerated by Patrick X and "Seychelloise"!
I would like to state at the outset that i have never voted for SPPF/PL, and never will for obvious reasons but i have always voted for the SNP (in whatever form it had in the past) until the 2007 Parliamentary election. I bear no "hatred" towards to SNP nor the SPPF, at worse i can say i nurture severe disappointment.
My choice for the next election is not yet made: i may as many will, just stay at home in the next election if i do not see any changes in the Opposition.
Unlike Patrick X (despite having severe doubts as to the the remedy that is the SNP and knowing about their lackings) i was prepared to give the SNP a chance but i must admit that of late (the last 3 years) they have done very little which in my eyes makes me believe that for one that they true domocrats.
The SNP like the SPPF are expert at paying lip service to prinicples which are considered fundamental in a democracy...the fact of inviting Gill at SNP convention to me is not proof of their commitment to freedom of speech and ideas ( more like a sign of desperation after failing to get more than a few hundred people at national rally and ony a handful at district meetings).
But most importantly Ramkalawan and the SNP are not delivering, that is not winning the election to remove the scourge that is the SPPF/PL!!!
I personally believe that the SNP are doing next to nothing in achieving the removal of the SPPF/PL from power, i would love to hear from anyone who thinks otherwise. What is being done now, has been done for the past 18 odd years, the Opposition as a whole has remained stuck at 45% of the votes (give and take a few percentage points), the closest in 2006 is 46%.
The question that begs, is what does it take for us free thinking opposition supporters to see that we have serious problem with the set up of the Opposition, analyse our weaknesses, correct those weaknesses and mount a challenge to the SPPF/PL?
15 years ago, we thought of politics as Rene v Mancham ..., it looks obvious (whilst not disrespecting the achievements of Wavel Ramkalawan) that the current set of leaders are at the end of the road. Whilst only a few years ago, i would have skipped work to listen to Wavel Ramkalawan budget speech, this time i could not be bothered and preferred switching to History Channel on Cable TV, simply because i felt that i have heard it all before. None of my friends and work colleagues could tell me what Ramkalawan said because they themselves did not bother watching and listening.
I did listen for about 10 minutes to Herve Henry (but after some time got bored) but being new and fresh he caught my attention, despite him coming through the back door got potential there. I would encourage replacing Derjaques who nobody bothers listening too at all.
That is to say, it is time for change in Seychelles, but change must come through the Opposition first before permeating through the whole country.
My mother used to say (to borrow a line from Gump) that a hungry man is an angry man. The leaders of the Opposition have gotten fat (lterally and figuratively)!
Vox Dei
Vox Dei,
I am not defending the PL, I am merely stating that they are the only worthy option being the evil that we know, not the better option.
If I had to choose between France Albert Rene and Ramkalawan(or Mancham) I'd definetely choose the latter just for the hell of it and to piss off the prior as I despise of everything that sorry person has done for Seychelles on behalf of his own good.
Yes, James Michel was part of the coup too, but what can you expect from a bloody school teacher who got the tase of power and liked it. I excuse the man and believe that he has developed in the right direction in many ways, but having been part of the total picture for the past three decades it is hard for him to cut clean even if hypothetically speaking he is as clean as one can get in politics. For James Michel to sweep the floor clean he has to do so like a Bhuddist monk sweeps the path he is about to walk on so he doesn't step on or kill animals on the way. And there are many and sweeping the path clean means sweeping 80% of the government out. What then?
As to hungry men in Seychelles' politics there are none be they green, red or blue. The only hungy man I see is Christopher Gill. The question is: What is he hungry for?
I am however sure that he will reveal that in the course of the coming election. As to Volcere I do not see any signs of hunger whatsosver.
Patrick X
Patrick X your vote for PL will continue to keep PL in Power you fool, and maybe that is what you really want.
Anonymous, I vote what's best for the country(at least what I feel is best). That is the same opinion you have for SNP or whichever party you vote for and it's called freedom to vote aka democracy.
Now, is your definition of democracy calling those who don't share your point of view for fools? If it is, then I dare say that the likes of you are the very reason why PL keeps winning elections. By callin me a fool because I say I'll vote PL as the better option is total disrespect of my freedom of speech and expression. Is that how SNP will rule Seychelles?
The day the SNP will stop treating PL voters like second class citizens, maybe they will gain some sympathy form those voters and maybe even get some ears willing to listen.
Now back to my first line where I said that I'd vote for what's best for Seychelles. I stand by my point saying that right now Seychelles has 2 options, red or green. We all know what the red are good for, pretty much nothing. Now tell me what the greens can do that is better and please elaborate more about the points I listed above which Seychelloise replied to. See if you are able to convince me that SNP score better points thn PL on these points. You can start by not referring to me as a fool for having my opinion ans trying to see things from a different point of view.
Patrick X
I reply 2 "Pat X"-
Reference to what I am hungry for. It is not land, power or money Pat.
You come from the Frank Sanatra generation, dubbed the me, me, me generation.
I come from the Micheal Jackson generation dubbed the we,we, we, generation. Our generation loves Micheal, not for his shortcomings, but for the hope he gave to the World, through his music and inspiration.
That is a fundamental difference in vision wherein we differ.
It is a big difference.
I have 2 children which I love dearly , a 9 year old boy and a 2 year old girl.
When I wake up at 5.30 each day, I think about them. I think that my children will be the generation that pays for these debts Rene and Michel created, that is cause to be hungry.
Hungry for what? Hungry for change to bring about a better Seychelles for them and for all Seychellois.
We can go beyond this failure, we can do it. Each generation is tasked with great challenges.
For Rene and Mancham- it was to navigate through colonial rule;
For Michel- it is to handle Rene's and himself's toxic legacy;
For our generation, it is to go beyond the failure of Rene and Michel and bring about true unity in Seychelles, and usher in a era of great success in Seychelles, unseen under Rene, Michel or recent upstart Faure.
This group is tainted and is no longer capable of success for Seychelles.
It is like someone with HIV then taking on full blown Aids Patrick.
We are the cure to AIDS if you will, not another disease substitute Patrick.
Patrick, the Opposition is not perfect,but it is the Opposition to failure, for that, it deserves the fair opportunity to challenge failure, which you can only benefit from.
I have to go mix cement for 2010. Have a nice weekend.
Christopher Gill
Patrick X we aren't trying to remove a government that has had its day, we are trying to remove a group of people that came to power via THE GUN, HAVE MURDERED THEIR OWN PEOPLE, STOLEN, BLACKMAILED, CORRUPTED AND LIED FOR 35 YEARS. so this isn't "just another election" .
Fair points guys, I clearly see your views and support you in every way not least agree with you. I see the need for a cure, but I am afraid your cure comes with a lot of side effects that'll do more harm than good.
I may be wrong and I hope I am, but judging from what the opposition has achieved and theire decline I cannot see the good in them anymore. They're like those black market viagras that look like the real thing, are market like the real thing, but can contain anything from pure sugar to rat poison. That pretty much goes for any pill you buy in Seychelles, made in India.
But ok guys, if you really really really want to cure the country of its disease then prove it by getting together and putting Seychelles first by showing that you are not hungry for just power like Christopher says he is not(and I realy believe him). How about the rest of you?
Me? I have no power whatsoever, am not member of any party, political group let alone the right to vote. Yes you read correctly, I cannot vote in Seychelles as I do not live there and havn't done so for the last 28 years. I bet you didn't see that coming did you? It just shows how easy manipulated people are and how easy it is to lead and mislead. Now imagine what a smartass like myself could do in politics. ;-)
Patrick X
Vox Dei says:
Patrick X has a point when he describes the democracy practiced in some Opposition Parties. Many free thinking supporters was behind Wavel/SNP not because they were blind as to his dictatorial tendencies...but because they were tired of the SPPF/PL and many of the business people and middle class were in dire straits economically (black market...).
I bought the People this week (because i saw picture of Bernard Georges, St Ange and Pauline Ferrari and was wondering what that was all about) and behold saw that Jean Dingwall gave an interview to the People, praising the economic reforms!! It is well known that Dingwall with Parkar (another one who has already abandoned the cause of the Opposition some time back) were financial backers of the SNP before 2006.
So what has happened? The People claims that Georges, St Ange are behind the SPPF, and re printed the SNP rally photo with only a few people.
Personally i believe that just as put the blame of govt falure on JAM, we have to put blame of Opposition failing on the leaders of the Opposition, presently this is Wavel Ramkalawan. The longer we see the obvious staring us in the eye, the longer and harder it will be to remove them. Do not get me wrong, there is nothing personal against Ramkalawan (other that his concept and practice of democracy differs from mine) but i believe that removing the SPPF from power is absolutely necessary, and we have to get a leader of the Opposition who can. Ramkalawan sadly has had his time and it is time for him to retire and let somebody else take up the challenge!
I believe that Patrick X challenge is a good one, when he asks what the SNP can do better. I wonder myself, because what i see is the SPPF/PL practicing and pursuing an ultra liberal economic policy. Since SPPF/PL and SNP are more or less on equal terms when it comes to paying lip service to democracy, transparency and those principles that applies in western democracies i cannot see where the difference is between the SPPF/PL and the SNP (other than the human rights abuses commited by the SPPF). But when the Leader of the Opposition Wavel Ramkalawan personally beats a fellow MNA up and send him to the hospital, or refuses to answer allegation of corruption and stealing party monies from the Treasurer of the SNP, one wonders if there is really any difference at all between those two parties? Just a thought!
What strikes me most is why the PL does not use these allegations to crush SNP once and for all.
I've wondered why many times and have come to the conclusion that they do not do so as they need a weak opposition they can control and have eating out of their hand.
It is hard for SNP to prove allegations of corruption against PL, but easy for PL to dig and find so why do they do not do so?:
Simple - A case 'You shut up I shut up'
So teh show with the red curtain goes on as the green men get seats in the front row. Problem is there is a man in front with such a huge head many can't even see the stage let alone the show.
Patrick X
Last week when discussing with a young lawyer he revealed to me that on doing due dilligence for a transaction he had uncovered (what he considered as a revelation/scoop) that B.Georges, St Ange and Ferrari were in business with the late Mario Ricci in the 1990's.
He was somewhat shocked that despite everybody knowing of Ricci's activities that those who claim to be whiter than white had been involved with one of the people who had been associated with the darkest days of our history.
That is just to say, we just do not know what lurks in the closets of the SNP Leaders.
Patrick,for the SPPF/Parti Lepep Ramkalawan/SNP are known quantities. For the Parti Lepep it would be in their best interest that Ramkalawan stays around for many many years to come.
I don't know if they have anything on him, but the fact remains that Ramkalawan will never again be able to unifiy the Opposition, let alone create the impetus to remove the SPPF/PL. When you see the People sporting photos of not one but 4 "soi disant" opponents of the regime (Georges, St Ange, Ferrari and Dingwall) then it says a lot on the confidence of the SPPF/PL.
We can write, cry, rant and rave all we want but until we get a credible alternative to the SPPF/PL, the Opposiiton will remain where it is, in any case the soi disant alternative to the SPPF/PL, Ramkalawan has already goone on record, saying he is happy not winning election, al bez konpran ki pe pase dan Lopozisyon prezan!
Frustrated Opposition!
SNP should reply to these allegations and not let them become part of their identity as a political party.
If they do, I am afraid they will suffer the same fate as DP. in the eyes of supporters.
An allegation, any, is like a hole in your boat. You need to plug it fast.
In Seychelles, the boat has a tendency to take water fast because of our cultural nature to spread information fast.
Christopher Gill
That's been my point all along 'frustrated opposition', that the SNP heads are nothing but hypocrites. People seem to forget where many of these came from.
Ramkalawan is doomed, but will grasp on to power as LOP till he's old enough to retire before leaving a devastated SNP in the hands of some dreamer who's naive enough to think he or she can save it and bring it to mid 90s level again.
There will therefore never be a rise of the SNP. The only way for an opposition to rise is for a new party to be created and built up from scratch. As to the DP, well first they have to start showing their presence and a bit of action instead of mere words.
Patrick X
The connection between Mario Ricci and those SNP leaders are not allegations. It is quite well known and surely Gill knows about that. The venture was tourism venture, which involved some tourism establishment, eventualy the venture went bust and those SNP guys ended up paying. Georges even sported a Fleur de Lys on his car, which was the logo of that venture.
My point was that this young lawyer thought that those guys were as pure as snow but now has personally found out that this is not the case.
Only a miracle would save the Opposition from the abyss it stands now. The awakening would be hard after the next election. Yes, we can laugh all we want at JJ, we can draw as many cartoons, we can cast doubt on his intelligence, of all that is true. What is also true is sa "kouyon" which i hear some Opposition describe James Michel as, will "bros lapo lagel", Wavel Ramkalwan in the next election that it will pale the humiliation which Ramkalawan gave Mancham in 1998.
Frustrated Opposition is even more frustrated now!
Hi Patrick X!
How wonderful you are on a democratic blog where you can expressed yourself as a mentally abled citizen of seychelles. Now can you imagine how far we could have been if we were not in this inferno of SPPF/PARTI LEPEP mental asylum. I would challenge you to write what you have been writing on SNP but this time phrase it more positively on the fiasco that the seychelles people is in right now on your favorite people magazine. One thing i can tell you is that the minute you do that your true identity will be known as everybody will see you fiddling in all the bust bins in victoria looking for a meal or you would be running like a headless chicken to Regar or Nouveau weekly to cry out foul.
Having said that i respect your opinion but i do not value it because you are one of those seychellois people who is definetely not blind but you have decided not to see simply because you are an opportunist (or by parti lepep definition a patriotic sychellois). So keep it up my friend because you are someone with no morale values who have taken a conscious decision to let a few seychellois like Albert Rene , Michel, Savy Royal family of the seychelles and others to impoverish a small nation and reduce the overall population of seychelles to beggars. And you are very proud of that. To conclude i would like to tell you that you are on the wrong forum. Your forum should be SBC( SPPF broadcasting corporation or people). S*T*A*R* bloggers should ignore Patrick X the false prophet of doom. God blessing Parti Lepep would take the initiative and create a blog for Patrick X so that the so called seselwa ordinair according to SPPF way of discriminating the seychellois people so he could run their internet propaganda. As most seychellois is fed up with these lies and they prefer watch national geography on cable Tv instead of SBC.
As a true citizen of seychelles we will not be broken by lies, corruption, nepotism and terrorism(group of people who are continually using terror tactics to control as nation against their free will).
Thank you everyone of you who believe in real freedom.
Dictorship and communism forget.
From a true seychellois who refuse to be labeled as a seselwa ordinair by the SPPF clown in the national assembly.
about it.
Hi Patrick X!
How wonderful you are on a democratic blog where you can expressed yourself as a mentally abled citizen of seychelles. Now can you imagine how far we could have been if we were not in this inferno of SPPF/PARTI LEPEP mental asylum. I would challenge you to write what you have been writing on SNP but this time phrase it more positively on the fiasco that the seychelles people is in right now on your favorite people magazine. One thing i can tell you is that the minute you do that your true identity will be known as everybody will see you fiddling in all the bust bins in victoria looking for a meal or you would be running like a headless chicken to Regar or Nouveau weekly to cry out foul.
Having said that i respect your opinion but i do not value it because you are one of those seychellois people who is definetely not blind but you have decided not to see simply because you are an opportunist (or by parti lepep definition a patriotic sychellois). So keep it up my friend because you are someone with no morale values who have taken a conscious decision to let a few seychellois like Albert Rene , Michel, Savy Royal family of the seychelles and others to impoverish a small nation and reduce the overall population of seychelles to beggars. And you are very proud of that. To conclude i would like to tell you that you are on the wrong forum. Your forum should be SBC( SPPF broadcasting corporation or people). S*T*A*R* bloggers should ignore Patrick X the false prophet of doom. God blessing Parti Lepep would take the initiative and create a blog for Patrick X so that the so called seselwa ordinair according to SPPF way of discriminating the seychellois people so he could run their internet propaganda. As most seychellois is fed up with these lies and they prefer watch national geography on cable Tv instead of SBC.
As a true citizen of seychelles we will not be broken by lies, corruption, nepotism and terrorism(group of people who are continually using terror tactics to control as nation against their free will).
Thank you everyone of you who believe in real freedom.
Dictatorship and communism forget.
From a true seychellois who refuse to be labeled as a seselwa ordinair by the SPPF clowns in the national assembly.
That it is.
You could always go ahead and start a Facebook group called 'Don't listen to Partick X' or 'Ignore Patrick X' so all of you speculating about my true identity can cling together and support eachother.
All I can say is keep on speculating, but do not ignore what I say. Rather listen, memorize and remember and one day you will realize that there is truth in it, the same truth that Christopher Gill has been warning the SPPF/PL about regarding the economy.
I believe however that you will be greatly disappointed regarding my true ID as none of you have a single clue of who I am. What I can tell you though is that I have the power to put you all in a 'sak gouni', chuck in a few rocks and stroll down to the rocks by the sea and chuck you in it. The minute you hit the sand you'll first realize what's just happened. Having said that, I will also reveal that my intentions are of the most honest character and I mean teh very best for Seychelles, not for myself or any other Seychellois, but for the couontry as a whole.
Now tell me who think I am, I've left many clues yet nbobody has figured it out. Either that or they're pretending not to.
Patrick X
P.S. Don't even think I'm Patrick Pillay. Even he wouldn' be that stuypid as to use Patrick X as a pseudonym.
Oh we know who you are. we do.
Tell us, how much are you paid to contribute to this forum? Because everybody here knows you are being doing it for PP- to discourage, to use the same thick-headed arguments that PP has used over my lifetime to protect their ockets.
SNP is not perfect, as it is composed of HUMANS.And no human IS perfect. But, at least it is ofering us a choice.
Patrick, i know who you are, and i do not mean mean that as a threat. The thing is, i used to respect you.
No more.
Zaklen Zoulou
And Patrick X, you do have the power to get rid of people- we know that. That is the sad thing. You never needed to bring it up. That is your back-up plan, right? To scare? Like PP?
PP has killed, assassinated our fellow countrymen everytime they found such persons to be in a position where their control was being lost.
So many have died.
You might know people in high places, but there is no need to resort to calling them.That is what PP has taught you, right?"If you need me, call me?"
That is what Seychelles is tired of. Those in power so afraid to lose it.
SNP has done a remarkable job over the past fifteen years. They have survived and grown.Despite you and your red tribe of mercenaries. PP is terribly afraid. Missing people, suspicious shootings, are not enough anymore.
Don't resort to scare tactics. They do work,(i am not bulletproof, and regarding your method, i don't have gills) but they lessen you.
I used to respect you. You were always two-faced, but for so long i believed you were disciplined.
You're not.
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