President Michel has flown to Abu Dhabi (his second home) to inaugurate the first diplomatic mission and tourist office in the United Arab Emirates. He is accompanied by Jean-Paul Adam the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alain St. Ange CEO of Seychelles Tourist Board and of course an entourage of bodyguards.
President Michel Jean-Paul Adam Alain St. Ange
Good old faithful Ambassador Dick Esparon awaits the delegation in his plush, rent-free furnished office, courtesy of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, also known as the new Ruler of Seychelles, the Ruler of the Kingdom of La Misere on Mahe, the Ruler of the Seychelles Coast Guards, the Ruler of the Seychelles Desalination Plants and Electricity Grid, the Ruler of the Radiology Centre and ex-Victoria Hospital (now called Seychelles Hospital to please the good Sheikh), the Ruler of Victoria Urban Planning Development and of course the Ruler of our Immigration Department (by decree to remove our Coco-de-Mer stamp from the Seychelles Passport as he found it offensive).
Sheikh Khalifa - Ruler of Abu Dhabi and the Seychelles / The offensive Coco-de-Mer Seed
In 2012, wind turbines donated by our Ruler Sheikh will be churning wind into electricity right at the entrance of Port Victoria. We wonder who will pay for the maintenance of those Masdars Don Quixote windmills? And what a wonderful aesthetic sight this will be for our tourists on their way to visiting a once pristine marine park. Eyesore galore! But who cares about our beautiful Victoria Harbour, as it will soon change its name to "The Khalifa Harbour"? Lest we forget, the urban planners in Abu Dhabi are working diligently to develop a new design for our small capital Victoria, courtesy of the generous Sheikh. Will it still be called Victoria? Who knows? But what we do know is that a new mosque to house thousands of Islam followers is already on the plan, and the huge speakers to be installed in the minaret will be bigger than our clock tower so that the sound can dwarf our Catholic church bells. But this good-hearted Sheikh not only lords over us and our sycophant President, but he loves our country so much that he is now making it his own. Joe Samy's "Victoria, la klos St. Fidel" will soon be history, along with any remnants of the British Empire to make way for our new Arab Ruler.
Wind turbines for Victoria Harbour. Bye Bye Old "Far" Lighthouse
Hopefully, during South-East monsoon, the wind turbines will blow the foul tuna-canning factory smell towards the new Sheikh Khalifa Coast Guard Centre, and we hope this does not disturb the Imam in the minaret and the prayers at the new Coast Guard mosque and canteen which can no longer serve pork. During North-West monsoon, we hope that the turbines will blow the smell away from the Providence rubbish dump site up towards the hills of La Misere where the chic Sheikh has build his castle. After all, the Sheikh caused the "Delo Kaka" incident while he was building the monstrosity on top of La Misere whilst breaking all the Housing and Planning regulations, so maybe he can get a "taste" or at least a smell of his own medicine in the coming years. Revenge is sweet.
Sheikh Khalifa's Castle on top of La Misere, Mahe, Seychelles - Our landscape ruined forever
Meanwhile, back in Victoria Seychelles, Barclays Bank has announced restrictions on foreign exchange and as Joel Morgan the Minister of Lapire told us last week during his shady Air Seychelles fiasco interview, foreign exchange is becoming scarce as Air Seychelles was draining the country's coffers. A bunch of lies as usual, but I guess one can forgive the Pinnochio Minister as it is his usual style to lie to the people and place blame elsewhere. His nose is now longer than the Sheikh's robe.
One wonders how much foreign exchange President Michel and entourage took with them to Abu Dhabi? Or is the generous Sheikh Khalifa footing the bill? I also wonder if the first class tickets on Etihad were free, or if they were paid for by the Seychellois taxpayers.
In summary, I quote a blogger who recently posted this comment on our STAR Seychelles site:
"All this is a sad joke.
Our land all going to arabs.
Our economy depends on arabs.
Our airline has gone to arabs.
Our defence depends on arabs.
Our jobs depend on arabs.
What next????
More coming.And some people take offence when we say that James Michel is taking us for monkeys?"
1 – 200 of 343 Newer› Newest»Yes, it is a sad joke indeed. We have become slaves to Kalifa and Abu Dhabi.
While the gang plays in Abu Dhabi, we have to foot the bill. Every time Michel goes to Abu Dhabi, we sell our another piece of our heritage to the Arab Sheik. Every week, St. Ange is on a plane and yet tourism numbers remain the same. Meanwhile Joel Morgan continues to lie to the people and the Pinochio nickname suits him perfectly. If fact, everyone should start refering to him as Minis Pinochio instead of Minis lapire.
James Michel thinks an Arab spring is a resor made in Arabia.Soon he will know what a Sesel Spring is.
Jesus said: Do to others as you would like others do to you.G.GILL sorry if i have offended you.D.PIERRE,J CARPIN,F.ELIZABETH MIGHT DEFEND AND JUSTIFIED THEMSELVES JUST LIKE YOU.
For presidential election everyone knows/sees problem.ECONOMIC,LA MISER POLUTION ETC...
In the motorcade celebrations 55percent was dancing,shouting,drinking ,not to forget on PRASLINa bucket was used to put W.RAM in.FREEDOM SQARE WAS FULL WITH RED.
October N.A.ELECTIONS many people did not believe 25 PARTI LEPEP to be in assembly 3000 or less could had voted for these guys,it was not the case.
This is what i think for my small country Seychelles.When election come we all voted for change with a strong opposition,stop all these complaining every now and than.After we have voted for change with GOD grace,we all start the general cleaning and putting order in our small beautiful SEYCHELLES.Our young generations will reward us for that.It will be better than EGYPTE AND LIBYA.VOTE FOR CHANGE STOP COMPLAINING.
Jesus spokesman-
We all defend and promote what we believe in as we choose to. This is the essence of Individualism and Freedom.
If you choose to follow Jesus by all means this is your choice.
But Jesus used his name,and did not hide behind "Anonymous".
I expose corruption, and my reading of the word of Jesus reveals my effort is spot on.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Bougla pa fer betiz don Totof ou nom...i pou anvoy ti Johnny blow ou and you don't want that....son lagel i pi e i ganny zaf!
James Alix Michel, our Idi Amin Dada.
What the f..k are we seychellois people waiting for to start a mass protest. Our politicians have failed us. I am begging Wavel, Christopher, Ralph or whoever is aspiring to be our president to lead a mass protest. Seychellois are ready we are waiting for a leader to lead us please please please come forward. We don't want Muslims on our land. We dont want Arab to rule us.
And by the way Totof how sure are you that Jesus was his real name?
and what was his surname anyway?
How do you know that two thousand years from now people won't be adoring me as Pissedoff le Messie?
...and of course it can happen to you as well...
....Totof le Budha...with ze bunbag...
James Michel to Abu Dhabi
It must be a reflection of how low we have fallen as a nation when we accept that a foreign government pays for our embassy, pays our ambassador's salary, pays the embassy staff's salary. And as there is no free lunch, we are expected to pay Khalifa back at some point. Is it by giving him Air Seychelles and soon he management of our airport?
Is it the promise of running our oil industry IF we discover it one day?
Clearly something is going on. 70 year old Michel is rich and on his way out. You and I will have to pay.
Dick Esparon shhould be thinking of his brother Radegone when he stands next to James Michel and Adam to cut the ribbon to Khalifa's embassy. He's got to where he is by selling out his brother. Radegone is now in exile while he enjoys the high life with Khalifa.There was a time when blood used to be thicker than water. Jj spirit, obsession with position, money have change this.
Chris, when will your friend St ange stop leaking James michel's ass?
And where are the tourists he's promised us?
As he and James Michel have buried Air Seychelles its a good ime to go and get their reward from their king and master Khalifa.
St. Ange is a sellout as well, licking Michel's ass in the hope that he will be rewarded as the Minister of Tourism. Dream on Alain. Remember, Maurice Lalanne waited forever too for the position and Albert never let him forget that his mother-in-law Winnie and wife Doreen were against SPUP. Michel does not have the balls to make you Minister as he is afraid you might do a better job than him.
Allen st Angle napa backbones.Mon rappel letemp lamarch mercenair avec william herminie.those guys zot in pass zot use by dates.mon croye ki allen e un double cross e i pou more comsa.
un famme noir ki e pa le voir.
James Michel going to kneel before Khalifa and taking his poodle st ange with him, is disgraceful.
James Michel should not forget that as president he REPRESENTS us. We ask for respect of our independence and sovereignty and our pride as a nation.
where in the world do Heads of State go around the world to personally open embassy buildings????This is a joke. A sad one.
Yes it's time for a revolution and the opposition politicians should show the way.
James Michel clearly has nothing better to do.
He should be giving guidance on how to sort out the economic mess he's created which is leading banks to limit the amount of foreign currency it can sell to clients.
He should be sorting out the piracy problem, Air Seychelles, our democracy.
Does he have to go three or four times a year to Khalifa?
Does Khalifa ever visit him at state house when he's in the country?
This is clearly an appearance of servitude where regional governors go to "rann kont" to their masters on a regular basis.
So what's James' report to his king? The people of Seychelles' love for him knows no bounds? Islam is fast taking over as the national religion? Our airport is his and anything else he wants?
Time to boot this illiterate buffoon out.
Prepare yourselves for James Michel announcing on his return that his Emir Khalifa, out of the goodness of his huge heart, has offered help to all the air seychelles employees made redundant.
We will clap and cheer but this will put us a little more deeper in Khalifa's grasp.
We will find nothing wrong when we wake up one day to hear that UAE will be "modernising" and operating our airport. From then on, there will be nothing that we control in our country since even state house today is the property of the Sheikh.
Sov nou pei!
Was it not Bernard Georges (SNP) who brought Khalifa to Seychelles?
Is it not Bernard Georges who notary all of beachfront Barbaron for Khalifa and the hills?
SNP leadership is as guilty for bringing Khalifa to Seychelles as SPPF Communists!
Now Michel will sell Seychelles.
But we will undo the sale!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Pissed off-
You are the cause of all this cursing and diversion of debate from sensibility to vulgarity.
You make Seychelles look bad. No wonder people do not travel on Air Seychelles.
Change your approach and we may start filling the seats.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill you big couyon get your facts right. Bernard George did not bring Kalifa to Seychelles.Bernard George acted in his capacity as a lawyer to process the purchase of land on behalf of his client, just like any attorney would have done at that time. And it was not the La Misere property it was Barbarons and George has already explained his role in this transaction. Stop dwelling on SNP and use your energy to remove party lepep.
Reply to Gran Kouyon mem-
Bernard Georges represent Rene Troian and Khalifa in the sales.
Sell out hiding in the opposition must be exposed before we move on.
Most recently, in the Steve Scholes digitals, gran kouyon, Georges admits to working for a client high then FIU over a $1 Million transaction.
This means Georges is a sell out in SNP camp. SNP endorses Georges and defends him, so they are culpable to the cover up.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
So couyon you are now saying that Madame Troian cannot sell her land to a foreigner. Have you ever sold any land to a foreigner Gill Couyon? I repeat that you should focus on removing party lepep from power instead of wasting your effort on Bernard George, Ramkalawan and others in the opposition.They are not the ones in power and if they are corrupt then the voters can deal with them.
Reply to "Gran Kouyon SNP Pathetic"-
Madam Troian did sell her land to Khalifa. She would sell to Khalifa whether or not Bernard Georges did the deeds. The fact that it was Bernard Georges office at the time selling the land and entertaining Khalifa over it does not seem to phase you?
Do you want a cartoon on it to explain the impact of it to Seychellois?
The point "Gran Kouyon Pathetic SNP", is that he has done the deeds for many acres, and he could have said "No, I will not do the deeds for Khalifa".
Sorry. But he said: "Yes, please come in sign and sell off our patrimony so I make some money".
This shows "Gran Kouyon mem SNP Pathetic" by your defence of this low life lawyer, you or Bernard Georges cannot be trusted with our patrimony any more then SPPF PL Rene or James Michel can be trusted.
Similarly, Annette Georges did the dirty deeds for Felicite Island for Sr. 1.00 . This island is worth $500 Million. You want me to ignore that and focus on PL?
SNP leadership has been selling our patrimony for years in conspiracy with PL. Do you want the People of Seychelles to ignore that little detail, while we say Michel is selling Seychelles to ARABS?
Your reply to that, "Gran Kouyon mem SNP Pathetic" , is to tell me I am Couyon?
I do not sell land to foreigners, I lease land to foreigners. I sell land to Seychellois! I get less money for it, but I can sleep well at night knowing I have not sold my patrimony like you bunch of hypocrites. If I chose to I too could sell hundreds of acres to ARABS like Bernard Georges and Annette Georges have done. I too can sell land to Arabs like James Michel does or James Mancham encourages us to.
But we do not do that.
If you want to remove PL, which I doubt very much, since PL has made you all so comfortable, you would clean up your show and you would not defend the un-defend able.
So you go right ahead and defend, Seychelles Freedom Party will expose all you hypocrites and parasites that make the opposition fail in its effort every day.
When we do, you will stand up and take a bow....on the way out along with your friends in PL who suck our blood and make our people suffer each day.
To remove cancer it is painful, but unless you remove it, it spread Kouyon!
Shame on your parade!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gill Couyon you have lost the plot.Are you saying that Bernard George cannot work as a lawyer or notary on behalf of his foreign clients? Would it be ok if France Bonte sold Madame Troian's land? Did Albert Rene not sell Denis Island to a french man Burkhart?Did your uncle James Mancham not sell Beau Vallon land to Kashoogi?Have the lawyers of Seychelles past and present not have the right to work on behalf of their clients? If you wish for the law to be changed then go change the constitution as today nothing stops a foreigner from buying land. So who cares if the foreginer used Bernard or Annette George or France Bonte for legal representation if the land never belonged to the lawyer in the first instance? Is a lawyer doing his job unpatriotic? What if he sold them a boat or a car?Would that be illegal too under your SFP party? Seriously Gill you have passed the couyon stage and the Arab bonom dibwa must be messing with your head.
What have YOU done for Seychelles oh mighty leader??? NOTHING!
Mahatma Gandhi said "You must be the change you want to see in the world" but you, you just talk the change...
Stop blaming everyone else and get off your knees. If you want change, fight for it.
Gill is the change.
Ramkalawan and Georges show us they are not and have not been the change.
The truth is behind Michel's back the ARAB'S are laughing at him and us!
Gilliar the The First Mouse to cross the Floor inn fini bez tom dan labou.
How true the old adage how "drowning man would cling at a blade of grass. Pipipipi pi pistoff i dir ou bez al lav ou boyo pi gran kouyon mal elve.
Gill; in reference to your post of November 25, 2011 12:00 PM
Bougla you are the alpha and the omega of vulgarity! from that post down you have done nothing but insult and swear at your SNP dalons!
You are a fat moron, a two faced hypocrite and a liar, you boast and you brag but its all empty barrels! You are not your own man you are in the employ of someone bigger, someone who is paying you to bring all politicians down through propaganda in order for him/her to move in! This thing about "taking to the streets to protest" and "regime change" are all a load of bollocks! You don't have the balls to stand up to nothing take away your keyboard you will be reduced to a pathetic obese mass of lard!
And finally you do not have the education that you claim to have - YOU HAVE A FAKE PROFILE!
This is Pissedoff talking to you don't mess with me and don't piss me off!
P.S. I notice that your little toto a.k.a. ti Johnny has removed his education profile from facebook - why? unless it was a "fake profile" like everything about the both of you!
P.P.S. Does Zandark has any lapo taba or is that fake as well?
Do I give a toss about SNP?
Hey Gill are you a intell agent..using counter/corta/info or sleepinfo ...methods to tip the scale in chosen direction..I read all ,see all ..and when in school(not here)I was exposed to prop..and learnt all above methods.
prove me wrong .
Ps I chose no side and I work with all for all..
If there is someone on this blog that is not educated e mal elve is Pissdog SESELWA.
When I read some of the comments on this blog, it's not surprising that Michel continues to do what he's been doing.
Anonymous said...
If there is someone on this blog that is not educated e mal elve is Pissdog SESELWA.
November 25, 2011 9:22 PM
Not as mal elve as mari ou manman you son of a dog!
I will always be here to say what has to be said in the context of the stupidity that YOU brainless ti Johnny a.k.a. Zanpol Izak comes up with on here!
James Michel tells us that the opening of the new embassy in UAE is "to further intensify relations between the two countries".
Serious stuff....
James Michel should start by defining "intensify" for us.
By every definition, Khalifa is James Michel's personal friend, benefactor and Master. Khalifa and his friends today owns almost 1/4 of Seychelles.If Michel now wants "further intensification" of relations, he must be aiming for Khalifa to own the whole of Seychelles and us along with it.
He could not help expressing his gratitude to Khalifa, could he? We've been reduced to having to express "our gratitude" to Khalifa in every speech, every public declaration. I wonder whether James Michel is as generous with his gratitude to his Creator.
Even Esparon has noe joined the bandwagon - declaring that "the people of seychelles would always be grateful" to Khalifa?
Which people are you refering to Mr. ambassador?
Are you sure that this is just not a slip of the tongue and you meant YOU and your fellow friends in crime?
YOU should indeed be grateful because Khalifa gives you a free house, pays your salary and allows you to live the high life while you rent your mansion in Seychelles.
"All this is a sad joke.
Our land all going to arabs.
Our economy depends on arabs.
Our airline has gone to arabs.
Our defence depends on arabs.
Our jobs depend on arabs.
What next????
eski un dimone e capab demand at st Ange ki inn fair avec laterre avec propriate madame Robert delore ? SA BOUG E UN LERA LASOSEE SESELWA PA DEVERE TRUST SA BOUG.E UN MANIAC FEMME NOIRE.
Alain St Ange is an opportunistic buffoon.
These days, his tongue is not long enough pour lise.
Minis ki i pe rode. ya trouv lo map
It's better to be son of a dog than son of a rat pissdog.A man like you ha leave wrong like this communist sytem.If you want to know who is johnny search for johnny he leave at Baie st Anne a place we call dan kan père but i think you will not find your way back after you met this guy.
Since when does a head of state open embassies and is also tourism minister???
Since when does a head of state open embassies
This is the question asked by an earlier blogger. It started when James Michel became president of our miserable little country.
The guy is desperate to show that he's different from albert Rene, is better than Albert Rene.
remember he went to open the one in Italy - which we have not heard much about since then. That embassy was fully funded by an Italian whom Michel appointed as Ambassador.This opened the way for anyone with money to fund their own embassies with the garantee of being not only appointed ambassador but also get a seychelles diplomatic passport in the process.
The embassy in Abu Dhabi is fully funded by Khalifa. The ambassador's house is provided by Khalifa, the ambassador's salary paid by khalifa.
The result of this is that in one swoop,James Michel has jeopardised our independence. We will NEVER be able to have a position in international affairs different from UAE's.We have been reduced to being an emirate worst still, a colony of Khalifa and UAE.
If the baka-drinking lepep fanatics are unable to see and understand that, then we're really fcuked.
Faure is coming out with a massive budget. Another one. Yet before too long, he'll be coming back, AGAIN, to ask for supplementary budget. And his retarded morons in the assembly will vote yes with no questions asked.
Will he tell us what all these embassies are bringing for the country. We do not want to hear "ranforsi lanmitye e cooperasyon".This is rubbish. We want to know tangibly what Pat Pillay, with a whole retinue of staff is bringing to the country.
Tell us what the frenchman Legal, our ambassador in China is bringing to the country apart from launching Michel's book and attending cultural launches.
What is Dixy Nouris bringing for us?
What is Esparon concretely bringing for us?
And tell us what they hope an embassy in Cuba and Etiopia to bring?
Air seychelles has been sunk. The lines at the welfare agency is getting longer by the day.Why n ot use the huge amount of money spent on these embassies to sort out our lives here instead providing a cushy job to friends and cronies.
By the time I finish with ti Johnny ni kan per ni kartye leser i pa pou trouve pou kasyet laden!
Pissed off-
Your state of mind represents failure.
Failure to run the country well.
Failure to keep IMF out of Seychelles.
Failure at Health care, it is free, but you get better treatment in autopsy then you do in primary health care or secondary.
Failure to educate our children to not be wards of the state, but contributors to their own families, and then the state.
Failure to run Air Seychelles well.
Failure to bring tourist to Seychelles and you count IOG arrivals as Tourist arrivals.
Failure to keep the Seychelles Rupee strong, and cost of living down now the budget is Sr.550 Million larger, because PL will devalue. It has already started.
Euro is 18.0 1.0. Dollar is 14.0- 1.0 worse then the black market days.
The only thing people that think like you are good at is killing fellow Seychellois.
1.Who killed Gerard Hoarau?
2. Who killed Ahtime?
3. Who killed Asher?
4. Who killed Denousse?
5. Who killed Chang Him?
6. Who killed Morgan?
7. Who killed Esparon?
8. Who killed Baker?
9. Who killed Hassan Ali?
10. Who killed Mickey Mancham my Father?
Who tries to kill me and my activists?
Answer those questions pissed off!
Then I will give you another Ten (10).
Why is it no one has been tried, yet?
By the way Pissed off sell out- where is the Human Rights Country Report for Seychelles?
The UN has been waiting for 18 years for the first report.
The chance of Rene having any legacy is gone with the last flight of Air Seychelles.
The chance of Michel having any legacy, is about as high as the coming of hell turning into the North Pole in our lifetime.
People of Seychelles are seeing the failure of France Albert Rene and the Failure of sellout James Michel everyday.
What is worse you people like you, this selling out is exposed everywhere in the world.
Last week I wrote to Mo Ibrahim Foundation and exposed Michel regime.
His government will likely now be placed below Zimbabwe in good governance next year.
The days of embassies paying lip service in Seychelles will end.
When they visit you, they will tell you to straighten yourselves or face further isolation.
Freedom Party does not have time for secret ear to ear meetings with PL like SNP leadership does.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Mr Gill, all the killings you mentioned are history. It happened under SPUP & SPPF. We are in a 'New Seychelles' under Parti Lepep. Parti Lepep is 'clean'. We have not killed anyone yet. Look ahead and let us move forward together. Don't keep hanging on to the past if we are to progress.
As for the budget, we need not worry. 500 million increase in spend is loose change to our dear leader Sheikh Khalifa. We have been given everyting so far, hospital, water desalination, electricity, Etihad (to replace Air Seychelles), the list goes on and on. I believe 3 new Mosques are in the pipeline. I am cosidering changing my religion to Muslim, I am currently researching it. I advise you to research it as well. On the face of it Muslims seems to have all the answers to the worlds problems !
If we want Seychelles to progress fast we need to appoint a Govenor or Administrator. JAM, Faure, GILL, RAM and any other can apply for this post. Let HRH Sheikh Khalifa lord over us through his ap[pointed governor.
We have gone full circle in 35 years. We were a Britis Colony until 1976, we were an independent state up to 2008. We are now an Emiratee (or Colony) of the UAE.
We will soon be issued with UAE passports and ID Cards.
Salam Alykum
Salam, PL-
When a people forget about its brothers and sisters murdered, butchered, because a party that uses violence has changed its name, that people are a dead people.
If we are dead, any vulture will in fact... step in and take over.
What religion takes over, is not relevant if we are all dead.
If you would like the names of Ten (10) Seychellois murdered and butchered by SPPF PL by all means ask me.
We want to move on, but we cannot pardon or forgive unsolved murders. No man can do this. If you think it is possible, perhaps this is the source of your continuous failure.
I have been informed now, we have a Russian and local Dr. who will now fund three (3) HYDRO FOIL ferry from Mahe Praslin La Digue.
Shall we use this as a distraction to forget the past and all the failures you PL have brought upon us?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Communist celebrating 30th anniversary of mercernary.Michel what you are celebrating,victory on mercernary dont think you defeat mercernary and you are calling your self and Rene a hero or what,no just those guys were stop by customs at the airport with their arms in thier bags if those guys has got through the gate in the bus safely defeat for communist rulers Rene his comando in chief like ti Claude was a no body in the army a guy with no knowlege and can not write his name and have to throw salary envolopes on the tabel and watch with a pistole in his hand that every one take only his salary envolope.
And i what to tell you communist rulers who are selling us with arabs you have a good reason to remember mercernary.And you MICHEL army in chief you can not even put a shot on target.
Johnny has a point-
One shot intended for a wall at his house hit his son in the head.
Mr Gill, I agree with you 100%. We cannot forget our fallen brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, we Seselwa are a strange nation. We have no pride, we are not pricipled. We are, lets face it a bunch of happy go lucky, with a laisser fair attitude ! We only have a handful of Seselwa with firm convictions like yourself. I salute you because it is very rare to find such people with firm convictions. Unfortunately. most freedom loving patriotic Seselwa are on the list you wrote in your previous blog, starting with Gerard Houareau. The remaining ones, such as Robert Frichot have decided to remain abroad rather than lead a bunch of idiots !
Gill give us the names,my brother was murder by those murders.I want to make those killers pay for it.
Gill you said that SPUP/SPPF-Rene murdered you father?! Can you elaborate? Are you trying to raise your father to the status of martyr?
Why and how did SPUP kill him?
You are now selling the soul of your own father for political expediency you lying fat cunt!
Also, aret bat latet dimounn pou fer kwar ou lavi ti ganny menase - lekel ki pou gat en bom lo en komen?
Damandra Eulentin was murdered and his body dumped next to Eden Island. Murdered under order of Michel by State House security forces.
Albert Rene had a young army man shot and his body dumped at Sans Souci because the man was screwing his daughter Ella.
There are many more murders that have happened in the past 30 years, all executions under order of Rene and Michel. They will pay one day.
Gill do you know any names of those killers that murder those peoples?For us family that lost our love in 1977 will like to know the names of those killers if possibel.
Thank you Gill.
Michel not only shot his own son,he also shot Francis Rachel pissing in the bush thinking Rachel was enemy this guy like to pull the trigger but every time on the wrong target idiot.
GILL! I asked you to elaborate more about the death of your father. When will you satisfy your bloggers with an answer?
The list of our people murdered by Rene and Michel says a lot. That we'll accept anything and everything: Murder, delo kaka, the sale of our country and subjugation to arabs.
The more we remain"happy-go-lucky", the more James Michel will continue on the rampage.
Isn't our alain St ange a very proud man today? He's broken the tourism arrival figures - or so he wants us to believe.
Never mind that his figures have been inflated by the sportsmen and supporters who came for the Indian Ocean islands games. Would one of our brave journalist point this out to him and ask him to indicate what revenue the country has achieved from his record breaking arrivals? no hope in hell.
Alain st ange is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to give a semblance of success.
Visitor arrival figures broken. Really alain???
Are you for real?
As you hasten to polish the image of your tourism minister with half a brain, can you tell us how much your record breaking tourists have brought into the country?
And can you please stop being the hypocrite that you;ve always been by giving the impression that you're sad that air seychelles is folding?
You're as responsible for what's happened as David Savy and James Michel.
Reply to Pissed Off Failure-
Pissed off, you pathetic piece of humanity,the question surrounding the death and murder of my father Mickey Mancham, is for me to pose and for you to answer.
We Christians do not elevate the murdering of our family to Martyr status as you assert.
We Christians know we are all sinners, some more grave then others.
Though we can pardon sins of our trespassers we do not have the power to pardon the capital sin Murder.
So Pissed off- answer the question, "Who killed so many Seychellois and their crime has never faced justice?"
I ask every Seychellois, who has a murdered family, to list their names here and join them in the debate. Their spirit does not ever die, unless we allow it to.
Communists will never rest in peace, until they are destroyed by the weight of their mountain of failure.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Where did the Seychellois people go wrong? Simple answer, they gave their trust to parti lepep for presenting them with a tale of future success of our beautiful country. What can be done now is to educate Seychellois to see what Parti Lepep is without their mask and without Kahlifa’s cash to make them look good with his generosity. Or is it for real that we are under the UAE Empire now? Freedom party is the only party with a vision to free Seychelles from this wedding made by PL with UAE.
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Seselwa se Nou!
Seselwa Unite!
Allen Gervais Comettant
So our little Emir travelled all the way to Abu Dhabi and was only graced with a meeting with a DEPUTY minister?
Quelle humiliation!
Here in Seychelles James Michel meets even with the cabin crew of Emirates and it's splash out all over SBC.
Is his lord and master so busy that he cannot allow him to come and kiss his ring?
It beats me why James Michel wants to do the job he's appointed ministers to do.
Opening an embassy is the responsibility of the minister of foreign affairs.
Albert Rene never travelled anywhere to open an embassy. That's what ministers are paid for.
We are neck-deep in problems. James Michel should focus on more important issues.
If he's opening embassies what is left for jean paul Adam to do?
Two young men died tragically at Beau Vallon yesterday due to the incompetence of our so-called Life Brigade as well as the corruption in the Parti Lepep Government.
One question SBC did not ask the Life Brigade yesterday:
As you drive by Francis Savy's office next the Maison Du Peuple, you see many jet skis and dinghys. For years you also saw Savy's personal speed boats with huge Yamaha engines on the back, bought from Anil Valabji. All this equipment were paid for by the taxpayers of Seychelles and Savy received millions every year supposedly to establish the Beach Life Brigade.
Well, we just saw the results last night on SBC. Two small boogie boards and a couple of ropes, and one very doped up looking life guard who even said that the other 2 workers had been "resting". How bloody pathetic is that? Since when do lifeguards rest? And where is the equipment to save a drowning tourist or local who have been dragged a couple of hundred metres out by the strong winds or currents? Where are the jet skis and rubber dinghies with engines that can be launched quickly in order to rescue swimmers in distress?
Seychellois, our people are dying while the corrupt few get richer off our backs. Wake up and smell the truth as sooner or later, your own family could be one of the victims of this inept and corrupt Government.
My condolences to the families of the drowned young men and also to the families of the man who died early this morning in the Mont Royale fire as well as the 4 people who died in the Au Cap house fire.
Our country has a curse on it and it will remain until Rene, Michel and all those murderers have gone to hell.
All these unfortunate loss of life.
Does anyone else have the feeling that we keep being hit by misfortunes from one week to the next?
Unfortunately, the misfortunes do not hit those morons who brought their curse upon us.
Is there a God?
Is he out there????
James Michel will soon announce the creation of a task force, followed by district consultations, to look at the defficiencies in our life guard.
Brace yourselves for an endless list of excuses.
Instead of sorting out the issues for which he was elected, James Michel is busy flying around the world and opening embassies.
He wants closer cooperation with every country in the world meanwhile our country is sinking in shit. Incompetence from top to bottom.
Sov nou pei!
Nou dan bez! Vre bez!
Mari Beze!
Pissed off-
Where did you run to?
Answer the questions on the murdered Seychellois whose killers have never been brought to justice.
Is there something wrong with our judicial system, Pissed off?
Or is it political convenient to forget the murdered and the butchered?
We will not forget, nor should you or any other Seychellois.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Mo Ibrahim says hello to James Michel and his band of communists.
See OUR COUNTRY is too small for CALAMITY.GOD mighty be showing us how weak and very,very weak we are.We cannot handle a single heavy rain for even 3hour,a single strong wind for 15minutes,tsaunami,somalie pirate etc..We should from now on start preparing ourself for the WORST that no one can tell and to be very wise.
The wind is still blowing and the rainny season is about to reach it's peak,let's wait and see the outcome.
GOD IS ALWAYS THERE BUT WHO CARE.We should SEEK GOD AND LOVE HIM on a daily bases not only when we are in trouble and not to forget to OBEY HIS WORD.Unfortunately many beleive differently or did not even beleive in GOD,THAT'S THE SADDEST PART.
Gill between you and me I think that you the sorry excuse of a human being. It is my prerogative to pose the question since you publicly brought up the accusing question about your father’s death on a public forum!
I don’t see why you must pose this question because I am sure your uncle together with Mickey’s WIFE would have done everything in their power to solve his death if it was a suspected murder – James was Chief Minister then, the most powerful Politian on the island at that time!
Furthermore you have no right to delve into that since you were just a product of a cheap fling let his legitimate son and daughter pose this question so stop trying to use Mickey Mancham for political expediency you chicken shit!
Rene and Michel kill Francis Rachel,yes they kill him also.why because when Rene,Michel and their gang make the coup d'etat 1977 there was no enemy fighting against them and they pick up all the guns.How can you say Francis Rachel was kill by gun shot who shot him Michel?YOU or René
They kill their own friend because he did not want to take part in their coup.
MUDERS MUST FACE JUSTICE.A thieve and killers get prison,but communist murder ha still walk free.
St Ange is becoming also a ARABS ass licker.St Ange bent down with arabs zot ha tir ou lannis.
The budget for 2012 is only 3.5 million rupees.Our country has realy fuck up with this communist sytem.I was expecting health department to get around 1 million rupees for next year but they get only 423.000 rupees peanuts them communist can go for free to khalifa for free treatment shame on communist they have bankrupt our country and still all seselwa money now they are licking the ass of arabs for money,european dont want to see them any more,they have chosen another camp for begging arabs with european country they have to much debts.
Just pay debts communist and continue sell us and our land with Arabs.
With ref to Johnny
November 28, 2011 7:57 PM
EoulaJohnny bous ou boyo las kouyon. We are talking about Mickey Mancham so let Gill answer! You are just his cock sucking bitch so shut up and get busy on him nincompoop!
Pissdog i dont care if you speaking about on MIckey mouse or Donald duck you wicsher du kannst mir ein blaser.Every time i have some think to say i will say come and stop me if you can i told you i'am not jp for you to know me you have to cross sahara.
what i write i fer fer mal ou kabo you egg sucker.
Kenya have issue a arrest warant for President of Sudan.why they not issue one also for Michel.
Johnny a.k.a. ti Popol Isaac; everytime you have something to say...don't write it boy you can't bloody write!
By the way at least you got something right...your lord and master is indeed the son of Mickey Mouse...he is known as the biggest joke this side of Mahe and you his foot stool!
Ti France inn seye delir zot me malerezman i ankor annan ti nwar parey ou kinn pri dan kolinn fes rouzon parey Gill!
Pissed you pathetic piece of humanity.
There is no Statute of Limitations on Murder.
If James Mancham chose to remain silent on the circumstances surrounding the death of his younger brother, out of political expediency,it is his choice.
I have chosen to raise the question, because I am not satisfied with the silence surrounding the issue.
Now, I ask the question, "WHO KILLED MICKEY MANCHAM"?
Who killed all the other people on the list.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Pissed off you pathetic piece of humanity and a sad excuse for a Seychellois-
Your vile comments continue to disgrace our lovely country and good natured people.
Refrain from your vile and gross comments.
Contain your self.
You are a complete embarrassment to us.
Answer the question!
Who killed all these people?
We are compiling a list of another Ten Seychellois murdered.
Say "Sesel Pou Seselwa" Pissed off! Say it! Repeat it Ten time, you pathetic piece of humanity and national disgrace.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Repeat 20 times: Bon dye sov nou pei. James Michel inn met nou dan bez. Mari bez.
James Michel inn met nou dan en mari bez.
James Michel inn met nou dan en mari bez.
James Michel inn met nou dan en mari bez.
James Michel inn met nou dan en mari bez.
@ pissed off...
pissoff ou sorti dan troufes zako ou!!!Sesel pe pran fond , ou ou ankor pe apandan avek sak dizef PP... ou deplorable, ou mal propre.. fair la priyer wa sov ou vye fes!
You want to open the investigation on Mickey Mancham’s death? Hire a lawyer and get him to obtain a copy of Mickey’s file and re-open the investigation – that’s how these things are done!
But remember, you will need the permission of his next of kin since you don’t count as you were only a by-product of one of his many cheap flings (en passant as we called it in our time) that were common amongst young popular stars like him back then!
At the very least you get to use the name Mancham to open certain doors for you in Seychelles – it’s good to be connected even if the connection stems from lust and alchohol of irresponsible youth! Non?
P.S. Jean Paul Isaac a.k.a. ti Johnny; Rocket sey sorti enpe dan boyo Gill and get some fresh air bougla wa toufe dan kaka!
Reply to Pissed off you pathetic piece of human creation, that the Lord had no business in your conception and realization-,
I am not asking for the opening of the file on the death of Mickey Mancham you pathetic paper pusher.
I am asking you to tell me who killed Mickey Mancham and the rest of the good Seychellois men and women on the list I presented to you, who knows everything dans leo.
Speak up you sick human.
Say the phrase like I told you to: "Sesel Pou Seselwa!"
Say it!Write it down and honour it.....before you catch your last flu!
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Try asking Peter Gill who killed Mickey, I'm sure he would know better than me!
Happy now?
Seven die in three tragic fire incidents.Oh help my peoples from this madcow Michel who have no time for Seselwa kick his ass out of state house seselwa.
Any way if all seven of them are PP suporter i dont give a fuck if they dead now their family can bring their problems state house to Michel.
@ p,,,off.. the pot calling black?/.Cheap flings???How many of those has FAR h FAR had?,he bled our country and financially provided for his 'flings" very expensive flings for the Seychellois people indeed!
He had houses built for a few of them out of the country's funds, Sarah Rene(then Zaqarni)... now rental property.. Aviva pool next to his current abode, Miggy Hermitte, in Australia all provided for and kept by him still, he slept with his own step daughter,talk about decadence morale..Danielle Bastienne, house now "sold" to a relative enjoying the good life ,few facts to ponder on..
p..of how many NYS girls were raped under your watch??? Far's own daughter was sadly raped too there.. out of revenge .. did he even care??.
While you are lingering to die and contemplating the hell that awaits you for making our lives hell on earth.. think about it!
Pissdog i told you,mir kannst du mir ein blaser wichser.Verpisst dich du zougola.
Johnny will not stop coming on this blog until we seselwa see freedom,justice and Democracy in Seychelles Pissdog tell Michel to come and kill me like they kill my brother.i have a present waiting to give to them and their family.
Ti Johnny pa trakase when President Totof and his vice President ZanpolIsak a.k.a. you come in office zot a bour kantite ki zot le, mais por les moment vous etres tro moche pou zot gagne okenn femme!
No fling for you except that half Filipina fabrike that gave you a white baby...she will love you looooooooooooooooooonnnnnggggg time for dile nido....
Ti Johnny say it in English couyon...however bad you are insulting me has no effect on me because I don't understand it!
Ou vreman bez kouyon with your kitchen German ki ou ti aprenn kler ou ti travaille comman domestic Germany!
Don't change the subject!
Pissdog because you dont know German couyon that why i write in german,couyon like you dont want to learn,that why you see Seychelles is fuck up to much dick head like and to much sucker like you on the island that are suking arabs balls,arabs pe vin tir ou lanis you old bag.
The list includes Lina Bonnelame, Claudia Chetty, Simone Testa pissedoff. Do you want me to name the rest. Sarah was a good friend of Lina you had her at the same time as Lina. What a scum bag you are.
Guys, do we need to stoop that low?
What has Simone, Lina and others got to do with all this?
So our soon to be President is trying his best to sweeten the bitter pill by announcing payment of "gratuity" "compensation" and whatever other sweetners.
All this to try and get us to forget HOW we got here in the first place and WHO is responsible.
As usual, many of us will allow ourselves to be impressed with this and sing alleluia.
As usual some of us will be singing the praises of our bright and generous president.
I made the mistake of voting for this wanker last May because I was told that I should give him the benefit of the doubt and that he meant well.
I have been justly rewarded for my folly.
NEVER AGAIN - with or without bonus or compensation.
Eoula Johnny a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac gran illetre why would I need to know German you idiot? I know English French and Creole three languages most important to me, two of which you are not familiar with! You only write in broken German to try and impress all on here like when you declared that you are a Jet fighter pilot and a flight instructor and your stint at "colledge and univercity" you great pretender...I'm still laughing my head off!
By the way, what version of Microsoft Flight Simulator are you using?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
James Michel, Danny Faure and the other morons in parti lepep really take us for monkeys.
"Throw the promise of bonus and compensation at them and we're good".
Ankor en viktwar pour sesel!
To anonymous who said:
"Guys, do we need to stoop that low?
What has Simone, Lina and others got to do with all this?"
November 29, 2011 10:41 PM
Don't seem surprised, when beaten these three morons; Zandark, Gill and ti Johnny a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac always retorts to that level. That's the level they're most comfortable at!
Very soon Gill & Co will have to empty their purse to pay compansation to the people who's reputations they are sullying - Gill's millions will not be enough!
Banla pe les zot gra parey konson saddleback....
Pissed off-
You pathetic piece of humanity,
Peter Gill had nothing to do with the murder of Mickey Mancham or the rest of the Seychellois mentioned.
So I put the question to you:
Who Killed my Father Mickey Mancham?
Who killed the other Seychellois on the list posted?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
To Pissedoff, Clone of Rene the Butcher:
I have an even better person to ask "who killed Mickey Mancham?" than my late father Peter Gill. How about your clone, Rene the Butcher?
Peter Gill never used murder and torture of his own people, the Seselwa Rasin people, to settle his personal scores or to create a dictatorship so he could fill his own pockets by selling our patrimony to Fabrike and foreigners. Your clone, Rene the Butcher, has done both. His understudy, Michel the Collaborator has done both.
Your clone Rene the Butcher brought state terrorism to our peacefull homeland and murdered with impunity to instill terror in his own people to advance his personal ambitions. All us Rasin know this. No amount of double talk will change what we know.
We also all know that your clone, Rene the Butcher, is a master at shifting blame to this or that person for his murderous crimes. But your clone the Butcher is guilty, and we all know it. No amount of blame shifting will allow your clone, Rene the Butcher, to escape this verdict - guilty.
No amount of blame shifting will clean the blood-stained hands of your clone, Rene the Butcher. Seselwa blood will continue to stain those scraggly old hands which did such evil work, well after they have rotted into dirt.
So let my late father rest in peace. He refused to follow your clone Rene the Butcher's murderous ways when he walked the earth and paid dearly for that refusal. So do not involve him in them now that only his spirit lives with us.
Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin In 1964, Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin Now and Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin Forever.
All this is very uplifting.
"Pissed off-
Who Killed my Father Mickey Mancham?"
Gill if you cannot ask Peter then perhaps you should ask mummy!
Rene is not a murderer and Rene had no reason to have a grudge with Mickey!
How pathetic that you and now you also drag your even more sad and pathetic brother in this! You are desperately trying to gain some sympathetic support for your drowning party by insinuating that Mickey Mancham was not only murdered but by Rene at that - have you consulted Mickey Mancham's legitimate children about this? Have they given you their consent to pursue this matter? Like I reminded you previously you are the by-product of an adulteress quick shag dans vouloutye by two cheating adults and by no means have any right to either the name MANCHAM or GILL. Peter was a kind hearted and loving man that’s why he accepted you as his own despite the odds and now you are disrespecting and tarnishing his good name and memory by the Mickey Mancham murder insinuation which is a blatant rejection and slap in the face of the fatherly figure that was accorded you by Peter. Another child in similar situation, out of respect of his adopted father would not give a toss about that biological father who never even acknowledged him but of course you being the product of two treacherous bloods will of course sooner or later succumb to treachery like now!
Look at your relationship with James. He took you on board out of pity and you being the viper that you are turned against him and is now accusing him on this very public forum of trying to murder you! You seem to have this morbid fascination about murder at the same time hiding behind a bible which makes one wonder…?
You should not be above suspicion and should be investigated about certain going on here….the fires etc…
How innocent are you Christopher Gill and your little toto Jean Paul Isaac a.k.a. ti Ti Johnny?
As for you Leonard Francis Gill whose writing is uncannily identical to your half brother Christopher; I will not even bother replying to you! One reply to one loser is quite enough for the day!
As I said earlier, all this is very uplifting.
Why & how Mickey Mancham's death is being brought up, over 40 years after his death, beats me.
If anyone has any concrete information that he was murdered as some seem to now insinuate, come out and say it.
But I see justification to bring up the names of Alton ah-Time, Denousse, Hassanali and others who were murdered by the authorities after the copu in 1977.
These innocent people deserve our respect. We should never forget them and their loved ones who are still suffering to this day.
As the subject is on murders, Francis Savy and James Michel as Minister of Tourism should be held responsible for the 2 drownings at Beau Vallon this weekend. It is public knowledge that Savy received millions every year to run a life-guard operation at Beau Vallon. His own worker admitted that they did not have the equipment to do the job and that they did not have any dinghy nor jet ski to pick up drowning victims. How sad is this?
Indirectly, Savy and Michel are murderers having taken the money from the state and not using it for the purpose it was intented. Lives are lost every day because of the incompetency of this Government.
And what about Gerard Hoarau's murder in Uk whose anniversary was yesterday? I hope Albert Rene gets his day in hell soon as he is fully responsible for organising the murder of Gerard. Maybe the evils of life is catching up with Rene as one of his old henchmen Charlette got a taste of his own medicine this weekend. Do unto others.... Now who's next?
Well Christopher Gill rumour had it at that time that Mickey was sacrifice so that James R. Mancham will win the upcoming election. That was a deal he cut with a certain bonhomme du bois if you beleive in such folly.
simone testa or simone de commarmond name was mention on this blogg.can anyone highlight what is the status of once la grand dame des seychelles? inn victimise un ta gene seselwa ler e ti annan pouvoir.oli son mari akose un ler bougla ti pe fou akose e ti pe gayne talonen.simone vinn lo blogg e defand ou lecore, pas kasiyet.ou connen ki mon . ouli ou pouvoir ausordi.ou besoin march en tayan dan lavile.kaka.
simone e contant ARABS. e vive un peacefull live very fullfilling.mon tande ki e contant dolor avec big willy. e ador sa de personalite intensively.
Eoula ti Johnny a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac don't you have anything better to write than this crap?
What's wrong you are trying to change the subject akoz Christopher Gill inn bez kanmi?
If he want to know anything else about Mickey Mancham tell him to buy a record...or a cd!
I still don't understand why Simone de Commarmond's name should be brought up in any of these discussions.
The woman may not have been a saint but is she really an issue today?
Who she decides to sleep with is her business.
Let's keep our fight where it should be: against those who have murdered our people and have misled us to win elections.
Nobody has commented on Danny Faure's budget yesterday. Has anybody noticed that he's promising sweeteners to discourage anyone from taking to the streets?
And what about the so-called salary increase that is not an increase at all?
These are the issues we should be focusing on instead of trading insults on petty issues.
The budget ..yes..been reading it as well .. of course there will be sweetners to camouflage all that is wrong .. will be interesting to see "THE STOCK EXCHANGE"" take off"" another venue for corruption and insider trading, more foreigners being employed etc..
The personal insults are plenty and maybe detracts from serious matters..however I do understand the deep anger of people who have been victimised by those being named on this blog.. it is human nature .. to see so much arrogance and injustice being allowed to go on like this with total disregard for the seychellois people's suffering .I certainly understand the tongue lashing and no one can tell anyone what to say or not say..that is what this dictatorial regime has done and it needs to be acknowledged..not hidden away pretending it did not happen..
Interesting to note that when an SPPF?PL type attacks violently and crudely with vulgarity.. anyone who is making a point cleanly and with perspective .. they are not subjected to the same treatment ..but allowed to do about double standard!
Pissdog no one will pay million and no one will disappear or be kill by communist or face justice for speaking out and telling the true.Those days you are thinking about to do same things like in the past is gone and it will not be repeated by you or any one and no one will be intimidate by you and communist,you sucker of Arabs balls.
Jeanne D'acr has already sent a warning!
Pissdog verpissen.
Murders, torture, throwing innocent people in jail because of criticising of this and FAR regime sof violence.. victimisation. and rampant corruption.embezzlemnt. threatening of innocent citizens. spying on people.. rape of young girls at NYS.... abuse of power . supporting drug lords and prostitution ,crimes against humanity ARE NOT PETTY ISSUES!except for th e perpetrators of those crimes and their beneficiaries.. which include those names listed!!!
I share the frustration and anger that everyone feels but beyond this it's the general feeling of helplessness that pisses me off.
It pisses me off that some people can murder,victimise, steal at leasure and get away with it.
All this because we've ended up being a nation of moaners and complainers but we are scared to to stand up and be counted.
Sad. Very sad that we've been reduced to this.
Ti Johnny a.k.a. Zanpol you and Gill are the only ones on here that talks about dissapearance and murder. Millions YOU will pay in damages to people you are's just a matter of time avan ou lapo lagel i ganny drese!
Is there anything else Gill would like to know about his father?
I am as usual, at your service!
Now run along like a good and loyal little toto and remind your boss that one should never throw stones when one lives in a glass house...
...oh! and ti Johnny a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac from La Louise obor simityer, that advice applies to you as are the main one that comes on here and smears other people with total disregard to their feelings and that of their family...
...yet one can write a whole volume about the Isaac wouldn't want that spread on "La Verite" would you?
Actually why bother? You are nothing!
Pissedoff ("PO") Clone of Rene the Butcher:
You are right PO, clone of Rene the Butcher. My late father Peter Gill was a "kind hearted and loving man." This is all the more reason we do not need the likes of you to defend his memory and his honor. I, and other decent people who knew my father well, can do that well enough thank you.
But what you said in defense of my Dad's honor is more instructive of your and your clone Rene the Butcher's true character than your pseudo defense. You think that hiding, lying, pretending and shifting blame is the road to honor and dignity. This is exactly how your clone the Butcher and his Pp Collaborator students have misruled and continue to misrule our motherland. They hide they lie, they cheat, they murder and then they shift blame.
You Pp Collaborators think that the more dishonest you are the more successful you are. But you are not fooling anyone- not even your own supports.
We Gills find no honor in deceit. If there is something to be said we say it. If there is an ugly truth out there we lay out in the open and deal with it in the open. This includes recognition of who Chris's natural father was. This is what Peter Gill taught us. This is what your clone the Butcher should have lived by and taught his understudies like Michel the Collaborator - that only truth can bring genuine honor.
Finally, you do not directly respond to me for only one reason. You are afraid of me. So like a true coward you avoid me. But I expected no less from you. But just this once, I would have welcomed being proved wrong by you showing me and others that you, and your clone Rene the Butcher, are not the same kind of coward as other dictators of late like your "dear brother" Gaddafi.
Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin in 1964, Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin Now and Sesel Pou Seselwa Forever.
Pissed off-
Since you know so much, but divulge so little, I call on the SPPF-PL
government to open all cases of unsolved MURDERS in Seychelles.
Create a single office with prosecutor and investigator, and re open each file of missing person and swiftly move to investigate and charge the culprits for murder.
We cannot allow our murdered and butchered fellow Seychellois to be left to the road side to preserve the legacy of evil in tact.
Truth must prevail, for Seychelles to move forward.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Gbagbo has been brought before the International court of Justice.
We hope to see Bashir of Sudan and Assad of Syria there soon.
This is a clear warning to butchers and dictators AND LITTLE EMIRS all over the world.
"Gouverner c'est prevoir" - translated in English "To govern is to anticipate".
In a word it means that people cannot then come and tell us that they did not know, they did not see it coming.
I will tell you once and for all mr pissed off i am not johnny or whatever. When i write, i use my email to sign in so my name is addressed to my messages.
star only gets my attention when i am not too busy doing my work for demcracy freedom and regime change which does not require just a PC to do. I am glad that at my age 28 i am getting people pissed off so much that they are calling me pti johnny, two birds with one stone job for me.....
Seychelles Freedom Party has received a letter from Mo Ibrahim Foundation in reply to the letter from Party Leader Christopher Gill.
The news is not good.
David savy speaks out about air seychelles and james michel gets the finger read all about a message intercepted from savy to a friend in relation to air seychelles demise.
See link:
Government of Seychelles is blocking views on starseychelles blog and seychelles reality blog today.
Try again later tonight or tomorrow.
Leonard Francis Gill:
First; when you talk to me do so directly. Stop with all this shit about clones and butcher and collaborators and all those infantile nonsense! If you want to insult me by all means be straight to the point just like when I insult your fat fashion murderer of a lying brother!
And don’t let the compliment to your father go to your head – even a good apple tree will on occasion bear bad and sour apples…if you know what I mean…
Anyhow the compliment was in effect in reference to his most charitable act toward the fat bastard that he adopted and nothing more. How he lived his life outside of this is not the subject of discussion here!
I hope when you said; “We Gills find no honour in deceit” you were not referring to Christopher because he is neither a Gill nor honourable! And how about you? How clean are you? Everyone has a dark side Lenny boy!
Finally, please don’t flatter yourself to think that one is afraid of you, I’m pissing myself laughing!
Don’t be a joke like your brother!
Communist are a shame to see the true story,that's why they are blogging star blog and they dont want Seselwa to know the true otherwise communist will fall.
Pissoff if you dont no german learn it,because most our tourists come from germany,italy,france and i'am a guy who work with Tourist and i dont want to learn ARABIC and read koran every day.
Johnny a.k.a. Zanpol Izak; let's make a deal, I'll learn German if you'll learn English! Eh? Vat do you think?
David Savy's comments on the situation of Air Seychelles makes interesting reading.
The bottom line is that government failed to set parameters to protect Air seychelles from the competition brought about by the middle eastern airlines.
Gouverner c'est prevoir!!!!!
PISSED OFF.... its obvious you belong to the PP camp... so why the pseudonym???? even with all the guns and bombs in your arsenal, you 're still afraid of us? Old habits die hard enh? lol
Pissedoff ("PO") Clone of Rene the Butcher:
You, nor your clone Rene the Butcher will censor me.I'll say whatever I please to you, however I please to say it and whenever I please to say it.
So stop whining about my calling your clone a Butcher and his understudy Michel a Collaborator for selling out his own people.If you think my descriptions are unfair, present your view point openly for all to see. Stop crying about it.
Yes I did and do mean that Christopher is a Gill through and through. And if I say so who are you to take issue? Are you a Gill? So stop your silliness on this issue. It is not worthy of inclusion in discussions about significant issues of national importance.
And yes Clone, you are right. I am not a saint. I admit it. I have many faults and am probably unworthy to comment here. But at least I do not hold myself out as Moses to the Seselwa Rasin people even as my hands drip from the blood of Seselwa victims as your clone the Butcher has done.
While I do not advocate engaging in exchanging gratuitous insults for any reason, indulge me here Clone for just a moment. I will be brief.
You are fond of referring to my younger brother Christopher as "fat." Have you not noticed your clone the Butcher's significant girth? Last I saw the Butcher he was downright obese. But I know, I know, in the Pp the Butcher is the picture of physical perfection and his extraordinary corpulence is a mere figment of my imagination. But really clone, we, not in the Pp of course, all know the Butcher, your clone, is fat.
Oh. One more thing Clone. Indulge me a little more, if you will. You are fond of pointing out that Chris is a bastard as you describe it. But, then, I remember hearing that the Butcher's mother made a visit to the vulutye you like so much with a Mr.Lanier, resulting in the Butcher's "bastard" birth - to be later incarnated as a Rene no less.
So PO, given the above, does that make your clone Rene the Butcher a "fat Bastard" too?
But then again, the Butcher is too embarrassed about the circumstances of his birth to admit them. As usual, he has spent his whole life hiding his awful truths instead of dealing with them honestly and openly.
However, all these personal matters are just irrelevant to the important issues of the day. So please clone, let's just stick to the Pp Collaborator sham government misruling our motherland and selling us out to Fabrike and foreigners. Can we agree on just that?
Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin in 1964, Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin Now and Sesel Pou Seselwa Rasin Forever
J.P don't lose your time with this arabs balls sucker,he just want to know who i am and he just want to provocate you this pissdog is just a provocation guy,son gren i grate.JP just continue exposé those mafia and may be one day we can see justice and freedom.
Pissoff and co have nothing to offer Seselwa seen the past 35 years just lies.They are just a group of bandits stilling their peoples money and continuing selling us and our land with those aliens,all over the world communist are bags of loser just look at North Korea their peoples are starving.
have you seen the banned nandos advert for nandos ? its hillarous..check it out on youtube!!!
they should make one for JAM and FAR!!!
Ok pissdog!i learn english and you learn german,is that a deal?
You will not learn because peoples like you and Michel can not learn from your own mistake and dont know what is wrong and what is right how can you learn german.
Hey gringo Lenny boy! You seem to conveniently forget what actually brought all this on! Anyway your fat… eerrr…sorry…obese brother is either a Gill or a Mancham he cannot be both! One man cannot come out of two latet pips!
The issue that brought this on was the insinuation that HIS father Mickey Mancham was murdered and I stepped in and asked him how and by whom?
Your brother is the self proclaimed main opposition therefore this is his chance to shine amongst his peers by simply getting together a legal team and petitioning the president or chief justice to re-open the investigation into his father’s alleged murder and of those others he thinks were murdered, simple! There is no point in him insisting that I or anyone else admit to these allege crimes; come on, even if I knew anything do you thing that I would talk? This is where he comes in. He is the accuser so he should do the groundwork. Fact is he is just an empty barrel making unnecessary noises to be seen by all his readers that he is on top of it all otherwise as “the main opposition” with those thousands of supporters he claims to have he would have outshone himself and everyone else by following these steps that I’ve mentioned!
Face it rocket, ou frère i en farce and you are also beginning to be one so if I were you I would discretely fade in the background and save yourself and your family any further humiliation being brought on by your kid brother!
By the way; I beg to differ that FAR is not fat he is matured with age. If you want to call that fat then I suppose that at 76 years old he has earned that right but Totof on the other hand is still in his prime and only in his early 40s and should be fit not obese!
when FAR was that age he had a slim and healthy physic not huffing and puffing with every step he takes….and FAR never went around with a termous and a bunbag!
Ase fer zot lakarlen don ban saperlipopette!
Michel wants at all cost to instal these mammuth pillars of over 150 meter high and porpellers ofover 70 meters in diameters in a country where we have wind three months annually.Noting also that wind turbines operates under strict wind conditions meaning at a certain among of wind force you will have to stop the opreation to avoid break down of the turbines.
It is also noisy,ungly and not suitable for our country as a toursit destination.On the other hand we hand sun light 265 days per years which should be where governemnt be investing.but no Khalifa wants his tuerbines then Michel must fullfil Khalifa's dreams.
It must be noted though.Michel and Khalifa must not think or dream that their follies are legal .all have benn made and is being made illegally .thus once regine change hppeb Khalifa will have to give back what are ours .
Time to stop Michel.Time for regime change.
Jeanne DÂrc
Ti Johnny; are you saying that JP is writing on behalf of Lenny Gill?
So this means that you are writing for Lenny bez ou manman!
Now you are Zanpol Izak a.k.a. ti Johnny a.k.a. Lenny Gill...
Baiy de wey; do you know what ti Johnny stands for?...Well that's why you are suited with your half "Pilipina" because oriental men has ti Johnny so their women are used to ti Johnnies! That's why they love you loooooooonnnnng time because Johnny is sooooo small that it takes you looooooonnnng time to find their G-spot!
Pissoff pe piss in his pants,this pissoff has also commit crimes togethere with FAR,He is shouting out on this blog loud like he is a guilty man.Because he is afraid that he will also face justice one day and he will not get any more bottels of jack that Michel bring for him for free from Dubai duty free,if this regime tumbled down by loving Seselwa,who want to see freedom.
Ti Johnny a.k.a. Jean Paul Isaac; you are truly a moron if you read my post as that of someone scared!
You are a waste of time mon zen vyeyard!
Gill must have been really desperate for companionship to be hanging around with you!
Anonymous said...
December 2, 2011 8:43 PM
Sorry for your loss..
The list is long.. Albert Rene will go to his grave without answering for his crimes,, Ogilvie Berlouis should know that ,James Michel , Leopold Payet too..should know the answer too .You better start asking them before they go to their graves..
When will th e seychellois peopl e get an apology when? ALL I see is the perpetrators of those crimes living the good life.. They do not give a hoot about those who are suffering everyday . Time to let the world know and to REACT..not just talk and write on this blog but really react! these crimes have no expiration date.. It is
not too late to bring them in front of the International court.. and have warrants put out for their arrests!
MR. are a well educated highly principled lawyer.why don't you take the noble and right step. In fact why not all the lawyers with a conscience get together and work on it?
That would certainly be a big step towards reconciliation and change.
Reconciliation would be needed,but one must not have the illusion that those criminals like Michel and PP emmebers would get away with their crimes especially when the knew for decades that what they were doing was wrong and never ever act against those illegality being praticed by Michel.This Knowlegde and participation will make them as responsible as the butcher himself.
Time for regime chang`!
Jeanne D'Arc
I donot thing he took any money in the coffer this time for he and cronies have already stolen 2,5 billions and banked them in Swiss Bank after Khalifa asked Michel to do so in order to amke Seychellois poor thus becomedependent on Arabs which was a strategy to give Khalfia more influence on us and inventually take control of our land for we will be poor according to Michel Nad khalifa thus dependent on Arabs which as result will on one side keep Pp forwever to opwer and on the other since Pp can stay on power forever it then would allow Khalifa to do whatever he wants in our chirstian land as if he is our King.
And you can already see Khaklifa's influence done to Michel,the latter think he can do like Khalifa namely dictator and do whatever he wants, as if we are in an Arab monarchy in which the king has total supremecy and live above its own country's laws ,do as he like when he like without anyone conplaining.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
'PISSED OFF.... its obvious you belong to the PP camp... so why the pseudonym????.... '' Can someone tell us who Pissed Off is ??? he sounds a lot like FAR... are we by any chance entertaining Lucifer himself without knowing??? I get an eerie feeling & I sometimes smell sulphur too on this blogg...
Pissdoff Clone of Rene the Butcher:
I nor anyone else in the Gill family are embarrassed ny Chris's efforts to expose the Pp Collaborator government's true colors. In fact we are proud of his efforts and we fully spporr him.
Insofar as fading away, I will do that in my own sweet time in my own way when I please.
Ad usual clone you've missed the point of Christopher's inquiry into his natural father's death. The inquiry was in the first instance a rhetorical question. One we Seselwa Rasin all know the answer to.
For instance we all know your clone Rene the Butcher knows where Mr. Poponeau's brother's body was disposed during the 1983 rebellion. We also all know that your clone knows where the other 60 odd Seselwa were dumped after they had been butchered by your clone's foreign troops he brought to our sacred soil.
We ask these questions to remember our dead and to remind your clone Rene the Butcher that he and his associates will not get away with their crimes no matter his long it takes.
We Seselwa are not sheep or cattle to be butchered with impunity. These crimes by the clone and each murdered Seselwa must be accounted for. Their souls demand it. Their suffering families demand it. We cannot proceed with national development as if they did not happen. There must be justice for the victims and their families and for our nation as a whole.
So no amount of name calling will deter us from removing the Pp Collaborators from power and bringing them to justice for the crimes they have committed against their own people - the Seselwa Rasin.
Sesel Lou Seselwa Rasin in 1964, Sesel Lou Seselwa Rasin Now and Sesel Lou Seselwa Rasin Forever
LE O RENAR can you name half of the 60? No, make it 20. PLEASE!!!
I never knew that much.
Jeanne D'arc
People want to know who killed their family members.
Answer the question pissed off.
Me too... who killed Gilbert Morgan? who Killed Simon Desnousse, Who kill Hasaan Ali, Who Killed Hoffman, Who killed Elizabeth, Who Killed Alton Ah-Time, Who Killed Gerard Hoareau, Who killed Mike Asher, Who Killed Son Ah-time the list goes on... These deaths are real their families are real....where are those responsible...let us know them, let us the family decide if those responsible should be forgiven or not..we want to know... let us know the truth there can not be reconciliation based on lies and deception.. I am not asking for the same fate for the perpetrators but atleast give us closure please.....A victim.
Pissed Off (Pipi) Dimoun i le knonnen, be ki deal?
LE O RENAR. a.k.a Pipi.
Don't fake by using my pseudonym,even my name you want to rod me from .Who butchered all those innocence Seychelloi?Nobody else than the butcher himself.
Jeanne D'Arc
If you are in search for a new pseudonym ,i have list for you-Barabas,Soungoula,,Lewa Martin,Bambouzou,Pti kouyon,ptiplot,delokaka .You need some more?
Jeanne D'Arc
Piss Off (Pipi) oli ou mon nwar..ou fess in bouse? repon nou kestyon. Dimoun pe rod lerepons sa ban krim... repon la ou sans.
Pissoff answer!who kill my Brother?
Pissoff if you not scared give your real name then i give you mind.
Pissed off hurt his leg last week.
The pain made him run to the doctor.He needs people to carry him out of his jeep, paid for by the people with our money.
He uses a pace maker to keep his evil heart that lives off the blood of our people running.
So he takes pain killers regularly so he does not feel the pain in the joints.
Now Pissed off, you pathetic piece of humanity, who has brought SHAME of the first degree to Seychelles and her people for 40 years, who killed all these Seychellois?
Where is the killer?
Why has he not been put on trial?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Chris - I'm surprised that you're stooping this low and joining those already in the gutter.
You're better than this. Much better.
Mickey died years ago.Nobody has raised any question about the circumstances of his death.
Why mix this up with those that were actually killed or kidnapped by Rene and Michel?
Crying foul on this blog, however how many times, won't change a thing.Michel does not take his inspiration and much less instructions from what he reads on this blog.If people want to influence change, they need to get away from their computer or laptop and ACT. Otherwise you guys will continue to indulge in trading insults.
This is seriously becoming pathetic.
Don't you realise that this IS really the kind of language that Christopher enjoys! Once in a while he tries to pretend that he is an emerging politician, but he is not. To credit him otherwise is to condemn oneself to supporting a lost cause. But then some people are prone that!
Back to some important issues:
The year is almost over and in a few days' time James Michel will be on SBC tv to read out his New Year message off his teleprompter. He will be giving himself several pats on the back, about how much he's managed to do great things for us and will be announcing the new national theme -another one -for 2012.
We won't count on him to take stock of his theme and tell us what progress if any we have achieved on the Renesans sosyal front.It'll be like with other national themes before: nou konstitisyon, Sharing & caring, Selebre Sesel, etc.
The sad fact today is that with several committees and working groups, the state of our morality has never been at its lowest.
This is proof that working groups, committees, speeches,etc are not enough to turn things around.Much much more is needed, and not least for our leaders to set the example.
It's not encouraging to hear stories of our leaders, political and academics sleeping around. they are making beautiful speeches exhorting everyone to mend their ways whilst they are carrying on as they've always done before: sleep with as many women, and men as they can.
For as long as we have this level of hypocricy we're doomed and James michel and others would do us a great service by talking about other things.
Nothing will change until you remove this government, and you are almost there, keep piling on the pressure,keep exposing the corrupt, keep reminding them and us of their failures.
Can you imagine our beautiful Seychelles beaches scarce of our abundance of locals and tourists because of required head-to-toe swimsuits? Some may think Khalifa's rule over Sesel may be benefital but it would essentially kill the islands we know and love. Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Well ,all those speeches coming out from Michel mouth are speeches were have been heard since 1977 coup,the question is how long would Pp needs to get the right thing done namely by firstly abidibg with our constitution and rule of laws?The answer is it will takes PP as long as we let those criminal hold power by oppressing its eople ,thus the need to radicate this pest call Pp as fast as possible and that means we have now until 2016 to do either through election-the former will depend of how democratic the Elctoral reform will be that all opposition accept it as satisfactory or get Pp out by force-It is our country we cannot let a gang of criminal continue to oppress us.
Time from regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Reply to low stoop-
Mickey did die year ago. That does not make the circumstances of his death not relevant today.
There is information made available to me, that suggest, he was murdered .
The question to Pissed off- is who killed Mickey Mancham my Father?
The second question to Pissed off, is who killed the other persons named?
Do we stoop low when we ask who killed our brother, sister, Father, Mother?
Is this the type of society that we have become?
Now, Pissed off, answer the question.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Communists think if crimies were committed a decade ago or more ,so you automatically become innocent for your crimies.No PP,it tooks in many situations for instant for freedom loving people to get all Nazis criminals to justice,in some case even a lifetime but in the end those responsible for crimes against humanitywere brought and will be brought to justice alive or in there coffin.
Of course the culpits would like us to just forget about it in order that them can get away with it-this might be possible in an autocrate regime but not in a democracy.
Criminals must be punished for their crimes and the State as institution has a duty and responsibility to give justice to the victims.Noting also that a State as institution base on rule of laws not on emotion or else can only punish a criminal for his crimes or grant the culpit amnesty but however in any case justice must first prevail.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D'Arc
Jeanne D'arc-
Communists think they can get away with crimes of murder, dismemberment, torture, only if a sell out opposition on the payroll roll call lets them.
SNP has let them get away with it.
SFP will not.
Face up to your crimes communists.
Pissed off, where did you run to you pathetic excuse for humanity?
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
My impression is that we appear to be all over the place and not focused at all. This is the sort of situation that suits Michel and Lepep and thy thrive on it.
One minute we're harping on the situation at air Seychelles. A request for a public meeting is turned down and all we do is moan about how unfair the police commissioner is.
It's the same about everything else that has happened over the recent past - from sale of our passports to the partiality of our justice system. We moan, complain.
We have made a reputation for ourselves: Moaners.
James Michel knows this. He knows that we can complain about people who have been murdered,moan about victimisation, corruption BUT WE SHALL NEVER DO ANYTHING ELSE.
This is why he is still in power. This is why he will hand over the presidency to Danny Faure soon and everything will carry on as before.
Le Seychellois and Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly as well as this very blog have become the convenient means through which to vent our frustration, moan and complain.
If the opposition political leaders were meant to inspire, motivate, lead us, they have failed us. We will continue to HOPE that the current constitutional review goes far enough(only if James michel will allow it)to change the system.
For all that has happened in our little country,in any other country the people would have chased the government out of power. Not in this blessed land of ours.
Unique we indeed are...By millions of miles.
It is true that Seychellois used to complain more than acting but i think this new generation will act if guided by a politcal leader, a good example is the successful boycott.
Harping Pp on a daily basis is important for it is committing crimes on daily bases and exposing Pp on a daily bases works,and that can be tested by the fact that PP who in the past used to ignore what Opposition have to say becuase they were more a representation of themselves than the peoiple who voters for them .But as you should have recognized by now ,at least since recently with the present of SFP ,we heard PP and cronies speaking about the opposition ,attempting to defend critizism coming from Opposition side.This is not becuase Pp has become more open or responsible No,it is all becuase of pressure coming from Opposition especially from the leadeing party SFP.
I can understand your view , it one shares by many especially those born before 1976 ,Mand that explain as your well put it that Michel think the same too.
But the true is that this generation have a totally other way of seeing things-they more educated ,they donot need old frailed idiots to the likes of Michel to speak in their names,decide in their place or dictator to them what are good for them or what the must do.
I am convence as i was of the sucess of a Boycott,which you remeber all those old genration,be Michel,Rene,Pierre even RAM that a boycott will never succeed ,well you were all with the exception of SFP leadership who initiated the boycott,taken by surprise of the result.
So the idea that Seychellois only complain and do not act might have been true 40 years ago but surely not today.What it will takes to get them to act,protests etc is a leader that the can follow and a little dose of courage,the rest we can leave it to historains to comment on.
Jeanne D'Arc
SFP is exposing PL Communist.
PDM has been exposed as a PL sponge party.
SNP is exposed as a opposition party funded by PL Communist Government, and agents, even if they are not National Assembly.
SCAMS all scams.
DP, we need not make any comment.
The complaining across the board is an expression of sentiment not uncommon in countries that live with a Communist culture.This is not only in Seychelles.
What is done about by opposition is nothing. Today we know why. They have sold out.
Only SFP remains strong, and is doing something about it step by step. If you follow the steps, it will make sense to you. If you are new on the scene, you need to be briefed.
What was yesterday, may not be what is today.
Average age of SFP Executive Committee is 32 years old.
This is a new generation that will make it happen. So far these young Seychellois have done an excellent job while everyone else went to sleep or into conspiracy to scam reality.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party hit 46,000.
Check out the Mo Ibrahim letter, that exposes Michel Administration.
Check out David Savy Letter that exposes Michel Administration for failing Air Seychelles.
All we need is a letter from France Albert Rene to expose Michel for his failures .
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
I'm a tad above the 32 years "average" that is now referred to but I have yet to see any CONCRETE action from the "younger" generation or anuone for that matter.
I read and hear about a lot of complaints - from it being too hot to it being too rainy- but nothing else. At least nothing else that can be seen as an attempt to change anything.
The Chris' letter to the Mo Ibrahim Foundation was an excellent initiative.It stopped Michel's attempt to secure the award in its tracks. He must be fuming.
Similarly, the joint opposition call for a boycott of the last assembly elections.
HOWEVER, there are many other things which the Michel administration is getting on with, not in our best interest, but which we're not doing anything about.The lies about air Seychelles is only one of the many. the police commissioner, under orders from his masters, refused opposition application for a mearch and meeting in support of the air seychelles staff. First, the air seychelles employees themselves stayed VERY quiet. Somebody is trying to defend their interest but they stayed VERY VERY quiet. Probably made drunk by the "bonus" and "compensation" announced by Danny Faure our soon to be president.Second, I expected the opposition leaders to "lead" us into an open boycott of Quatre's decision by going ahead with the meeting anyway-even if we were only a handful of us.But what did we ALL do? Backed down, very quietly as the obedient and law-abiding citizens we want to be.
By next week, the appeals Court would have declared David Pierre elligible to havea seat in the national assembly. James michel, Potter and the other red morons would declare victory and we will AGAIN remain quiet.
Unique by a million miles. That's us.
I couldn't have said any better. You have nailed it my friend. until we actually get out of our comfort zone and take to the streets NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE in this country. We are nothing but a hopeless bunch of whiners ....including myself
Dont cloud the issue on the table.... Pissed Off the people demands an explanation on the disappearances of their close ones... OLI OU.. Kote oun al kasyet...ou besoin losizen???? vini na don ou ....L@**** OU M@*%$?**
"Our faith needs to be strongest"
This is the gem coming from James michel this week following the series of accidental deaths from drowning and fire.
What "faith" is the guy referring to?
Is it faith in him and his administration?
One decent thing he did this time is that SBC did not follow him around when he went to present his condolences to the agrieved families.
I understand that one family made it clear that they did not want television cameras in their face while they're grieving.
Watch La Verite number 4 and you will see who killed who.
That of islamic.It is believed that the butcher is no longer Atheist,Marxist,he has found his new religion namely Islam.And a proof of that is that it has been a while that we do not see Nathalie in public on the side of Mullah Michel,the reason is that a women should not be expose to men eyes,Mohammad forbid it.And since Nathalie refuses to wear Bukka in public,the butcher has put her under forced house arrest.
Time for regime change!
Jeanne D`Arc
Blogger above: Tres drole!!
It amazes me how the same guy who prevented NYS students from going to church and banned priests from the villages is tha same one today sitting in the first pew in church looking dignified.
It baffles me that the same man who cheated on his wife,took a new wife half is age, continues to sleep around,is breaking up people's marriage is the same one exhorting us to change our ways, to have better "valer moral".
And I can carry on.
It's all a joke isn't it?
Has anyone noticed how Alain St Ange these days is unable to make a speech or a declaration to the local media without referring to James Michel?
Did you hear him at the opening of the hotel on Cerf Island?
Both he and James Michel have suddenly woken up to the fact that Seychellois should "reclaim their tourism industry".
I'm looking forward to the day when I'll hear them call upon Seychellois to "RECLAIM THEIR COUNTRY".
Yes,Khalifa has also paid him not to say a word of the destruction of Airsey by Michel to favor of Arab companies.He might have also been offered a ministerial position in Fuare's next governemnt ,as you know Michel would probably leave office before the end of his term in order to hand it over to Faure,just as Rene did with Michel.It is the communist way of doing things.
They both said Seychelles should reclaim their country and i supposed the Butcher as President should be the first to start reclaiming all our patrimony he illegally gifted to Arabs and other foreigners.This starting with
la Misere,Barbaron,a.k.a Zil passion,Desroches,and so on.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc
Tres drole
Probably the devil in him is so active that he cannot longer control it,hence he hopes though he is an atheist or isalmist going into a christian church will help the divel to clam down.And since the chatholic church seems to be the only organization who can practice excorcism ,the Butcher hope this could help.But the thing is that it will double hard for an atheist to have his voice by the same GOD he donot beleive in.
Time for regime change.
Jeanne D'Arc.
So our very own Jean Paul Adam is trotting the Indian Ocean to get the malagasies to sort themselves out.
For a minute I thought that had misheard the SBC newsreader.
One would have thought that Jean Paul would have put all his energy behind sorting out the mess here in our country before trotting off to go and give lessons to others.
Did I hear him call for the sanctions against Madagscar to be lifted?
The reforms called for by the international community have barely been put in place why rush to lift the sanctions?
These power hungry politicians should be taught a lesson.No concessions until they've met all the conditions set by the international community.
I have had a glimpse of James Michel's New Year message which his speech writer is downing several whiskies to try and put together:
".....ser frer e ser seselwa.....lemonn pe pas dan bokou tirbilans me nou pe tenir for.Pli for ki bokou bann pei pli gran ki nou........
Nounn vann nou lendepandans, nou prensip, nou lafyerte koman en nasyon me dan sa monn ki nou pe viv ladan se sa ki pli gran prostitye ki sirviv........"
Hi Gill
Sorry I couldn’t participate this weekend I was away. Had me a hell of a good time searching my valer moral with two pretty ladies. Today I can say I am well and truly spent and still searching for my valer moral!
Tell me one thing Totof; When you kids were growing up were you taught “valer moral” at home – if the answer is yes, who taught you mummy or daddy or both?
The question also goes to your loser of a brother Lenny Francis Gill?
Please answer me then I will tell you about the killings! O.K. Totof?
Pissed off, you pathetic excuse for humanity, answer the question about who killed these decent Seychellois.
Your run about does not deter us.
It only shows how much of a disgrace you are to our people, our history, and the legacy of Rene your shadow clone.
Answer the question.
Thousands of Seychellois are waiting for your answer.
Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
Christopher Gill
Seychelles Freedom Party
Do I note your reluctance to answer my question about valer moral in your home? You saw where I was coming from non?
So I take it that you will stop lambasting our president about "his" valer moral eh? Lest it shows you to be a hypocrite n'est-ce pas?
OK we're back in the ditch.
By the way, just for the record,"our president" is being lambasted with his valer moral joke because he's the president and is supposed to be setting the example. If his private life is everything but moral, he should just keep quiet and let others carry the torch.
You see, albert Rene slept with everything in a skirt but he never tried to preach to us nor try to shove valer moral down our throats.There's an honest bastard.
ICC has issue a arrest warrant for Laurent Gbago,when they will issue a arrest warrant for James Michel?
Next will be Johnny.
La Sirenn.
la siren ... akoz ou pa bous ou taba.
Ou ler pe aprose... zot tou zot pou ganny zot beze . Pa ni pou tro tarde. Zot pou pey ser pou sa soufrans ki zot in fer sa pep....
Kok Lokal
LA SIRENN aka pissoff i'am waiting for your warrent!
You and your boss Michel should had been a long time be put behind bar for stealing what belong to Seselwa.
Hi all Seychelloise! Do you remember our legend confere Soungoula? Our famous Soungoula always pretended in our famous stories to be somebody who pretended to be what he was not.That is a great impostor. I am afraid today in Seychelles politic we have a lot of Soungoula. For example our great moralist who is constantly preaching to us valer moral and yet his closet is full of immorality. At times I have a feeling that for communist morality have a different meaning to what the bible preaches or morality really means in a true democratic countries. Just look what happened to Herman Caine where his immoral past behaviours came back to haunt him. I am afraid that in Seychelles lies have become the norm and it is being spewed everyday day on our so called independent SBC. I truly believed that a survey should be carried out in Seychelles amongst the public to rate our president on a scale 0 to 10 on the issue of morality so that he would know what the Seychelloise make of him on that issue. We are sick and tired with this hypocrisy on the part of this immoral leader who seems to be living in a fake world of his own.
Eoula Kokoriko lokal if taba could talk you'll be mute.
2012 is around the corner and you said OU LER PE APROSE.....
OU POU PEYE....are you not tired of writing the same BS?
I heard those crappy stuffs 25 years ago. By 2025 if you are still around you will be saying the same BS.
Les JAM ek LEPEP take Seychelles on the move.If you don't like it PREN EN LA KORD MET DEN OU LIKOU E AL SOT DEN DELO LASOSE.
ML AKA PISSSOFF ou parey e famme kankan.Akoz ou pa met e conson lilon famme en ba ou.That can hold your old balls better that are giving you pain between your legs.
Seen Gill has aks you the Ques...who kill those peoples 1977 and during rebellion you have change your user name on this blog as pissoff isn't it?you zougoula soon your tail will grow.
we're back in the gutter. In the very deep end. And it stinks.
Why can't we debate serious issues instead of stooping down that low?
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